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Plaid: Watch the Plaid composed EL EX music video from their collaboration with Mogees


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Plaid have used Mogees live in collaboration with the inventor Bruno Zamborlin, watch the EL EX music video composed entirely from sounds generated by the devices. Mogees have just launched a Kickstarter campaign with an aim to make the products available before the end of the year.

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Plaid / Watch the Plaid composed EL EX music video from their collaboration with Mogees

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fucking sick. you can probably do the same with a microphone, record it and then apply filters and sequencers in ableton, but of course it wouldn't be a performance instrument anymore. I can see how these cool little instruments are gonna redefine music industry, people sharing and making music for free, only pay for these hardware instruments. There will still be professional composers though 'cause most people are too stupid and lazy to learn proper music composition, just way more amateur 'musicians' making shitty 'music.'


btw, the Lady Playing the Radiator is exaggerating her movements a bit too much. Reminds me of people who are more concerned with form rather than the actual art, like how DJs 'dance' on stage even though it does nothing to contribute to the music, but it gets the audience excited to see the DJ dance. Same with playing real instruments, people like to see actual physical movement with regard to the music. Reminded me of Rachel lol.

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Yeah, I guess. Not sure what it's called but take the sound and add pitch to it. Enough novelty appeal to get people to buy it. Usually Kickstarter projects are about twice as if you were to pay for the same thing made by a commercial company, aka you are paying for the 'entrepreneurial spirit' tax. I think they really should implement a sliding scale for how much you need to fund the projects. If you get more backers than you expect, then you should lower the price, basic business practice: with more customers you can afford to make less on each. Kickstarter should really implement this feature.

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