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People who hold their phone like this while telephoning


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  • 2 weeks later...

Congratulations. You've won a day in a pub with Dan C.

Beerwolf arrives later at 10pm for drinks.

Madame Chaos arrives half an hour later, hyped.

You have to pay for your own flights and hotel room.


Suddenly you realize that earpiece was a horrible idea and you've been a fool.

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Boarding the flight would have been the hardest part, you did it with a backflip. I'll check back with you in 9 hours when your flight lands at heathrow. You better get that ipad charged up and google maps loaded. You're gonna be sitting with Dan C in an old man's bar drinking the coolest IPA's tomorrow. Double dawg dang!

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I think people like to imagine they are on a conference call in a boardroom in a skyscraper somewhere, making decisions.


Except it's just them.  On a bus.  Talking to customer support about their wifi connection.

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why would you talk to someone on the phone like this....?

Because they are a fucking knob.

Think it's the fault of reality TV - That's how they always hold it on those shows so the audio editor hasn't got to bother syncing up dialogue from the phone and the person holding the phone ...

Translation: People who think they are interesting enough to be on TV

They're dumb as bricks, that's why.

i like to shout at ppl and also enjoy having everyone hear the conversation while i have a caller on speaker phone. So this method of phone holding really speaks to those preferences.

My theory is that this makes you seem more important. People are more likely to notice that you're on the phone and it makes you seem like a high achieving person who's super busy. To me it's also body language saying "i'm too important for this call, I'm not even going to bother lifting the phone all the way up to my ear". Dunno, maybe some of my best friends use this technique and I don't even know about it. And to be fair doublename has some good points as well.

Translation: Assholes 



People who talk on the cell speaker phone at work are idiots.


people who listen to (shit) music through their phone speaker in public. Sitting there, in the metro, holding their phone in front of them, looking around, fully aware they're being twats.

Those are the same people. Fuck those people. If you are one of those people, stop being one of those people for chrissakes.
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  • 1 month later...

Most of the people I see doing this have earphones in, so it really doesn't matter where they hold the receiver and would make little sense if they held it to their ear.

It might also have something to do with being able to see and use the phone's screen while calling. Not sure what you'd do with it because I don't have one myself, but I imagine there are users handy enough to do something else with their phone while in a call?

Yesterday I saw this guy who moved his phone down every time he wanted to speak then moved it back up to his ear to listen. Now that looked stupid, like he didn't realize the mic would work from a few centimeters away too.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I like the way you completely ignored my post there. I imagine you looking wearily at it and sighing, like when a child interrupts an adult conversation by running into the room with a pair of underpants over their head.


Sent from my 5022X using Tapatalk

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