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Posts posted by melancholera


    Finished Fargo S3. Had some great moments, but just not quite up there with 1 and 2. But 1 and 2 were brilliant. Varga was one of the most repulsive characters I've witnessed in fiction. Had to look away a few times when he was on screen. The main two cops were sweet and the scene where the faucet turned on for the main one was unexpectedly touching. But yeah, overall it didn't seem to come together and add up to more than its parts. 


    The main theme of truth being simply a malleable tool for those that are capable and willing to use it that way is nauseatingly relevant.


    I really loved season 3. It got surprisingly spooky, and yeah V.M. Varga was unstoppably evil and just WTF. The parallels between this and current events rang true to the point where it was scary and really kicked it up a notch. 



    Yeah, the height of the spookiness (and also one of the best eps) for me was the bus crash/woods/hunting episode. Was definitely venturing into straight thriller/horror territory which is new for the series.

  2. Finished Fargo S3. Had some great moments, but just not quite up there with 1 and 2. But 1 and 2 were brilliant. Varga was one of the most repulsive characters I've witnessed in fiction. Had to look away a few times when he was on screen. The main two cops were sweet and the scene where the faucet turned on for the main one was unexpectedly touching. But yeah, overall it didn't seem to come together and add up to more than its parts. 


    The main theme of truth being simply a malleable tool for those that are capable and willing to use it that way is nauseatingly relevant.

  3. I'm sure this has been hit on in this thread, but the humidity in Florida (along with anywhere within a few hundred miles of the Gulf of Mexico) is enough drive almost anybody mad. If you haven't been in the area or similar during the summer, it's really kind of hard to give justice to. It's like living in somebody's mouth.

  4. Re: the alcohol -- I had over 4 months without drinking at the beginning of the year and was doing great but went and picked the habit back up. I have a tendency to drink everything in sight and it's best that I abstain completely. Almost a week today and have less anxiety already.


    FWP: One of my (less than 2 yr old) JBL LSR305s of the pair won't come on at all. It did this a few months ago but mysteriously started working again so I let it be.


    FWS: Manufacturer warranty should cover it as long as I can find receipt or have ebay store send me a digital copy.

  5. http://www.cnn.com/2017/07/08/politics/ivanka-sits-in-president-g20/index.html


    So he had his daughter sit in for him with the most powerful people in the world.


    "Ivanka was sitting in the back and then briefly joined the main table when the President had to step out, and the president of the World Bank started talking as the topic involved areas such as African development -- areas that will benefit from the facility just announced by the World Bank," the official said, referencing a initiative Ivanka Trump has spearheaded that looks to fund women entrepreneurs."


    What could possibly be more important that he would need to step out for? And besides that, this is some third-world dictator type shit. I'm not seeing much outrage about this and I would venture a guess that people have outrage fatigue and can't be bothered anymore. Which works out perfect for Trump. 

  6. I originally thought that Chuck was in some sort of catatonic state not knowing what he was doing kicking the table. But the suicide hotline shown during the credits says otherwise.


    I like the theory that Chuck's condition was triggered by guilt over how he treats Jimmy and his worry over Jimmy. Thus saying what he said to Jimmy ("You never mattered that much to me.") being so cold and horrible triggered an attack that he couldn't come back from. The show has the best depiction of mental illness I've ever seen. 


    One thing that occurred to me too, is that it's likely that Jimmy (and everyone else) will never know that it was a suicide, but will think it was an accident.

  7. Interesting point. It actually might be in HHM's interest to go ahead and settle the case since Chuck is threatening to sue/dissolve/destroy the firm. It could go towards raising the funds to buy Chuck out. And man, that Chuck. Everybody bent over backwards for years to accommodate his condition and he won't think twice about burning everybody to the ground. 

  8. Finally caught up on Bates Motel (S4). Last two episodes were really disturbing. 



    It's really something that Norma's death still shocked me, even obviously knowing it was coming since the beginning of the series. Maybe it's because Vera Farmiga brought such life to the character, even though I hated her at times. They also gave her such a fleeting bit of happiness with her romance with Sheriff Romero. Really felt the death more than I thought I would. And it coming a whole season before the end of the series was surprising. Also, the manner in which it happened. Expected something violent, but instead it was a one-sided suicide pact by carbon monoxide.


    And Norman, you bastard. Hope the sheriff brings some sort of karma upon him. Freddie Highmore does a great job though. Curious to see the final season presumably being mostly on his shoulders.


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