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Blog Entries posted by delet...

  1. delet...
    So it is hot at the moment and so i appreciate when i have to sleep during the night. Not just because of the shelter from heat though, now being bereft of the wonderment that is air-con in the new home after seven plus years of this marvellous blessing. Still there are many daytime creatures that even in this quiet leafy suburb for humans, we find ourselves amidst, who condense into a raucous hub of activity, so there goes my sleep under the cacophony of the vocal bird life of the city.
    Thereby this penitence is a centre, a focus of my attention for this post. as i dryly munch away the remainder of the apparently healthy hazelnuts and almonds that are to substitute for a meal in a time that is perhaps not a meal time nao for my body. Is it, i can't remember. Somehow I seem to never the less keep getting fatter.
    This isn't why i say on the boards that i live outside of time though, this is just a central american rhum filled moment of gripe that became a post, for little no reason at all.
    Why is my mouth so dry, I'm a good kid, I work hard. I never miss a day/night/afternoon/morning's work.
  2. delet...
    The title brings to mind so many possible tangents to me, but the one i'd like to follow is narrow and mostly cranky, with a touch of sugar at the end. I'll keep it brief too, cause this crap is taking me away from my special coruba time.
    So western office workers have such an easy time of it, their stress levels are only magnified by their nativity towards the realities of real life. So something being bad for them compared to their fellow citizens on the shop floor is only marginally equitable in if one considers their ability to speak in hyperbole. After all they really haven't the same high frequency customer interaction stress, nor the ever-present ability by company hierarchy to scan their basic performance metrics. There is no 'unit in, unit out', for these profligate time wasters.
    So their tasks aren't really quantifiable in the way a basic labour unit staff members is. Of course the negative aspects of their inefficiency is mitigated by their proximity to the power structure within the company. They can play the office politics game, and further for a localized manager, he himself has a tendency towards wastage via increased office hiring immediately under him, just to lower his actual workload, and as a way to shower favours.
    But i am arguing that the nature of the basic office worker unit, allows for a lot of inefficiency within the business structure far beyond that initially glimpsed when viewing their quarterly report or HR reviewing their job description. As much of their day behind a terminal no matter how you police it, is unaccounted for time wasting on facebook and what have you. And even before the net revolution these innate wasters found a way to get a free ride on the shareholders time. And it wasn't in the sense that there would perhaps be some global benefit for the company in allowing these 'deep thinkers' space to breath. It was more like giving criminals an angle which they can then exploit. Allowing people who are doing next to zero for the company, nay even perhaps whom are actually helping to reverse any stated long term corporate goals, to thrive like an unwanted parasite within the organisation.
    So we have a society filled with fucking time wasting losers who are living off the back of the actual front of house workers. But then perhaps from the perspective of the economy as a whole, we should ask, given the current structure of things. Is this a bad thing ??
    These people, no matter how useless, are still spending the capital that they accrue, on coffees and long beer laden lunches, and expensive apartments. And we are employing an whole sub-sector of the human race that would otherwise be left abandoned and derelict, given their lack of actual talent at anything other than simian social climbing.
    So i suggest that despite my misgivings, that my point is moot.
    -- go pee nao ---
  3. delet...
    Idle pratter from the cliched of mind, with scattered smatterings of unfiltered juvenile excretions. Wear a raincoat, preferably something without a northface logo on it.
    Excuse the lack of aigu, unfortunately we're still flying minus numpad. Damn these paired down keyboards.
  4. delet...
    In the garden of our new house. There had to be draw backs to living amongst lush brush bouncing up from the side of every path. It's the perfect staging point for Orb spiders, and their kin to throw a web across the way.
    I'm going on a cut back/tear down mission tomorrow. And before those with a smidgen of empathy in their hearts decry foul at the whole plan of action. I will only be going for main access paths. And it is pretty tiring sticking your arm out in a swishing motion before you as one carefully treads down the steps to the car, or up to the postbox. My brother neglected this action today and that led him to walk fully through a web and get bitten.
    mleh ..
  5. delet...
    Now to you regular everyday semi-sentient types, who's purchases of clothing generally go with the flow, this may not seem such an unusual thing. Something like the following may come into your mind, "Big whoop dleetr, i've got several in my closet, several on my floor and have just donated an whole mess of my old pairs to the salvation army".
    But to me this is a watershed, i never wear jeans. How this state of affairs came about i can't recall. Perhaps it's because i didn't like the style, or maybe it was some rebellious slant against the common. I can't even remember any more what brought me to the condition of dislike and so avoiding buying and wearing, what is one of the most universally owned western clothing items.
    Well until the other day, a day at the sales. My mind rushing with transaction endorphins the pair presented to me on a rack surrounded by the more staid trousers that i would normally be satisfied outfitting my legs in, and before any more thinking was allowed to occur, i'm in my car driving home thinking, "holy fuck i now own a pair of jeans! All these years of silent protest against those blue monstrosities now all for nought. Please brain explain, put a positive spin on what just happened to me because of you"
    Well my brain must have listened, whirred away it's complicated calculations for the remainder of the drive. Because once i arrived home and unloaded the bags unto the bed to check out the days treasure collection, I put the pair on and they stayed on. Out to the burger joint to make food purchases, they came with me. Lounging around on the couch, there they were as well. Not offensive, not uncomfortable just a pair of trousers only blue.
    So now i've joined the workaday masses and have a pair of jeans, hrm sorry blue trousers. (and I don't think i'll ever get over it)
  6. delet...
    I just pop on the TV whilst waiting for the computer to fire up, and we have a live interview with the Rockhampton Mayor already in progress, from somewhere near what used to be banks of the now swollen fitzroy river. "the Media," I thought, "the fucking media".
    Here is the major centre of the flood zone, the one that would have the best appointed hotels and motels and widest variety of paid for dining experiences. Now converged upon, but what must be a good proportion of this country's major media anchors and pundits, and by extension their crew, agents and perhaps even family. (And that's not counting the intrepid reporters from overseas, filing their stories from flood base Rockhamton)
    I wonder then, where the flood effected are going to sleep ?
    Oh that's right, they have a sleeping bag on an inflatable mattress on the floor of some converted schoolhouse now relabelled a disaster centre. I bet that's handy for the media too, having all these potential interviewees all in one place, makes the selection process so much less painful. You can choose from all shapes and sizes of victim and the most advantageous locations required for that days shooting.
    -- gleh ...
  7. delet...
    Now I would think that if you tallied up these and other expenses involved in making a project like this work, it would probably be far more cost effective to employ local africans to sew the dresses using raw materials shipped over from india or china. On top of that the training and ongoing employment for local woman would have a much broader impact on the their communities than just receiving a few poorly stitched fashion disasters from the naive goodwill of bored middle american housewives.
    I do so enjoy deflating an egobubble.
    Further, they could get me to run this new organisation, i'm sure that i can help soak up any excess funding I can rustle up from the likes of oprah and the US aid budget, with the help of my private jet and offices in both manhatten and paris. But the long term goal of course would be to prepare the ground work for an alternative low cost manufacturing centre to the current east asian one. And this would be all at no risk to the private sector, cause the set-up costs of this project would be put forward through donations, and by the grace of tax payer funded foreign development schemes.
    hooray for me !!
  8. delet...
    something that annoys me is that when i press my mobile into action and out of screen saver mode, it denies me access to the network unless of course i have an 'emergency' !! Now to me this is a cruel joke, here we are being told not to waste precious mobile bandwidth which is obviously being blocked by a plethora of that anathema, the "Are you ok" call. Which has found an unobstructed avenue in emanating from the bladder of every half arsed mong citizen with little to no clue, other than cliché and boredom, with which to drive their interpersonal sentiment. Hence the phone lines being clogged by the debris of a flood of bullshit.
    And yet a pure citizen such as myself, one who next to never calls a soul, let alone a living breathing individual with an actual phone number. Someone whom it would be lucky to find sending 3-4 calls and texts a month. Is somehow being chastised by the service upon which he helps subsidize whilst regularly expecting so little in return.
    wot xe fuk .. ie meen reelee .. yue fuking gits ..
    I just wanted to call my mate mat who is without power, to tell him that he could if he could make the drive, come and sleep at our place tonight.
    ar welL wotevfnor ...
  9. delet...
    So i was rolling into the drive-way of my new home. A home that is quite heavily forested i must say. Well you could almost put it that way, if you were given to hyperbole. Or if you were just taken aback by the well established many branched monsters, that lie jostling for space about the place.
    Anyway, so just as i pull in to park in front of the garage, something drops onto the bonnet of my car. Then from the corner of my eye i catch the sight of a slender green and yellow tail slurping up into the undergrowth from the retaining wall adjacent to the car. Snake !! A fucking snake, wow I had forgotten when we chose to move here that with magnificent nature comes, the rest of nature. My brother has already met in a most unfortunate way, the eight legged side of nature, now it was my turn this time via a no-legged visitation.
    So I remained in the car for a few seconds to make sure our snake friend hadn't doubled back. Not that it would do that, i mean i'm a fucking car to it at this point. But nevertheless surely it is better to stop and think through the possibilities before acting at these kinds of junctures in ones life, is it not ?
    Then i catch sight of it's willowy almost cable thin girth pressing up the side of the trunk of the bottlebrush (tree) that stands above the embankment and who's branches rest above the drive.
    "Ahhh," thinks I, "so that's where the snake came from to land on my car. I must have startled it whilst it was laying in ambush, besides one of the numerous blossoms resident on this tree. Awaiting a fly-in visit by a tasty sweet parrot, or perhaps a gristled and sour miner bird."
    I can only but imagine the flavour of each bird, and was staking the value of my guesses on how appetizing they may be, on the natural character of each. The rainbow lorikeets being genuinely a good natured if boisterous lot. Whilst the 'noisy miner' (how's that, even the name sounds irritating), tend to hang in gangs, aggressively haranguing and even dive-bombing all and every bird that crosses their path, even the sweet innocent angels of the forest, the dove isn't left alone!!
    Now feeling more comfortable about exiting my car, i alight the steps up the embankment for a closer look at this snake. Once high enough and comfortable enough with my presence, she also pops her head down for a closer look at me.
    "So you're a yellow belly or green tree snake" I say as i gently shuffle from side to side, smiling as her reptilian head lazily follows my movement. She could just be a lizard from this angle. It is an odd view, seeing her head resting on the cusp of the broad leaf of some climbing plant, who's stems remarkably resemble the body of my snake friend. Now less agitated and more curious, the snake begins to taste the air, opening the corners of her mouth to let the atmosphere slide over her tongue. I wonder if she's smelling me, or whether it's the lorikeets that are now landing in droves onto the branches above us, that has caught her interest. It's probably the food. Let's be realistic.
    With my little bubble of reverie now burst, and perhaps feeling a touched aggrieved by what was sure to come. I move up on to the landing and into the house, making sure the door is firmly closed behind me.
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