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  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFWkgI58_GI
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  4. Started translating this blog into videos, will hopefully be updates to some of the entries, others will be fairly faithful to what I wrote a few years ago.
  5. it's a conceptual thing meant to create emotion in people and a sense of fear/urgency. no one is pulling up this hand/table saw art at a climate conference to explain science/geo politics/human predicament. it misinforms though, it doesn't accurately convey the urgency and risk. the real harm is way, way worse. that graphic is something the fossil fuel companies would put out to confuse people and delay action. 3 or 4 is where we're heading and avoiding nuclear armaggeddon will be tough. past 4 is basically russian roulette with 5 bullets. people fail to connect the nuclear armaggeddon component. we cannot afford for world governments to descend into chaos and broader war.
  6. it's stanley cup playoffs time. nothing compares to it. 2 months of insane hockey. best of 7 series x 4 to win. it's the best thing in teams sports imo. so fast and in the moment.
  7. Murder She Throat Rebel Poon Part One: Cock on Fire Rebel Poon Part Two: The Scargiver
  8. I’ve gone back and watched a few other Garland movies again and watched Devs over the weekend. I think he’s an entirely shallow director, definitely at least a bit of a hack. His films remind me a lot of what makes certain B movies bad except he has big budgets to make them look very presentable for “serious” consumption. But for the most part this is just veneer and I get big doofus vibes from him.
  9. WurstPLUS


    Awesome tracks on Samplers up on Bandcamp, some unnoticed by me... My god, Mr. Brown is now on repeat, so hypnotic. eeer is a banger. https://ecunderground.bandcamp.com/track/exm-mr-brown https://touched.bandcamp.com/track/eeer https://neoouija1.bandcamp.com/track/litter-ext
  10. Alien Day is a contrived Disney publicity stunt, like Star Wars Day. It is weird Alien is by a British director, and was filmed in England, and yet they’re not showing it in UK.
  11. it's year 2031 ridley scott will be exec-producing an alien post pre-sequel he stated: "finally, i got it right!" the series will be set just one minute before every alien franchise installment where a weyland-yutani executive disappointingly looks at the quarterly report and exlaims to his henchmen: "Get me this alien!"
  12. Good stuff. Good artist name and title, too! Thanks for bringing it here.
  13. I didn't buy them though... it's all in Japanese and b/w... just made the videos on the store... it was in Osaka... but I bought one of those sketches books and some Asuka Langley and Rey figures... I'll post pics l8r...
  14. The Moebius vibes are strong in this one! Love it
  15. You’re a real fan boy!
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