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cloud capture

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by cloud capture

  1. There is some weirdness going on lately since the PS4 released. People are hitting the twitch button, and streaming themselves in their playroom doing whatever they want and broadcasting live to twitch. A lot of them are getting banned pretty quickly. I see a lot of weed smoking, drinking. Some guy and his wife got real drunk and when she passed out on the couch he took her clothes off. It seems they are also very new to the idea of twitch and their innocent gaming brains are being corrupted by this onslaught of twitch user stupidity. Blatant and excessive racism, sexism, bullying. It's pretty uncomfortable. I wonder what Sony thinks of their twitch partnership so far.

  2. Currently live an isolated life in a beautiful place out in the country. Don't ever plan on leaving. Hated growing up in the city. Went to school in Oregon and loved it. Spent a few months in Norway and could definitely live there. Probably could live anywhere out in the country as long as i could farm.

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