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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. oh yes yes, this is also a force working against them. climate is another reason why it is urgent to send republicans home. it's also worth noting that the GOP did worse than they hoped in 2018, 2020, and 2022 of course. one thing that forces sense through the membrane is dire need of avoiding an unimaginably dangerous authoritarian US overthrow. the futures i see are either: highly motivated left, or a weak right. info currents can shift radically in the modern world. election season getting facts out in the main lines will help.
  2. the GOP cowers to trump because the GOP is weak and needs his loonies. either trump's federal coup trial will complete before the election or not if the trial concludes before then, either he will be convicted or not if convicted, the GOP has a poor election year either trump's federal espionage trial happens before the election or not if the trial happens before, either he will be convicted or not if convicted, the GOP has a poor election year either the georgia coup trial will have started before the election or not if the georgia trial has started, it will be ongoing, leading up to and during the election, and that will hurt GOP turnout either trump will get the nomination or not the GOP may realize that they're going toward the iceberg and change course, though that's unlikely. if they do, either trump runs 3rd party or he doesn't. if he runs 3rd party then the GOP and him do poorly in the election if he doesn't then the GOP does poorly in the election because the trump loonies aren't showing up and the GOP is weak if he's not indicted federally for his coup, and if he's not indicted federally for willful retention of national defense info, and if he's not in the middle of a 6 month trial in georgia for his coup during the election, and if he's not disqualified by the supreme court for his assault on the capital, and if he gets the nomination, then there will be a lot of activism to prevent the threat of his election there are some scary futures, but there are multiple futures where the GOP just doesn't do well. we're in this weird moment, and one thing that will force people to talk to each-other is the election. the election could be the forcing function that resolves some cognitive dissonance from the conversation. the GOP could be better off taking a loss by going with Nikki but changing course toward sanity. or maybe Nikki would even win.
  3. i see a real possibility that the GOP does very poorly in 2024 elections but the future is inside us. it depends on what people do. there are also dystopias and armaggeddons share good info, please like, did you know that there is a definite pattern of republican presidents leaving an economic bomb for the incoming democratic administration? bush 1 left unemployment high, clinton brought it down, bush 2 left it high, obama brought it down, trump left it the highest in modern history, biden brought it down to the lowest point since the 70s and, did you know that the recent inflation spike was directly caused by the pandemic's disruption of global commerce, which was itself the most impacted by trump's horrible handling of the pandemic? and biden managed to do something really difficult: bring inflation down. thanks
  4. someone described it well as "many-to-many communication" it is a fundamental information dynamic that was born on this planet quite recently we are churning in a gigantic mess as we figure out how to sort out this new reality. it is a sociological turning point. the printing press was IT, so was written language. IT innovation can be charted as a curve, and we are probably somewhere around an elbow where it's going hockey stick
  5. people have no idea how it's going to go. it's way harder to fix than people think and things will get way worse than people think. my point about the categories is that manufacturing is a different type of problem with different types of solutions. transportation is it's own type of problem with its own types of solutions. so bringing up the emissions of manufacturing as though it's an argument against moving toward EVs does not seem to me to be a strong argument. maybe you weren't making that argument. we solve the manufacturing by solving the manufacturing. we solve the transportation by solving the transportation. sure people can point it out and we can improve it but it's not an argument against EVs. the industry will improve. maybe you didn't mean it as an argument against EVs but i see this narrative work to motivate people against EV adoption and i hate to see it. solar and wind are ok but intermittent. nuclear is the best solution for the grid that we have. even if we got all grid energy from green sources, the grid is only 27% of total human-caused greenhouse emissions. transportation as a whole is 16%, almost half of which is passenger vehicles (about 7% of the whole problem). grid and passenger vehicles are the areas where we actually have feasible solutions. other areas are harder. making things is 31%, and a lot of that is just cement, steel and plastic. fertilizer and livestock also have a large impact. in the end, we will have to acknowledge that personal restraint is one of the largest factors. a norm of not being wasteful and conserving energy usage is appropriate. rising demand is definitely a significant factor. gates also measures and forecasts that in his book How to Avoid a Climate Disaster. as the world gets more developed and less poor, large areas will consume a lot more energy. actually i think the US has been decreasing its carbon emissions for the last year or so. i feel like i am content to worry about the copper problem when the copper problem gets bad. right now the climate situation is just definite global catastrophe coming down the road. i mean it's all the worst information you can find that you never pay attention to about anything else. who is ever talking about the resource and emission cost of things? that's not going around about phones or tvs, but lately people love to point out that EVs use minerals. it's like... "ignore the fact that EVs solve a meaningful chunk of the global climate problem, let's quibble about early-days manufacturing efficiency and minerals." proportionality is how propagandists get people. it will take us 100 years to solve this problem, but EVs are an inescapable part of the solution, and it's one of the few things we can do now.
  6. manufacturing can be thought of as a separate category of emissions, distinct from transportation. of course anything that is made likely has some emissions associated with manufacturing. green technology often is more costly, monetarily, and it can be in terms of emissions of manufacturing, also. that doesn't change the fact that we'll really break the planet if we don't get emissions under control, and this is the direction we need to move in. we need to improve manufacturing, and we need to improve transportation, and we need to improve how we power the grid, and we need to improve how we transmit energy through the grid. it's a really really really hard problem to solve. what you wrote @ignatius i think serves to illustrate the challenge of the problem, not to argue against EVs. we need the industry of EVs to iterate and improve efficiency of EVs, including their manufacturing. to my eyes, this narrative that has been going around distortedly focuses on whatever negative association is conceivably possible with EVs, taking it out of proportion. passenger vehicle transportation is like 7% of co2 emissions, that's actually a decent sized chunk, and it's one of the few chunks that we are actually able to tackle. we can continue to improve it, like we do.
  7. especially if they start knocking on your front door yelling at you about some conspiracy bullshit and calling your house and cell phone and all that shit.. basically got stalked by a bunch of conspiracy idiots. people going through their kid being murdered, imagine perpetrating this shit on them. it's a perfect example to illustrate to people what we have on our hands. what kind of person would do that? this dude made himself into a monster, building a revenue model around selling his delusions. in court his defense was that he has a mental condition where he believes crazy shit. i'm sorry, i know when i don't know. there's an element of personal responsibility when it comes to being careless about how one reaches conclusions. does he have a schizoid detachment from reality or is he just reckless and indulgent?
  8. get ready for attorney general sidney powell, cia director kash patel, secretary of defense michael flynn, and fbi director jim jordan
  9. jonathan karl is a journalist who was embedded in the trump white house for years. he's a great journalist and i love his sense of humor which he doesn't indulge in, but which sneaks into his observations, as you can tell that he was able to enjoy the comedy of the human madness that was at play. he did a book on the early trump years, then a book that covered the end of the administration, and now he is doing a media tour for his new one, which sounds like it is a warning about what would happen with a 2nd trump administration. he has reported extensively on the dynamics of what was called "team normal" in the white house - the people in the trump administration who were trying to protect the country from trump's wildest efforts. karl's message is that team normal would be gone. this was something trump learned: be careful about people who will get in your way. by the end of his administration, trump had learned to decapitate leadership in the pentagon and appoint sketchballs in their 20s to positions of insane power because they're dumb and loyal. here's karl with bill kristol, who is a paragon of conservative insight.
  10. straightforward, sober view of what's at stake if trump is on the ballot in november 2024: it's going to be a weird year. the speaker of the house is an election subverter, and a strategy pursued by fascist trumpists in 2020 was to try to get the election results thrown to the house for a vote - this is something that can happen in some cases. i hate to say it but there are some ugly futures on the table imo people need to wise up about how biden literally saved this country. dude's the man.
  11. if elon planned on destroying twitter he would have to do it slowly, so it would not be obvious that it was a hit job he would scare away the big, verified users, such as by undoing and reversing the functionality of blue checks (making them for anyone who pays, and not authenticating identities) he would empower the malicious users and info operations, such as by unbanning banned accounts he would scare away advertisers he would gut the staff he would dismantle content moderation he would act toxic he would change its name completely he would immediately take twitter private to keep the plummeting value out of public view taking a company private after it was public is rather rare. elon did it immediately when he took control in october 2022. almost like he knew that he planned on covertly destroying the information platform. one thing that bugs me is that he attacked CBC and NPR. it's curiously specific, those are 2 of the best journalism outlets in north america. and it's not like they were trolling elon or something. why would they be on his shitlist? subverting good journalism is definitely an objective of global bad actors who might blackmail a tech entrepreneur. the best excuse i can find for the man is that maybe he's just been scrolling troll replies while he shits for 15 years and they've conquered his brain. influence operations post in the replies to users with a lot of followers. i couldn't help but notice that he misused the term "blackmail" in his recent public episode. an advertiser boycotting a platform is not blackmail. he bizarrely critiqued his boycotters for "blackmailing him with money." i guess the interpretation is he meant "leverage." who would believe he thinks advertisers bailing on his platform is them trying to leverage him? kind of seems like a cry for help i hope he's just a dumbass. maybe there's leverage that he couldn't go to law enforcement about. russian intelligence routinely develop agents by systematically getting them more and more compromised. you use a little piece of leverage to get a mark to do something that may serve as a bigger piece of leverage. at first it seems like just doing some business together. soon they're deeply fucked. this dude controls insanely dangerous rocket technology. also fleets of surveillance devices on the ground and in space.
  12. why would he regret his best album? we need to move away from plastic. next album should be "plastic free." raise awareness about plastic free products i can't do anything without putting 5 pieces of plastic in the ocean.
  13. wonder if tom regrets "go plastic"
  14. maddow continues to find the real story like a bloodhound, and to bravely help society despite the environment of hostile deceit that targets people who are good at revealing bad actors. i like how she has been illuminating the dynamic of foreign powers, local traitors and corporate actors attacking the us government through covert means, with her recent work that lays out the nazi plot to overturn american government with propaganda, coopting officials, and a violent plot. this is a vulnerability of self-government. the founders of USA knew it and this is the weak point that russia (and who knows who else) have been exploiting. the public has not yet woken up to the reality of the hostile modern info space. we may learn too late that the zombies may cause nuclear apocalypse. the fallibility of humans is something that flies under the radar - we have a blindness to our own stupidity. at this moment of peak danger, when our information is a fucking mess, even serious people don't know when they're drunk. the modern world is heady - and interesting. whatever bullshit fiction you're following... reality is better she's been doing a media tour for her new book, Prequel (an expansion on her podcast series Ultra), and she has done a good job of not just repeating herself in each interview; each one tends to discuss different details, and of course hers is generally interesting and insightful content. this one is with michael steele, who is modest but sharp as a laser, so this is a good one
  15. the boys have really outdone themselves, is my official review really love the evil ending of london b
  16. also please make bandcamp release it https://rtrmusic.bandcamp.com/album/727 still not released though it says nov 15 @White Rainbow
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