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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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Some real liberal shit going on in here





I'm really tired of the 'hurr durr we won you stupid liberals, the country wants to operate off xenophobia, false promises and oligarchy' bullshit I see from conservative folk. I can't wait until they realize the turd they think their precious 'Mericuh is pushing out its ass turns out to just be the long-dick of deception ramming its way back up their ass and maybe realizing they're even dumber than their ideology sets them up to be. Probably just gonna get mad and blame 'liberals'


Trump is gonna fix it and change things - sure, okay...

Edited by Audioblysk
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Some real liberal shit going on in here





I'm really tired of the 'hurr durr we won you stupid liberals, the country wants to operate off xenophobia, false promises and oligarchy' bullshit I see from conservative folk. I can't wait until they realize the turd they think their precious 'Mericuh is pushing out its ass turns out to just be the long-dick of deception ramming its way back up their ass and maybe realizing they're even dumber than their ideology sets them up to be. Probably just gonna get mad and blame 'liberals'


Trump is gonna fix it and change things - sure, okay...

If I can play Devil's Advocate for a second and try to offer a non-judgmental assessment...


All of this assumes that lefties and righties have identical values and concerns, and that one side merely has facts the other isn't privy to. But whatever is going on, dismissing literally all of their concerns across the board and calling them dumb doesn't strike me as either wise or fair.


One thing to consider might be that the (Alt-)Right is concerned with minimizing (both real and imagined) threats to their lives and livelihoods, whereas the Left is concerned with maximizing the higher aspects of society and culture (e.g. Egalitarianism, Science).


There do appear to be actual biological and neuropsychological bases for political affiliation, and if that's true then the solution to (e.g.) the Alt-Right can't possibly be more facts and better think-pieces.

Edited by LimpyLoo
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If only there was a way to remove people that biologically hinder progress so they wouldn't do any more harm. We could maybe concentrate those groups in some kind of camp environment??

I can't tell if this is an addendum or a rebuttal to my post (on account of my stage-5 Autism), but I hope it's crystal clear by now how I feel about the Alt-Right and their fantasy of a nation-wide gated-community paradise. (And I hope it's also clear I'm not making excuses for racism and bigotry...)


I think that so long as the left and right are actually talking and listening to each other, then you generally don't get extremism and reactionism like we're seeing now. I mean, how/why the hell did we get Ronald Reagan after all the moral and cultural progress made in the 60's? Well, it probably wasn't because of fake news. Perhaps the leftward shift in the wake of the 60's increasingly disenfranchised the threat-concerned righties, and it reached a breaking point where the only one taking their concerns seriously was the muppet from that Genesis video.


(Again--to explain is not to excuse)

Edited by LimpyLoo
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while we're at it, can we get some sort of 'master race' type thing happening? i think it's about time we picked the best and brightest and bred them to ensure their superiority.

And in the meantime, Sam Hyde can provide 'ironic' color commentary for the final Highlander-esque race reckoning. Edited by LimpyLoo
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Yep, send them all to camps. The Canadian raccoon is right. Gotta start somewhere


I should specify, I hate each side of the partisan spectrum equally. I was rolling my eyes with Obama promising the world and just being an average moderate democrate... didn't even pay attention this cycle and the bits I did watch were some of the worst debates I've ever seen, ever.


I just really dislike people who subscribe to any ideology too hard. It's just really weird to see people so convinced of change coming that will benefit them. It really is the ''Wweweewwwe OBAmAaaa!'' Celebration time for the right side of identifiers. I was just saying I can't wait to watch them all get sad when their dreams and weird manufactured prejudices go kablooey... well that is assuming they will at some point. Loads of peeps be cool with living in complete bliss ;)

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I'm cautiously optimistic that there will be positive changes made that will prevent the US from being overrun with unskilled, violent, religious fundamentalists


get a load of this guy. your reality is an /r/the_donald feed or summat.


real-world issues do not align neatly with Republican vs Democrat rhetoric, that much is true, but there has to be a hole in your head to put someone as outrageously unqualified and idiotic as Trump in charge. there are no two ways about that. it's not good enough to say the opposition was terrible (which it was), evaluating Trump's candidacy objectively and concluding that it's the right choice because the tradeoff is forcing your hand is false and dumb. congrats on contributing to the average American's reputation as a paranoid, reactionary numpty - unfair for lots of good American folks but spot-on in your case.

Edited by usagi
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I'm cautiously optimistic that there will be positive changes made that will prevent the US from being overrun with unskilled, violent, religious fundamentalists.

Too late.

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I'm cautiously optimistic that there will be positive changes made that will prevent the US from being overrun with unskilled, violent, religious fundamentalists.


this is literally already happening. are you blind? ???

Edited by ladalaika
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"The gates are being stormed"

Well, every gate is always being stormed to one degree or another.

Okay, so what should we do about it?

Nuclear arms race? Muslim Database? Pondering the "Jewish question" again (as much of the Alt-Right is indeed doing)?


Well, having a national immune system that is *too* sensitive to deviations from pure order is how we get the auto-immune disease of fascism.

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This whole point in history reminds me of that part in the first Half-Life where Gordon Freeman has the lights flipped off on him in that one room after he fights off those ninja-like assassins in that warehouse, only to wander into a trap and get sacked by the grunts. Yes, that was a gamer geek metaphor.

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Edited away a gem above I'd bet.


Cmon doublename speak your ramble

'Twas but a shitpost, I'm afraid.

Or an E.E. Cummings-esque hyper-minimalist zen poem about the proper way to orient oneself against the brutal winds of chaos.

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I'm cautiously optimistic that there will be positive changes made that will prevent the US from being overrun with unskilled, violent, religious fundamentalists.

Too late.



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Dr Strangelove... they don't make em like that anymore. And strangely suited for these times, btw. I must remember to call Trump dr Strangelove whenever I'll get in a twitterfight with him.

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chiraq has had 44 shootings from dec 23rd to dec 26th. current murders in chiraq for 2016 = 754. 

still a few more days to go including the big daddy of them all: new years








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