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cloud capture

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by cloud capture

  1. well I let my xbox360 gold sub run out for the first time since 2006. Not going to re-sub, trying to force myself to finish funding for the ps4. Now the only game I have to play online is subspace on my crappy laptop.


    Anyone loving Destiny? I really wanted the white ps4 with destiny, but not sure if I'm going to like what seems to be a hearty grind.




    Joyrex mentioned 'other surprises' or whatever....


    eznzea is on the way.


    Actually, something even more exciting... stay tuned.



    Something more exciting than another Aphex album?


    Err.. What could that be?




    Had a mouth full of cereal when I scrolled to this and almost lost it.

  3. tl;dr: typical fanboy fapoff


    CD arrived yesterday evening. Took a nice day road trip through winding hills and farmland and listened to Syro in the whip. The CD sounded so great I kept pushing my amps until Produk 29 blew one of my speakers. The bass in that track is so beautiful. The hits are real tight and sweep low. For sure there's some 25-30khz sweeping kicks that were wobbling my windshield. I fucking love that song. Track starts off on some vibert funk tip and ends like a dancey psychedelic boc track.


    Going to have to replace my speaker and not push syro to hard. Also there's some very abrupt high frequency drum samples in 4bit( I love love love those crystal synth melodies that come in).


    The track 180db has some brain slappingly loud drums and almost so many layers of synths I get lost trying to hear them all. But actually 180db, which I only wish my system could reach, would probably stop your heart at a certain khz. To be honest that's championship competition car decibels right there. Car audio junkies at that level don't even sit in their vehicle or play more than a second of audio to get that high of a reading. Could it be possible Aphex has a system that pushes 180db?


    I want to make a loop of Anastasia that has a 20 sec slow verbed fade out to silence before it loops, and let it last a few hours. I think I could sleep to that.


    My favorite track as a whole is the title track, Syro. Aphex fusion is unexpected and hits home. I want an official Rich & Tom project album made up of ideas of syro & ufabulum.


    My favorite moment of Syro is the last half of the xmas track. The first half is great, but when that groove hits, I get the same sense of awe I feel when listening to grooves like Alberto Balsalm.


    My favorite section of that album is the Circlon twins with the timestretch interlude. Makes me want to dance and have an aphexian wigout. The repeating female vocal in the second half echos in my brain often now. Sounds like "sotchski"? So beautiful as it repeats. That vibe feels good, and the rolling beats and emotional synths force me to get down.



    Beautiful album. Seems to fit well in it's place in time amongst other Aphex releases since I first discovered the RDJ album in 96. It all flows so well. There's a level of maturity, patience, and care with the entire hour that will be a treasure to cherish for the rest of my days. Thanks.



  4. so beautiful xox



    I hiked up rib mountain today and was resting on a bench at the top when I saw what looked to be a wedding ceremony about to take place maybe 50 yards away from me. Well hiding just behind me hidden on the other side of a large formation of quartz rocks was the bride and her mom waiting for their queue to begin the wedding. I usually only take landscape pictures and very rarely feel comfortable shooting pics of people, but I snapped this pic without thinking and turned back around to face the mountain top view before they even noticed I was there.




  5. Since I'm not going to get a ps4 for at least a few months I decided to get the Reaper of Souls expansion for xbox360. It's been a while since I played act5 of pc, and I've really been jonzing. Was planning on waiting until I had a ps4, but since that fell thru, I decided to treat myself. I have the weekend off and I bought some coffee. It's going to be a late night.


    In order to get the ros expansion for xbox360 I had to pay $40 for the Ultimate Evil edition. Going to send my original d3 disc to a friend back home in Miami to take something optimistic away from having now purchased d3 for the 3rd time.

  6. Looking forward to the premiere in a couple hours. Not sure if I've heard any of these specific tracks from his live show before. I'm personally just not a big fan bootleg recordings, although I have listened to quite a few live Aphex recordings at least once. My wish is that these tunes are stuffed with feels, both good & bad.

  7. I will be enjoying the cd while in my vehicular audio system, paroosing the local farms & endless winding green hills at a steady 15mph. And fogging the interior with master dabs of auditory enhancement chemicals. It will be an outstanding day. I wonder, will I open up a cows mind to some new and exciting music? Or possibly even a hiding alien being will overhear something glorious and decide to cancel his or her or its master plan to erradicate humanity.

  8. Recent pics from a hiking trip to one of the oldest rock formations left on earth. Rib mountain is made of quartzite, and used to be at the bottom of an ocean. The last big glaciers that formed the great lakes left the state of Wisconsin with long stretched out rolling hills and plenty of lakes and swamps.





    Broke down and bought Diablo III for PS4... FUN! Never knew how much fun Diablo was!


    Welcome to the club! :beer:




    I've put a fair amount of time on the PC version, and I was apprehensive about how it would fare playing on a controller, but Blizzard have done a great job - the UI is clean and easily readable from the sofa, and it runs at a fine tick - no stuttering. The equipping wheel is a little fussy but not a deal breaker.


    Cool. I'm ashamed to say I put about 400hrs into the pc version before I was forced to start over with xbox. Never thought I would like the controls but I love it. Really looking forward to my ps4, I'd be glad to give you my ps4 info once I'm up and playing if anyone wants to co-op. Also looking forward to the new content included with console ROS.

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