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Hello Spiral - Noise Removal

hello spiral

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on the 4th track now. first 3 were pretty minimal but it gives the sounds that are there more of a sense of purpose, and things feel like a thought out/carefully arranged composition. seems pretty interesting. downloading and i'll have to listen to the rest later and on better speakers but i like what i've heard so far even if i don't listen to noise type stuff so much (which could change i suppose). and as always the art is awesome.

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Guest Barung

I usually like noise made with tape loops, broken records, metal objects. etc. Not really into the "digital" side of it, but I really enjoyed this, fav tracks are 7 and 11, really nice artwork too!

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You're not going to believe this coming from me spiral...













but I actually like what I'm hearing even though it's not my usual cup of tea. It's not full on noise which I appreciate, the quiet bits make the interesting noises you made stand out.


I'd like to throw this on when I'm trippin' sometime lol.

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Really impressed with the minimal, stark nature of this album after one listen. I'll be revisiting this frequently when I need my noise fix definitely, I'm really into this stuff. It's nice to hear some of your music too.

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Just listened. Good sounds and shit. Will relisten soon.


BTW, I took the time of editing Hello Spiral's last.fm artist page, for some reason






Also, for those who haven't seen it yet, here's a vid I made for an old Hello Spiral track:





PR gets 175% of the profits, right?

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after work, having had a short sleep the preceding night, i was falling asleep in my chair. i had put noise removal on shortly before the melatonin began kicking in and it was uncannily fitting for the hypnogogic state. i kept hold of partial consciousness to enjoy the work so well suited to the hinterlands of consciousness for what must have been nearly all of the album, then woke in silence and flopped over into my bed.


rumor has it this was made in audacity, and the pieces were derived from digital silence, interestingly.

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  • 4 years later...

cheeky bump because somebody bought this and the remix album Noise Addition last night, first purchase in a while. I'm just glad people are still checking this out. I'm still quite proud of it :^)

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I'll have to make a track called that now ?

Saying that, I think there's a track on the follow up to this album (5 fucking years in the making) called Nose Bath.

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