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t yst r

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Posts posted by t yst r




    Also, I'm either going mad, or I'm onto something - I was listening to the EP (again) this morning on the way to work, and I *swear* I hear an Autechre-style sound (can't recall which track) at around 2:12 in 1st 44 that made me think I've heard this before.


    Perhaps you mean the live recording at Quirky?

    Sorry, not sure what you're referring to?

    I mean the droning sound throughout the second track of Quirky, Brixton. There's also some ending bit of Kalpol Introl there. Or do you mean something else?


    Also, I'm either going mad, or I'm onto something - I was listening to the EP (again) this morning on the way to work, and I *swear* I hear an Autechre-style sound (can't recall which track) at around 2:12 in 1st 44 that made me think I've heard this before.



    Perhaps you mean the live recording at Quirky?

  3. maximalists[/url] and one of the exec suits approved saying "Those twins from the aphex, they will help us sell more books/other gizmos!"

    I wonder if Richard could convince the suits that there actually are twins and that they've been talking to one or the other.

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