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cloud capture

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by cloud capture

  1. new playlist for maximum inspiring




    parking lot

    chink 101

    afx origtheme



    07 b


    donkey rhubarb remix

    with the family



    afx 126b

    gerald remix

    rought beat tune

    high hats tune tamclap orig

    early morning clissold

    barbarella on microdots

    hapshifter 1

    slo bird whistle

    dance and play

    make a baby


    girl boy dark version


    red calx



    step up to corwall ab6

    red calx

    early morning clissold sunrise


  2. Picked a group of about 25 tracks and made a playlist on my ipod to listen while working today and holy shit what a fucking cornucopia of beauty. Had that playlist on random for the last 10 hours, and not going to lie, my pie crusts were the best I've made in 3 years.

  3. Picked up bf4 for $10 on sale. Me and some friends are having a blast enjoying the levolution experience for the first time. Been a diehard battlefield fan since 1942/desert combat mod. Getting the game a year after release has been a very good experience. Glad I didn't have to deal with the major bug issues on release. Only downfall is that I'm a pc fps gamer forever. I am so terrible with a console controller for fps. But alas, my pc is dead, and it will be a while before I can throw together another one.


    FarCry4, maybe I need to put more time into it, but so far the experience isn't as enjoyable as fc3 was. Again perhaps it's the fps gameplay on console that is turning me off. I miss my pc.

  4. The Equalizer starring Denzel Washington. What's up with Denzel? They seem to have perfected the ultimate revenge superhero movie. It was very enjoyable to watch. I laughed, I cried. It became a part of me. The music production, especially the glam-rock ballads about revenge, and starting fresh, kind of blew my mind. That, right alongside the imagery of Denzel in all his water-drenched glory, walking confidently through the city was a glorious hybrid of audio & visual sensory capacity overload.

  5. Here's a 24/7 shoutcast stream that plays stand-up bits. Listening to stand-up while going to sleep, is it strange? It's a nice change of pace from positive ambient. Sometimes you will hear repeats but there's lots of old jems. Sometimes I hear early Richard Pryor, Seinfeld, Carlin, etc. And lots of people I've never heard of and end up looking up on youtube.


    I use winamp, and usually just search the shoutcast directory for standup or comedy, here's one:



    You can just open the url in winamp or whichever media player.

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