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Everything posted by delet...

  1. Plenty of beats for yorl to eat. nuthin' for the trouble that can't digest a beat. leave them out of this and blast them on the street. https://youtu.be/GFkgObeA8AU
  2. Standard. One of the greatest moments in jazz. plus thee rest of the album.
  3. Nice fast mash from holdsworth 1979 If you're searching for more chill.
  4. It is not fan service, i wouldn't recommend fanservice or watch it, but a serious anime and a very good one at that. Take it or leave it, it's watmm, you guys have very different taste. You like mainstream american genre TV, each to their own. Also i spoilered the wiki quote because spoiler.
  5. The best anime of the season is youjo senki. Just watch it, it's fucking amazing, so far. If you're wondering where it's going in the first episode which is good, the second ep will come along and shoot down all of your preconceptions and set up a very original premise.
  6. I have cream in my coffee which is basically butter without the agitation. It's the sugar and carbs from grains and potaotes and so forth that're bad we find now squee, animal fats are fine. That said, those buns look fab.
  7. is truss like tuss but now with more richard ?
  8. Listening to Alan Holdsworth, he's boring when he's slow. I'm not really familiar with his work so working through releases, this is the first one i'm listening to in no particular order. Found him through frank gambale whom i've been listening to for a week or two. Haven't been going through gambale albums though just live performances, bit scared of the cheese that i'll encounter.
  9. that's clark's studio lol so THIS is where the wheelchair joke comes from. i feel complete just in time for 2016 closure So many glare.
  10. Bloody hell, takes a while to sort through on a tablet the context of the comment you quoted. The number of comments per track is epic, so I stay away from trawling through there. eneewae
  11. Touchstone this song. One of my favourite bands doing their thing well and way ahead of the curve for the time, because aussie. [-; ;-p
  12. heh, obviously. So many white liberals inherently hold the racism of low expectations.
  13. Funny how she has not standing in court (that doesn't have clinton appointed judges magically ruling for them) to ask for recounts. Then jill stein is only asking for recounts in states that trump had marginal wins, none that hillary won (mostly by smaller margins). This right there proves that she is working for hillary and not her own party. Why ask for recounts only in states that will cause legal wrangling in trump states tying up the electoral college delegates from that state, maybe those millions she received from demo benefactors, not surprising that her own party is angry with her. Next isn't it strange that the hillary camp is fighting so much about the 'popular vote' (three million illegals voting and one million dead notwitstanding, not to mention all the ballot stuffing through postal votes and just plain old getting the voting machine to vote a different way), when hillary ripped off Bernie by claiming the paid for delegates as hers (along with a litany of bullshit lies which fucked over the pro Bernie overwhelming vote). And here you guys are supporting the wanker when she uses the same cheating tactics on MAGA. hah. .. seriouslor. [-; Do you really want a war with russia and thousands of genders to fight it that much ..
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJYt7pNOTRc&t=1665s# when i first heard (27:31 - Gentle Thoughts) i went "fucking hell" .. maybe people don't know why but it does things for me [[-;
  15. ahhh, way too complicated for me being a pen and pencil boi. i can kind a get what you mean though.
  16. Be funny if we used kangaroos to hunt dogs. (and boar) .. completely drunk on a moonless night running through a boar track in the lantana with only a rope and the dogs nowhere to be seen. heh. Fun times we had. Was so glad when the ute showed up running down the dry gully, partly because me and drabs were completely fucking lost and mostly because there was cold beer on board.
  17. If it's low level amateur breakcore i wont' click on it.
  18. lol how big was the hail Are you asking in a round about way how big his penis is ? /well a seven inch long cock with this circumference inflated should be able to take this amount of force per square inch. ... Also zeph .. do you have a soundeecloud with new noodlings ?
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