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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by may be rude

  1. regarding upstream color, you just need to get through the first 30 minutes, which i found kind of unpleasant in a squeemish way, then after that it's pretty palatable, and the sound design alone should keep you interested


    regarding what it's about, i like my theory that

    it's about the treatment of animals, and the people are all pigs, what they experience is like the experiences of domesticated pigs, but stripped down to the feelings. the hypnotist, who is off camera, may represent the farmer. when the pigs are dropped off a bridge in a bag, that's served to show that, as horrible as it was, it's a lot less cruel than the way domesticated pigs are actually killed (the fall would knock them out, they wouldn't see it coming), and the deaths of domesticated pigs are hardly as tragic as their lives. the guy dropping the pigs may still represent a pig, the pigs, perpetually confused/crazy by the unnatural environment, drugs, and treatment, may feel guilty for things happening to their friends. it seemed like the movie switched gears when the iv was run into the pig around the 30 minute mark.


  2. upstream color (nf instant in the us) - what's the term, abstract? surrealist? lynchian? jodorowskiesque? excellent sound design. at any given moment there is awesome sound. excellent mics used, excellent mixing and music. really the sound is at the forefront, it plays like a visual companion to an audio work. definitely good if you like those kinds of movies.

  3. Made Two Playlists



    Parking Lot

    Original Chaos Riff



    Quad Rave TEAC


    Pink Floyd



    Somewhere OTTGTBAG

    Window Pepper




    Fresher + Cleaner

    Red Alert


    GPO Beat

    Pump The Shit


    AFX OrigiTheme


    Squailiude Acid



    window pepper?


    a lot of people here don't smoke. remember when whitehouse.gov started that question forum thing, and the highest voted questions would be addressed by obama? the highest by far was on the weed issue, obama's way of addressing it was saying "i don't know what this says about the internet." the internet in general is filled with potheads.


    If you have a few glasses of wine or a few measures of scotch every now and then are you automatically labelled a boozehound? The vast majority of people who smoke do so in moderation without it interfering with their social or work lives and are simply tired of outdated ineffective legislation that does more harm to society than the drug itself ever has. The debate about drug policy is an important one, whether you do drugs or not.



    yeah true

  5. a lot of people here don't smoke. remember when whitehouse.gov started that question forum thing, and the highest voted questions would be addressed by obama? the highest by far was on the weed issue, obama's way of addressing it was saying "i don't know what this says about the internet." the internet in general is filled with potheads.

  6. yeah dune is amazing


    picked up david lynch's "catching the big fish." patton oswalt recommended it as a primer to transcendental meditation on the "you made it weird" podcast. of course it's awesome.

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