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Claudius t Ansuulim

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Everything posted by Claudius t Ansuulim

  1. And I would still contend that fear is a prime motivator here. People that do not want this drug are going to lose their jobs, and thus not be able to support themselves and those that depend on them. And for what? Seriously, I know many here aren’t biologists, but look around you, do you really think if they just vaccinated the rest of the population that we’d stop getting sick from it? Look at Israel as a case study. During one of their recent upticks 90-95% of hospitalizations were amongst vaccinated individuals. I know there’s conflicting evidence being bantied about rn, but natural immunity > pharmacologically stimulated immunity as far as I’m concerned (in this case, not talking about vaccines in general), and a significant portion of the population agrees. ffs they’re already talking about boosters because these drugs have quickly waning efficacy. And look, I know nobody posting in this thread wants to agree with me, and I’m not trying to prove anything to anybody, and I’d much rather just go on about my merry life without having to stir shit with random strangers on the internet, but these are increasingly dangerous times we’re living in and people are scared, and that fear can easily lead to violence. A deescalation would be nice but I don’t see that happening atm. Governments around the world have already announced their intentions to mandate vaccinations as soon as the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine is approved by the fda, and that’s anticipated to happen in a few weeks. So yeah, people are scared and that fear is already turning into violence, as you witnessed in the video where you so callously attributed it to us troglodytes dragging our knuckles around. My experience is that people everywhere are wonderful, but fear can turn the most wonderful person into something to be feared (or hated, which is often the point where state sactioned violence comes in).
  2. And censorship is what kills discourse (see above statements for where I think that leads) https://youtube.com/watch?v=dVGINIsLnqU
  3. I do not condone violence for any reason ever, that’s part of the reason why I’m talking about these things on a public forum. As a European you should know what happens when civil discourse dissolves and fear takes over
  4. I was neither condemning or condoning the violence, merely seeking to explain it. I was offering an alternative to your viewpoint of this being a result of “a barbarous tribal society where violence trumps reason”. I offered up my experiences with the discourse around the topic here as a demonstration of how exactly we’ve reached this point of violence in the streets. If they continue with mandates I predict the situation will get much worse, especially if ya’all are thinking the proudboys are coming from the same place as antivaxxers
  5. Can you please tell me where or when I ever condoned or supported violence since you aim to please so much?
  6. Maybe re: antifa vs proudboys, but lumping proudboys in with the antivax crowd grossly mischaracterizes the situation. Try taking a step back.
  7. Reason? You think this lack of civility is a result of lack of reasoning? This is FEAR, and both sides of the argument are guilty of playing into it’s hands. There has been little civil discourse around this topic, and you need look no further than this msgboard for evidence. I’ve been mocked, ridiculed, and called stupid for attempting to be critical of our response to this situation, and this surely isn’t an isolated phenomenon. You want civility? Start with yourself.
  8. 4.3 million, out of 7.9 billion. It could be assumed that everyone has had SOME level of exposure to this pathogen, so that means roughly 99.95% of people have survived exposure. And these are the numbers you’re using to justify a global drug adminstration campaign?
  9. ok fair enough but we aren’t talking about a typical vaccine, this is a new drug delivery mechanism that not only hasn’t been administered previously in humans, but failed spectacularly in previous animal trials of the technology, in a way that wasn’t seen until the long term (beyond 6 months). Antibody dependent enhancement isn’t even being evaluated by the drug companies afaik, they really should be looking for that signal if they aren’t.
  10. My great-grandfather lived to 102 years old. Never took a drug, no vaccines, no pills. He lived through the Spanish Flu. And every other “pandemic”. I gave him chicken pox when he was 90. He died from an adverse reaction to painkillers the hospital gave him after he broke his hip. 102 years, and it was pills that killed him. Start as you mean to go on.
  11. ok, perhaps I should clarify that statement then. When I said “destroy your natural immune system” I was referring to the possibility that we are talking about boosters and annual shots, which is where it looks this thing is headed imo. That kind of program for a technology that hasn’t really been evaluated long-term is just stupid. and dangerous. if somebody hasn’t gotten sick in YEARS, let them keep doing their thing. we’re all trying to stay safe and healthy for the most part, but if you don’t see the shortsightedness in jumping headfirst into a mandated annual drug program I don’t really know what to tell you…
  12. well aren’t we a pleasant bunch of assholes? if you must know I’ve had all of the standard childhood vaccines, and have stayed (relatively) current with my boosters. My problem isn’t with vaccines; my problem is with THIS vaccine, that’s so fucking leaky they’re already talking about a booster at 6 MONTHS. That ain’t a vaccine, that’s a flu shot, and I am 100% against mandating an annual flu shot. So there you have it fuckers, proceed to being your usual dickheads to anybody that doesn’t agree with you
  13. uhm, this virus is endemic, has been since the day it jumped the shark and hitched a ride out the lab. There’s no “defeating it”, it’s part of the environment. But if y’all wanna destroy your natural immune systems go right fucking ahead, just leave me out of it.
  14. If you were indeed as big of a history buff as you claim then you would know that much of what we know of modern medicine came from those very experiments, and similarly unethical experiments conducted in the decades that followed wwii
  15. Your first link is for case-fatality rate. This is not the same as survivorship. From the second link: According to the Worldmeters.info website, deaths in the United States from coronavirus have already exceeded the 0.1% number (338,263) And there are plenty that feel this IS an experiment being carried out on the general public in real time, and hence the idea of being experimented upon is comparable. But please do carry on with your genocidal dreams *totally not like the nazis at all*
  16. Infection of coronavirus sars-CoV-2 has a survival rate of 99.8%. What’s the survival rate of civil war? fact #1: the sars-CoV-2 virus is ENDEMIC. It’s everywhere. your cat probably has it or has had it, and will again. vaccinating 100% of the population multiple times a year will not eliminate it. fact #2: mandating the vaccine will not change fact #1. It WILL however lead to a MASSIVE number of people out of work and desperate. This civil unrest could easily devolve to war. Why in the fuck would anybody seriously want that? fact #3: the virus will continue to mutate. In response to fact #3, let’s collectively ask: what’s the endgame here? Government mandated annual shots for everybody? I can tell ya right now a significant portion of the population will not be on board with this, myself included. There’s a reason The Nuremberg Code exists. All these public health measures intended to save lives are having the opposite effect, and will continue to have the opposite effect.
  17. good deal, thanks for the clarification. We can now dismiss anything this person says as “disinformation” and scrub any content they post from search results. Thanks.
  18. While the other vaccines do tend to confer a longer lasting immunity some do as you mentioned require boosters. The flu shot is a poor example because they develop those years in advance for how it’s hypothesized that the flu will mutate, and it’s hardly an immunization if the immunoresponse is that short-lived. So if you think it’s a good idea to already be talking about boosters for these vaccines before they’re even fully evaluated or approved by the fda then I’ve got some choice words for ya this is the argument I see made all the time, yet whenever any level of scrutiny is applied the idea of gestalt amongst the scientific community falls apart. That’s a whole ‘nother can o’ worms tho
  19. Does the vaccine still “work” if it causes cancer down the road? It takes a long time to evaluate these kinds of things, I get it, people are dying now, so we need something. The treatments that primary care physicians use for covid patients varies, but all the evidence points towards the ventilators causing more damage than potential good, yet we still used them instead of the pharmaceuticals that showed promise early on in the pandemic and now it seems have enough evidence to be adopted on a national level by some countries. I’m not trying to “red-pill” anyone (except maybe kakapon and toaoad) *winks and kisses*
  20. sounds like your mom is of sound mind to me. I’ve never been “anti-vax” before, I still defer to medical treatments I think are necessary, I just don’t think this one is necessary, I don’t think “herd immunity” will ever be reached, I think we’ll always be dealing with some variant of this virus (ie it is endemic), and I don’t really think you can call this thing a “vaccine” if you have to take annual boosters. And I agree with her that it’s “experimental” in that there has never been an mrna vaccine on the market, ever. And it sure looks like money got in the way of viable treatments early on in order to justify the eua for the vaccines. I followed up on the WHO link provided after one of my previous posts mentioned Ivermectin, and then my singular source of good critical information, The Dark Horse Podcast, had Robert Malone on it, and he mentioned that he had been approached by the Department of Defense to investigate Ivermectin but the WHO wanted a working mechanism for how the drug impacted the virus directly so he abandoned it. He also mentioned that all evidence pointed to Ivermectin being an effective treatment, and that it looked like that evidence was clear pretty much from the getgo. And for those unfamiliar Robert Malone is the guy THAT FRIGGIN’ INVENTED MRNA VACCINES. So none of this “but he ain’t a specialist” tomfoolery. I was going to link the dark horse podcast here with him on it but it’s been pulled off of youtube. Malone, who started up Moderna, also said he would not take the vaccine manufactured by his former company had he known then what he knows now. A FOIA’ed (or rather the Japanese equivalent) document of safety data for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines revealed that the vaccine, once administered, does not stay in the deltoid muscle as it’s supposed to but rather travels throughout the body within minutes and traces of the lipid nanoparticle were found throughout the body with concentrations in the spleen, liver, adrenal glands, ovaries, and bone marrow. Though no direct evidence was found, it could be inferred that the spike protein is released in these areas of the body as well. And instead of allowing for the free and fair dissemination of ideas every effort is being made to silence any information that is critical of the vaccines. Not only is it un-american (free speech much?) but holy fuck batman, does it not concern you when places like youtube, which people use to get an idea of what’s happening in the world, censor videos of people reporting their side effects from this vaccine as “misinformation” or “disinformation”? Or wikipedia removing Malone from the page on mrna vaccines and how they were invented AFTER he had become critical of them? Hey mods, feel free to delete this post, it seems like there are plenty here who think that’s perfectly fine.
  21. A metric fuckton of projection going on here. First of all, I’ve spent the majority of my life studying and working in the sciences. And I think it’s bullshit that no matter how well versed in the sciences you are, no matter what your field, people will tell you that you aren’t qualified enough to have an opinion on it (other than “shut up and take your shot”). And if you are somehow qualified enough to have an opinion, and that opinion runs contrary to yours, that person must be a ‘lone idiot’. I get it, I’m not gonna kick the pilot out of the cockpit at the first sign of turbulence and 5 minutes on google. But this happens to be in my area of general vocation, so I’m trying to peel back all of the layers of bullshit to see what is really going on as best as I can tell. If you think I’m anti-vax you’ve done well to pigeonhole me without attempting to comprehend where I’m actually coming from (that may well be my fault as well). If you want to take any of the vaccines, great. Do it. It’s your choice, and it may very well be a good one for you. All of my immediate family has taken it. I didn’t scream at them that the 5G nanobots have taken over their brains and now Big Bad Bill has control over their CNS or some such bs. This is the internet, right? There is A TON of garbage information out there, and wading through it can be tough for even a trained professional. But there is a cautionary tale in here somewhere for the blind believer as well, and it doesn’t take a discerning eye to see all of the ways this could go very wrong, and if you don’t want to concern yourself with that then ok. But I very well do, so that’s why I listen to heterodox views.
  22. Again, misunderstood my point. The point I was attempting to make was that you CANNOT get sufficient longterm data from the human phase of the clinical trials ALONE, thats why we use animals with similar genetics and shorter lifespans as models from which to extrapolate longterm data. Bret’s point was that those animal trials are inherently flawed because of the way the animals are bred. Fuck man, you all are determined to disagree with everything I say, even if you’d otherwise agree with it.
  23. I think you missed my point about the importance of animals in clinical trials. I understand what the different phases are and why they are performed; my point was Bret’s discovery could VASTLY IMPROVE the reliability of data we collect from them. We have trouble getting quality longterm data from the human phase of clinical trials because they aren’t really longterm, lasting usually only upwards of 5-6 years (feel free to correct me if that number is incorrect). And sure, we catch those long term side effects sometimes after the drug has been on the market for years (or decades), but wouldn’t it be better to catch it before?
  24. The bias I was speaking of regarding Bret’s thesis work was dealing with the way we breed animals for clinical drug trials. In this case it was referencing a bias towards animals with very healthy robust immune systems early in life, a phenomenon observed in individuals whose parents conceived of them early in their respective lives. This could potentially explain why so many drug side effects go unnoticed in animal trials and are only discovered after patients have taken the drug. I’m probably not fully characterizing the phenomenon as I only learned of it a week or so ago and haven’t had a chance to fully dive into it, but what I’ve seen of it so far seems highly plausible.
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