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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by may be rude

  1. you guys literally will find anything to complain about.

    i mean lol.


    seriously. watmm shits on the best stuff every time.


    its a way to support james and help him appease his warp lords. do i really need to say that better quality versions could be very nice?

  2. 5 tracks isn't enough


    I can't even begin to think of a top 5, not even a top 10. Maybe 20


    There are too many tracks I consider gems that are never spoken about here, Notting Hill Bus (sp?) for instance that someone else mentioned. 7 cutting also, nobody has mentioned that. So hard


    i think the idea is not that everyone gets the songs they want, but rather to get a list of those that people with different tastes feel the most strongly about.


    one of the interesting things about this sc dump for me is how people are drawn to different songs. its unlikely that any one person will get their top 15 in the final selection of 20 or whatever, so by everyone only chosing 5, the final batch will maybe bring things to peoples attention, because they will be the absolute best according to all tastes.

  3. i think the real track list is


    Minipops 67,
    XMAS_EVET10 (thanaton3 mix)
    produk 29
    4 bit 9d api+e+6
    CIRCLONT6A (syrobonkus mix)
    fz pseudotimestretch+e+3
    CIRCLONT14 (shrymoming mix)
    syro u473t8+e (piezoluminescence mix)
    PAPAT4 (pineal mix)
    s950tx16wasr10 (earth portal mix)
    s950tx16wasr10 (earth portal mix),

  4. yeah a lot of fogbeak's detail comes out in the 320





    could someone tell me where that title 5 Mp2 is between other titles as it does not face them in soundloud... Thanks!








    hey if you click that link you just posted it will take you to a soundcloud page run by none other than aphex twin himself believe it or not

    he's been uploading unreleased tracks there, check it out

    have you ever heard of this guy called aphex twin? he makes nice musics, sometimes with acid

    you can play those tracks by pressing the big orange play buttons. after clicking the play buttons you can hear music if you have any speakers or headphones plugged in


    Yes, but where is, chronologically, the title "5 Mp2" of this page soundcloud???


    Someone can help me? :emb:



    i dont have a file with that name. you sure its afx?

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