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Posts posted by melancholera

  1. and they fucking did it, in the middle of the night, full 500-pages text was released like an hour before vote with unreadable handwriting, no one had the time to analyze it, if this isnt the swamp i dont know what is.


    mconnel, paul ryan and trump, biggest pieces of shit politicians of the modern era, wish karma was real so these fucking cunts get whats coming to them but unfortunately we live in a universe with no sense of justice or karma, all 3 cunts will live their full lives 80 years + rich and healthy, they are going to laugh at how easy it was to manipulate half the country all the way to the grave, they"ll never show remorse, they are incapable of it.


    where is hope and justice in this universe? there is none, this universe is shit, the only people that get ahead in life are the ones incapable of having ethical and moral thoughts, the one who have to problem pulling the trigger as long as it benefits them, once in a blue moon one lucky ethical compassionate bastard gets ahead 


    my mom a single mother, worked her ass of for my brother and i, where is hope and justice for her? she lived a moral and ethical life and what did she get in return? jack shit


    im utterly defeated, now i'll just wait for my death, hopefully i'll get a few hits of happiness here and there but this world and human species is fucking nonsense, nothing of value can be found here, nothing worth fighting for, no justice, no hope only misery and more misery.


    Ayn Rand, the miserable cunt, shes the one who gave birth to the trumps and paul ryans of this world, what a hag


    Bravo. You articulated how I feel about the whole pile of shit quite well.


    And, in the US, the idea that our entire future experience of the internet will come down to how FIVE people vote on keeping or repealing NN is beyond frustrating.

    Though you're technically correct, I think the issues of money and lobbying are more at play than the votes of any few people. I do agree that it's frustrating seeing it all come down to that of course, but the millions/billions of dollars spent GETTING it to that point is very much a bigger issue, imo... though I do agree with you generally and in the powerless feeling when regarding a huge democracy. The flip side is that it can be used for good (marriage equality just a couple years ago being a nationwide right now, etc.)



    Yeah, it's definitely a symptom and not a root cause, I agree. 


    And living in the south, I can only imagine how backwards we would be if the northern states didn't drag us kicking and screaming into the modern world.

  3. I think we are experiencing the growing pains of a world that is ever more tech driven and spends more and more time on the internet. A bunch of people's old habits which may have been useful before are actively harmful now. 


    And, in the US, the idea that our entire future experience of the internet will come down to how FIVE people vote on keeping or repealing NN is beyond frustrating. Neither me, nor anyone I know, nor did 99.999% of people in the US have any say in who was promoted to these positions. There's a lot of rhetoric about how powerless one can feel in a huge democracy like this, but it's never felt more real than it does now.

  4. C48vXX2.jpg






    Do you actually have 13 cats? 


    That is a lot of kittehs.

    Yep! 6 doggos too. All chihuahuas.


    Wow, crazy lol. Must have your hands full. 


    13 cats, you must have a litterbox that looks like this - 



    No, actually we have 3 litter boxes, strategically located around the house that service the 6-ish indoor cats. I say 6-ish since two go in/out as they please since they have figured out how to open the one-way cat flap. The rest live outside in the backyard - god only knows where they poop, although I did find some on the roof when I was cleaning the gutters about a month ago.


    Pooping on the roof - very kitteh IDM.



    "You are not allowed to use that extension in this community"


    Jpgs uploaded to imgur. What's the problem.

    If there is anything beyond the file extension (e.g., ?source=askdfjsdlkfjls), then it won't work. Try removing anything beyond the file extension and see if it still works.


    New forum will support Imgur natively.



    Thanks! As far as I know, I tried to post it exactly the same way, but it worked today for some reason.

  5. How can the free market decide when most places in America have one ISP to choose from? And any other potential competitors would have to use the same infrastructure which was subsidized by taxpayers in the first place (not to mention having hundreds of millions or billions in capital to begin with). 


    There's no answer except money. Money money money.


    And this is one case where "Meh, both sides are bad." is demonstrably wrong. Democrats have consistently championed NN and are actually against the corporations shitting on the customer.


    2018: WATMM will be part of the dank package, and cost me $30 more/month

  6. Unrestrained capitalism and hard-line, uneducated conspiracy theory believers are making it hard for me to want to live my life in this country anymore. It's hard to find the time and energy to fight it when you are working hard to barely pay your bills.


    Also, locally, where I live in the south, meth seems a much bigger problem than heroin. One that has affected me personally multiple times. Now opioids might be a different story, because it seems like that is less visible because they are usually, at first at least, obtained legally. 

  7. It's been green lighted for a second season already, scheduled for release 2018. 


    Mild-spoilers ahead?


    I thought the last episode reached some near-Breaking Bad levels of tension, even though I saw something like what happened coming. Apparently I didn't find Holden, the main character, as annoying as most everyone else. I mean, I'm sure the high levels of the FBI attract anal, know-it-all, near-sociopathic people. And that's something the show is obviously getting at too. When you hunt monsters, be careful not to become one and all that.


    Nirvana captured existential dread, societal nihilism, and self-aware irony with catchy, powerful ass songs. And nobody ever did it better. But that's like, my opinion. Not that they didn't take heavy influences from tons of (American and English) bands, in the process. 


    Same thing with how so many bands (American mostly) tried to repackage Led Zeppelin since the 70's and utterly failed. And the Beatles, and Pink Floyd, etc. I know this is so worn of territory that it's boring to even talk about, but it's still interesting to me. 




    we did produce Silver Apples, they're pretty influential



    And my relative ignorance of electronic music on an electronic music board shines. I have to check this out.




    Nirvana captured existential dread, societal nihilism, and self-aware irony with catchy, powerful ass songs. And nobody ever did it better. But that's like, my opinion. Not that they didn't take heavy influences from tons of (American and English) bands, in the process. 


    Same thing with how so many bands (American mostly) tried to repackage Led Zeppelin since the 70's and utterly failed. And the Beatles, and Pink Floyd, etc. I know this is so worn of territory that it's boring to even talk about, but it's still interesting to me. 



    We can still take pride in Jimi Hendrix tho



    Nobody can ever really add to what that guy was doing. White hot brilliance, but it took the English to first appreciate him.

  9. Nirvana captured existential dread, societal nihilism, and self-aware irony with catchy, powerful ass songs. And nobody ever did it better. But that's like, my opinion. Not that they didn't take heavy influences from tons of (American and English) bands, in the process. 


    Same thing with how so many bands (American mostly) tried to repackage Led Zeppelin since the 70's and utterly failed. And the Beatles, and Pink Floyd, etc. I know this is so worn of territory that it's boring to even talk about, but it's still interesting to me. 



  10. As a citizen of the US, it's laughable to think we have produced any of the genius of the featured artists (UK) here, within electronic music. Even if we provided some of the roots, those are the big beautiful, obnoxious, complex flowers up top. Same thing with rock music. And you did it with 1/5 the population. Cheers. But you couldn't find a way to improve on Nirvana. At least the US has that one.

  11. That was exaggerated for effect. I've never actually used "Lovecraftian" in a real life sentence. Surprise.


    In other news, I just read from page 19 or so up to the end of the thread (Page 27). Some time ago, I would've had some nagging sense of guilt like "What am I doing with my life". I don't have those thoughts anymore.

  12. Why do stoners refuse to believe that weed makes some people feel like shit.


    Man, yes. I have many stoner friends and have told many of them why I don't partake. It has gone something like this more than a couple times...


    "I've got nothing against it whatsoever. More power to you. But I have had panic attacks on it more than once, so I don't do it."


    "Oh, well you must have had a bad strain.. or you were in a bad environment.. or you let the fact that it's illegal worry you.. or you weren't 'thinking about it the right way'... or you just need to lighten up, etc. etc. There's no way this precious plant that I love could do that to somebody."


    "Well, it did. Multiple times, across a span of years, in different environments, at home comfortably with the closest person to me being there with me. And I still ended up feeling like I was going to die and felt a kind of Lovecraftian existential horror."


    "Aw man, I've gotten paranoid on it before too! It happens to everybody!"



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