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cloud capture

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by cloud capture

  1. lol, I got a friend who only plays second life, and all he does is troll people like that video above. I actually recognize that guys voice who is freaking out. Sometimes I listen in, and get some great samples of people talking for real. All the voice samples I used on a recent album were from second life. Great place to capture some emotion.

  2. really nice album, I had it on repeat last night and woke up from a nightmare while track 2(irlite [get 0]) was playing. What I remember was extremely trippy visuals for a few minutes as if I was on way too much mushrooms and had my eyes closed. Just shapes & fractals, but very dark, sharp & stretched out. Only colors were silver/grey/black/red. And they were moving and reacting to the beats like a winamp visual plugin inside my head. I had to get up, turn it down, and put on a peaceful ambient/meditation shoutcast so I could fall back asleep. I've only listened to it through my mackies, but I'm about to take a 60mile trip into town to get groceries & I burned a copy to listen in the ride. As other said, I believe the bigger system will only improve the quality of these tracks. This is definitely my favorite ae album since the 90's and I cant wait to hear this on my drive with my 2 x 15's.


    Standouts in my opinion are:

    jatevee C



    recks on


    But I really think each track has something flavorful to offer. There also seems to be a lot of live jamming.

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