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watmm bad artist name generator


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made a lil scraper for the bad artist name thread. it's not perfect, seems it has a lot of false positives such as "lol", "lawl" etc which still need to be filtered.

JSON array with all the 4557 names so far:

someone with a web server should host a thing where it simply picks a random element from the array and displays it -> watmm artist name generator  :cisfor:

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ok how do you make a button which reloads the page in HTML? I don't know this.


yeh recombination/evolvement of names would be easy but tbh I don't wanna do this. All the current names were made by watmm brains and you can tell tbqh! Many very good/bad ones! Markov-chained ones would produce more, but they would lose a certain edge.

Think I can live with one refresh button (although: don’t you guys have an F5 key?)

two buttons is too much.

I hate websites btw.

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All right- refresh button aside (which can be done in javascript), line-height needs to be adjusted.  With long names (or make your window narrow), you can see the line-height is set too low, which makes the words overlap.


h1 {line-height: 4.5rem;} looks all right

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great thanks for these tips you guys! saves me some googling. I know it's embarrassing, I really like programmering, but web stuff was always scary somewhow.

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yeh the only downside rn is that it doesn't automatically fetch new content from the watmms; have to run the scraper locally and push the results to the server. wouldn't be too difficult to have it all on the server but I'm not well versed in JS. If anyone wants to lend a hand with porting the scraper from ObjC to JS let me know bre!

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Something like this for the now playing thread would be amazing.



yeah aye, wouldn't be difficult. Basically scrape for Youtube/SoundCloud links, and post an embedded player randomly?


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phling - The projects in this thread are IDM-conceptually related to some parts that I've been conceiving for my ultra site http://idm.ninja (currently just forwards to my old placeholder site), which will go into development prolly 2025 to 2040.  I might PM you then, to see what you're up to.

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added a thing where you can get the entire updated list of names:



e.g. search for specific things etc have fun


⇒  curl -sS http://badartistname.herokuapp.com/list | grep -i kek
  "Bad Keks",
  "Circle Keks",
  "Cokek Colel",
  "Dead Keknnedys",
  "Famous Keks",
  "Flol, Lol And Two Smoking Keks",
  "Inspectah Kek",
  "Ital Kek",
  "Minor Kek",
  "Rizzle Keks",
  "Simon & Garfunkek",
  "The Dropkek Murphys",
  "Triceratop Kek",
  "ZZ Topkek",
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