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cloud capture

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by cloud capture

  1. So I got a letter in the mail from an Attorney back in Florida saying I have unclaimed dividends owed to me, and for a %17.5 fee they will send me some money. So I found this website www.fltreasurehunt.org and put my name in. It came up, so I emailed them and asked about the claim. A woman from the dept. of financial services and the bureau of unclaimed properties for the state of Florida replied to my email. She also sent me a pdf file with a long list of unclaimed dividends adding up to almost $3,000.00. Each claim was from a recognizable company that I've dealt with in the past. Mostly stocks. So, honestly not sure if legit or great scam preying on a poor cripple. Anyone mind looking at that treasurehunt link and tell if that site looks legit?


    That money would build me a new greenhouse, we'll see.

  2. Winter's Bone - Whoa. This is some backwoods, hillabilly, gummo/deliverance family oriented business. Pretty dark.

    The Inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete - The young kids are good actors. I love Pete. Pretty sad, but another great excuse to get lost in entertainment.

  3. Stopped by the Central Waters brewery on the way to my 97-year old cousin Maynard's house a few days ago and purchased a 4-pack of this bourbon barrel stout. It was pretty strong, but once I allowed it to warm-up, it really was delicious for being nearly 10%.



  4. Starbound on Steam. It's an early access beta. I wanted to wait for winter sale to purchase but I couldn't hold out. It's a mix of terraria and minecraft. The worlds you discover are beautiful, and the music really sets a nice atmosphere. It's one of those games I can find myself completely immersed in. And hours seem to just fly by. You can also play multiplayer, but I have been exploring solo so far.

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