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Split Pan Genus - The Return

Coming back to my WATMM Blog after nine years. I have a new interest in the things I was writing about in 2012, and since I hate social media with a passion it just makes sense to pick up where I left off. Here are some of my thoughts: I never changed my avatar. It's probably annoying people by now lol My life completely turned to shit in June 2021 and I'm sure I'll have loooaaads of fun writing skyscrapers of text about that I'll be writing about my dreams in here. A journ

Successful Dubstep artists

Millions of people all over the world are passionate about music. Throughout history, people have looked to music as one of the deepest expressions of the soul, a way of communicating thoughts and feelings that would otherwise be lost in words.   And while this emotive impulse is one reason to start making music, we should know by 2012 that there are many others. Now that YouTube has officially replaced the MTV generation in terms of sheer cultural explosiveness, we are witnessing many more of



Split Pan Genus

Chimpanzees and Bonobos are the two species of the Pan genus, our closest genetic relatives. Together, they share more DNA with us than any other species in the world.   They have a lot to teach us, about our natural behaviour, about how we learn, and how we evolved into our current state.   Since one of my favourite topics in the world is the subject of human nature (and, in turn, evolutionary psychology) I have gathered a lot of information on these creatures over the years. I've read book




I've mentioned a few times on WATMM that I have Manic Depression. I prefer this name to "Bipolar disorder" because, aside from my sweet tooth for ironic names, it doesn't have that negative feeling of the word "disorder". I think MD is a gift, a wonderful way to see the world.   I could write pages about what this really means to me, about the creativity it inspires every day, about how much I appreciate things like contrast and irony. But for now I'll tell you a story, about what happened a f



Permanent Jetlag

Hey bleeps,   You may have noticed two days passing since my last post. But I have only slept once. Why? Let me tell you.   For most of my life, I have lived with a medical sleep disorder. As simply as I can put it, my sleep cycle is longer than 24 hours, like it's set to some other planet.   According to Wikipedia, it's called "Non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder", which is the worst name I could possibly imagine for a medical disorder. Basically, it goes like this:   Usually, a person will



Unreleased artwork for SAW2

Many fans of Aphex Twin's 1994 album Selected Ambient Works vol. 2, have spent years wondering about the origins of its enigmatic track titles.   As many of you know, SAW2 was released without a tracklist, and to this day all official references to its content are numbered "SAW2 CD1 TRACK 1", and so on. Instead of a conventional tracklist, the album artwork includes a series of images, meant to accompany each track.   Fans of the album have interpreted these images in a number of ways. As a



A bit of poetry

Hey sticks. This is my WATMM blog. I've never been good at committing to a blog before, so I don't know how often I'll update this.   I wrote a short poem yesterday. It's about a certain someone who saw Music With Changing Parts being performed for the first time.     David Bowie sitting there at the 1970's premier and thinking wryly with a stare 'There's no way he can top this piece it FLUTTERS in the evening air like Yoko Ono's velvet hair and and only Philip Glass would dare t



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