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Weird reactions to AT tracks


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Say I wanted to intentionally freak a smoking group out some time, for the laugh. What would be the most unsettling Aphex track to play? Tree, Little Lord Faulteroy, Curtains and XMD5A would work anyway.

The equation track from windowlicker maybe...

Haha, this thread is a funny read!


I was tripping on mushies with a good friend of mine once and he puts on, of all tracks, Goon Gumpas. Tells me that he imagines an evil santa delivering presents from his sled in the sky, slamming gifts over the side of the sleigh and scaring the shit out of everyone below. Feels like the song lasts for an hour and the whole time we look at each other while laughing hysterically, tear flooded faces and trying to breathe, both enjoying the demented santa mind-movie. Was and still is one of my least liked aphex tracks but I always think of the evil santa and smile when I occasionally hear that track now.

Hahaha i wont listen to the track the same way myself with that story now!!
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Hahaha, that dude looks like Kendrick Lamar...


^ shroomdot


Man, that track is unsettling and fucking scary in every mind state, wouldn't even dare go close to it while tripping. I actually forced myself to listen to it a couple of weeks ago and felt my heart racing at some point...


But my suggestion would be T13 Quadraverb, I think it would blow people's minds away... :emotawesomepm9:

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^ yeah track is so sick, listening to this while tripping would be a one way ticket to hell

on the soundcloud it said it was from 1993, unbelievable

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On another note, is there any Aphex track that you perceive quite differently from normal? Are there any particular sounds or moods or whatever that make an obviously happy track sad for you, etc.

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