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Things people write on Facebook

Guest Mirezzi

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Guest Abstract Daddy

I don't need to know what you're kid is doing wait a couple of years and see if they actually want to be on facebook.


I don't care that some celeb died and don't say you're crying about it, you never knew them.


I'm sorry you lost you're grandfather but I don't think he'd want you postings endless messages to strangers about how great he was.

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Guest kokeboka

Had to hide everything from a real friend who started taking her animal rights activism too far. Everyday I had a picture of a skinned dog, a maimed bull, or a random mutilated animal on facebook, naming everyone an accomplice if they don't like this or that page, or signed such and such online petition. I got really tired of that really quick.

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Someone just posted a link to some sort of Polish article about something, I don't know what, but it contained an explicit homoerotic bondage drawing of a nude nerdy guy tied to a bed, and looking scared to a huge cock pointing towards him. A pic which appeared in my feed of course.





http://www.przekroj....-konwencja.html click the picture to see it in full glory



Not sure what it is about, but google translate gave me this beautiful line:


Not only do we have to swallow your jokes with shit glued together with ejaculate, you can also say that we have you in the ass, you're the cunt and fuck out.



You can understand why this had to be shared with watmm.

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You guys are doing it all wrong. What you do is make everything stupid appear at the top of your page. Facebook is so much funnier that way. I like to like pages like this.


Also, impoverished foreigners from semi-English speaking countries are the worst. Their posts don't even make sense half the time.

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I've blocked instragram.



how does one do that?


When your hover above a post, you get this arrow on the top right, click and you can see Hide Story, Report Spam, (Un)Subscribe to Name, yadda yadda. But you can also get a Hide All From Instagram or Twitter option and the like.


neato thanks


Oh shit, why didn't I think of that... I block all the games and such, I didn't realize you could block Instagram just like any other app. I guess I did do that for the foursquare app and everyone "checking in" (are people still doing that? god that fad got annoying fast) Instagram's just as bad if not worse

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I'm not sure why stupidity on facebook is all that shocking? Everyone likes different things and most people just post stuff cause they are bored. Idk... I find cool stuff on facebook all the time and don't really pay much attention to things that don't interest me.

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Someone just posted a link to some sort of Polish article about something, I don't know what, but it contained an explicit homoerotic bondage drawing of a nude nerdy guy tied to a bed, and looking scared to a huge cock pointing towards him. A pic which appeared in my feed of course.





http://www.przekroj....-konwencja.html click the picture to see it in full glory



Not sure what it is about, but google translate gave me this beautiful line:


Not only do we have to swallow your jokes with shit glued together with ejaculate, you can also say that we have you in the ass, you're the cunt and fuck out.



You can understand why this had to be shared with watmm.


two radio hosts made racist/sexist jokes about ukrainian gals on air and everyone went rightfully berzerk over this, but this write up is so bad it hurts. they literally decided that outgrossing them would show them, but to me it's more helping them if anything. this is a discussion about boundaries of free speech reduced to throwing poop at eachother.. i'm embarassed.

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people posting pics of their kids on facebook is probably the most boring thing about it, but its also the best thing about it. I totally understand finding it annoying / uninteresting, but i recently became an uncle and it's so wonderful and i actually get excited to see pics of my little nephew cause i never get too see him in person. so im conflicted on this subject. right there with you on hating the pictures of other people's kids, though

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Guest uptown devil

all from the same dude over the past few weeks:

"275 raw on bench today. Chest hurts like hell. Maybe next week I'll bench the entire gym and its occupants."


"Working until 4:30 then getting fucking Swole at the gym. Gonna be a sweatbox tonight."

photo accompaniment:







"Shoulders, delts, traps. BEAST."


"Getting my mind and body prepared for heavy bench tomorrow morning. BLS should assist greatly."


"Back and bicep workout tonight. My arms should be visibly shaking by the time I leave the gym."



there's like eight thousand more of these. this was a kid i knew in college that did tons of drugs, listened to grateful dead almost exclusively and weighed about 130 lbs.


even worse are the people that ejaculate their religon all over the news feed twenty times a day. i can't even bring myself to post on facebook anymore just because of the fucked up audience i've accrued over the years.

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there's like eight thousand more of these. this was a kid i knew in college that did tons of drugs, listened to grateful dead almost exclusively and weighed about 130 lbs.

I used to get worked up about friends posting stuff like this on facebook, then I realised that I'm probably equally as annoying to them, with my tendency to post 80s prog youtube clips for hours on end, after a few drinks.


What really gets me is the 'check-in' thing. I wonder what these people would think if I just suddenly turned up to a place where they just checked in, and said "oh hey, you said you were here on facebook so I thought I'd come and say hello"; meanwhile, they're merely an acquaintance who just happened to add me on facebook.

Actually, I must admit, I've attended gigs simply because a cute girl said she was 'attending' on the event page..

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a friend was complaining about being added to groups without confirming it by himself, does anyone know if thats possible ?


yesterday I also said, fuck I'm bored I want to get berzerk on fb, and he said fine write a status msg, but in any case, leave me out of this shit, lol.

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Yeah it's possible, and annoying as fuck. Especially since notifications are turned on by default when you join/get added to groups.

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Just found out a friend of mine uploaded a pic of himself, on his bed, wearing nothing but a bright purple mask and purple underwear. Since it's a top shot, taken above his head, you can get a real feel of the portrusion of the bulge.



Too much gay things in my feed lately. I miss the tits thread.

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Guest uptown devil
"It's been 500 years since the last Reformation, the church may be in need of another. Will Tim Tebow be the Martin Luther of our time?"

fucking lol

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Guest sirch

I hid everyone that posts too much crap



yeah. same, cos i think de-friending somebody is just a bit of a shitty, prickish thing to do. especially when the person has requested you as the friend.

i've just 'unsubscribed' from everyone's news/updates who's posts are a load of self-centered / attention seeking rubbish.

or you can limit the amount of posts you see by selecting 'only important', or whatever it is... then you'll hardly ever see anything from them. :)

don't think i've deleted anybody yet...

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What I don't get is how seriously some people take Facebook... it's like they want to broadcast every second of their lives, especially the mundane stuff


What's even more annoying is the cynical people complaining about facebook/whores/whatever... ON FACEBOOK... I realize that complaining about it on an internet message board isn't much better but still

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Guest sirch

I've deleted people on facebook, it's kind of fun, like "i used to think you were kinda cool, now you're mostly a whore, and I have a reputation of hanging out with full-blown whores. Goodbye."


haha.. yeah, can understand that. personally i don't care too much what people think, especially on facebook!

i don't take it too seriously and don't post very often. if i had something to sell or a business to promote then i might use it more.

i don't really get these people who live their lives through it 24/7, everyday, though. that seems a bit bizarre to me. and most of these peoples 2,3,4,500+ fb friends aren't really their friends. but yet they're broadcasting to them all their personal shit everyday..?

weird. lol


What I don't get is how seriously some people take Facebook... it's like they want to broadcast every second of their lives, especially the mundane stuff



yeah, this, what you said!

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people posting pics of their kids on facebook is probably the most boring thing about it, but its also the best thing about it. I totally understand finding it annoying / uninteresting, but i recently became an uncle and it's so wonderful and i actually get excited to see pics of my little nephew cause i never get too see him in person. so im conflicted on this subject. right there with you on hating the pictures of other people's kids, though

i wonder how these kids will react when they grow up and realize that their entire life is documented on facebook, it's gonna be a total new reality for the human ego...
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Guest disparaissant


this dude

drives a civic with KORN KID on the windshield

has a vanity plate that says KORN KID on it

always wears a korn hat, backwards

even though he's well into his 30s

types like this on facebook ALL THE TIME. .... .. ... .. :) :) :) :) : ) :) :) :) WO OT WO OT!!! ... :) :) ;) :) :)

is gayer than a bag of dicks

doesn't believe bisexuality exists


but strangely, he is just ridiculously nice, like legitimately one of the nicest guys i know

his facebook antics are just hilariously bad

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There's this one girl on my FB that occasionally post some religious rants... I don't mind it from her because she's hot as hell and I always picture her on her knees about to suck my dick when she posts this stuff!

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