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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by may be rude


    Would I be correct in saying that there are currently 32 tracks in this latest batch? (from Triple D to Cornish Spreek, and discounting the 'watery' dupe)


    Just wanna make sure I'm up to date with everything.


    Also, his neverending username changes are shitting all over my tagging system haha. Think I'm gonna just rename the album/playlist to 'Soundcloud Stuff'

    One track was uploaded then deleted almost immediately yesterday . Don't know if it was reupped with a different name later. Did anyone manage to download it before it was removed?


    Edit: It was called 21 scb.



    it was watery big ez with a different name

  2. The number of tracks seems to have corrected itself back down to 205 now. So 207 including the two deleted ones from the earlier dumps.

    I also had trouble converting a couple of those tracks last night but did manage it in the end.

    Can any Techie on here tell me the difference between converting them into mp3 versus a download button. Is there a difference in quality? Apologies for my ignorance.


    how are you "converting them into mp3"

  3. 11 phlangebeat

    12 phuqed up

    13 Phukup2


    has anyone put together the possible discs/collections that these are coming from? these really go together and there are a few right next to eachother that sound sim. this is the only set of 3 i can think of that sound like they were on the same "disc"


    i was thinking maybe the prefix numbers refer to numbered dat tapes



    The "suits" comment also got me wondering if that is the reason behind any of the delay. Or just behind a few being pulled.


    i, for one, am a lot more interested in soundcloud since aphex started dumping there. i dont mean f5ing his page, i am checking out other musicians and i am more likely to upload to and support soundcloud now. the suits should see that this is good for them. maybe they think sc was doing fine and aphex traffic fucked things up, but in the long run, like 5 or 10 years from now when it's in danger of crapping out like virtually all websites do, they will be glad for the vitality james infused into it.



    It's not the suits at Soundcloud, must be the suits at Warp. The traffic that AFX generates on that Soundcloud is a piss in the ocean compared to some big artists and the total amount of traffic.



    oh, well then thats shameful and im glad "they all go fuk themselves"

  5. The "suits" comment also got me wondering if that is the reason behind any of the delay. Or just behind a few being pulled.


    i, for one, am a lot more interested in soundcloud since aphex started dumping there. i dont mean f5ing his page, i am checking out other musicians and i am more likely to upload to and support soundcloud now. the suits should see that this is good for them. maybe they think sc was doing fine and aphex traffic fucked things up, but in the long run, like 5 or 10 years from now when it's in danger of crapping out like virtually all websites do, they will be glad for the vitality james infused into it.

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