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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by may be rude


    and the new orion space craft is supposed to be taking a boulder from an asteroid at some point. maybe someone will send something to check out that bright light recently found on ceres? a chunk of diamond the size of a city maybe?




    btw: i thought it would take months to download the hi res images, but you're saying it could be as quick as tomorrow? damn- wireless connection has really improved these days if it takes a mere 48hrs to get hi res data from pluto to earth. that's elevates the situation to god like baller levels



    it will take 16 months for all the data to get back but high res shots from the closest point are expected today.

  2. i'm super excited for this. i've always been really curious about Pluto ever since i was a kid.


    and lets face it - unless some aliens land on the white house lawn or something, this will probably be the last major space discovery in our lifetimes.


    ...some Europa fishes would be cool, tho.


    idk man, i think when they put up the high res close ups tomorrow they will be pretty cool, but the juno probe is arriving at jupiter next summer, and its color camera will be getting some insane stuff. the clouds on jupiter alone will be like a new kind of art.


    there are sub-surface water oceans on enceladus, ganymede, and europa. nasa or some group will undoubtedly be sending landers to some new bodies, and drilling down through the ice to get to the ocean, then sending data up through a cable and transmitting back to us isn't out of the question.


    and the new orion space craft is supposed to be taking a boulder from an asteroid at some point. maybe someone will send something to check out that bright light recently found on ceres? a chunk of diamond the size of a city maybe?




    buzz aldrin wants a mission to phobos to check out the "monolith" there

  3. would it be a pain to let playlists have their own page? i think i'd feel more likely to peruse the playlists there and play some if i didnt have to scroll past 200+ tracks to get to them, and load a huge page. not a big deal though.


    making it disallow fan eqs i personally dont like because i've found that a little eq really brings some tracks out, and as i quoted at the end of the last page rich specifically recommended it for some songs. im kind of surprised it hasn't taken off here yet, i may start a thread once i'm happy with the ones i've done (i have like 20 at various stages of completion, salvaging some gems for my perception anyway)


    the rest of what you wrote above sounds good

  4. i like option a, xf. making a playlist as a group sounds like trouble.


    im working on some playlists that include eq treatments of some user songs. seems like with option A that wouldn't mean any extra work for you, right? i'll just upload my eqed versions to sc.


    disclaimer: dont attack me pls, rich said "none of these uploads have been mastered by the way so you might need to tweak the eq a bit, like this one needs a bit more low added etc."

  5. maybe steinvord is trying to help us face the challenging but apparent truth that we are feelings viewing through lenses of associations, that identity is just a prerequisite of perception, that we really aren't our prior selves, no one is really anyone.

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