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Everything posted by Audioblysk

  1. I've been pondering that. I was looking up mountains the other day with the GF and remembered you guys mentioned some Canuck Rodeo Days thing that you said would be fun for me to come out for... them mountains call my name. The syrup, poutine, seasonal cars... How can I resist?! But seriously, that would be quite nice. I'd of course bring you something you haven't tried... you know, like a cake, or American candy bar I'd say so.. Thumbprints are indeed a real thing in some of the more inner circles of USA distribution. Back when I had these experiences it was necessary before anyone would ever see or handle raw tartrate salt, but not every circle runs like that because some don't want to or cannot handle the experience, but are qualified based on reputation and actions. I don't know about now-a-days, I hear there is a lot more raw that gets dished out to people who have no purpose handling it and there is a lot more money in the scene with the rise of festivals, silk road and such. It's a really lush and full-bodied experience. The euphoria is pretty other-worldly with higher dosages. It's incredible that so many species have psychedelic alkaloids that are very safe on the body. I'm not one to get too preachy or new-age but I do believe they are meant to be used by humans in some way shape or form, not as in they were designed to be, but that we are attracted to these things for a reason. Mescaline is some deep shit, man I'm going to agree and disagree with you on those points. DMT is an amazing psychedelic, but I would say it is indeed the most jarring. One qualm I have with the substance in the method that most users experiment with (vaporizing) is that having a full-blown psychedelic experience in 15-20 minutes is pretty hard (IMO) to actually get much use from. It gets a good boost because yeah, it's essentially the crack of psychedelics with the depth of a hefty tryptamine, but I find the experiences to be too hectic and fast for me to really assimilate much other than 'That was intense'. Combinations of mono amine oxidase inhibitors and DMT in careful proportions and ingested orally is much more worthwhile IMO, but really it's a 'to each his own' thing at the end of the day. LSD while being confusing to some is IMO the most intense experience ever with high dosages of known amounts and purity. I've smoked a few points of DMT at once and got my ass kicked for shooting myself in the face with a universe cannon, but it didn't echo as deeply as the (very) large LSD dosages I have done with the right environment. One of my high-doses I was trip-sitted by a gorgeous and kind older woman who helped me have one of the most amazing experiences of my life, I didn't have a shred of anxiety and I can say the experience offered more to me than many of the 'dicking around with my mates and vial' experiences. It's really an apples to oranges comparison at the and at the end of the day - personal preference and set and setting are HUGE. LSD can be confusing if you really have to think about a bunch, but if you can quiet your mind and ride it out, it's breath-taking to let go. I have definitely seen dozens of 'bad trips' solved through simple talking, connection, breathing and meditation first hand and/or guided someone back to a positive place myself. It's well documented protocol for psychedelic therapy sessions that the folks at MAPS do as a first resort and is regarded as very effective if there is someone who is experienced enough to talk someone down. I have also seen benzo's and anti-psych's take trips away very quickly. They both work, but if I were to place those two options into a metaphor, it'd be like fixing paper with a hammer instead of scotch tape. It really is mountains out of molehills and I've seen a majority of bad trips ease off once proper measures are taken. I'm sorry about the guy you tripped with, but I will say that underlying latent psychological conditions are likely the most likely cause of what happened to him. Psychedelics will not create something that doesn't exist already in the user, but it can magnify and amplify a latent problem and exacerbate it to the point of someone breaking. And as for the other gentleman you spoke of with the HPPD, I do believe his qualms, but in my experience people who get to the point of having problems down the line did not understand the neurological and neuropharmacological repercussions of irresponsible use of chemicals. I know a bunch of old heads that are fried out because during tours back in the day they'd practically live of LSD all day, every day, and be eating close to a half sheet to get any effect by the end of the summer, but semi-regular users of psychedelics have maintained themselves and used the experiences to better themselves, as with pretty much every drug. There is always going to be the ones that burn too bright and burn up fast and the ones that keep bright for a long time. I can only speak for myself, but I used LSD almost every weekend for a good 6 years along with many, many other chemicals, but balanced them based on sound research and took care of myself with diet, exercise, breaks, and supplementation and have seen little to no negatives from those chemicals. I'm not negating any of your experiences or your mates, but merely offering a different perspective, there's always a reason things go awry. One point you touch on that frustrates me about some psychedelic users is that there are a whole lotta gurus out there. I say that meaning that there are a lot of people who take psychedelics with the mindset that it is a malleable experience or that they can get what they seek with control. Thus they almost view themselves as gurus believing that their ego whispering into their ear what they want to hear when they are in a psychologically vulnerable state is the truth that is 'meant to be' or other such nonsense. The other way to approach, which I try to tell people who are getting into these things is that you are a 'witness'. Nothing lasts and nothing is lost, you are just here to get the message so to speak. Maybe I'm off base, but I think that a lot of times that is another damaging feature of modern psychedelia without education or common sense, it's a sort of megalomaniac-brain way of 'growing' or 'experiencing' anything. This is all sort of paraphrasing what Terrance M. talked about some time ago, but it really has some weight. <3
  2. IMGP2525 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP2515 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP2487 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP2484 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP2437 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP2436 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP2430 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP2404 by polygon window, on Flickr
  3. The person describing those dosages in the reddit LSD thing is way off from my experience... I'd suggest what they consider to be 110ug or whatever is closer to 50-60 of average purity in all actuality, because most of those dosages are waaaay too high for the effects they suggest. Those would have you way more floored IME. Just for fun, I'll describe the gist of higher dosages with a little more detail, because why the fuck not. ~~1.2mg+ with no tolerance of and incredibly pure LSD as characterized by the fact that it's nearly insoluble in methanol, needle-like in consistency and exhibits the piezoluminescent spark effect when the amber jar is shaken and still sealed with an inert gas to preserve purity, this stuff is the stuff dreams were made of. The big scare -You puke (some do, some don't), get scared, forget what scared is, forget everything including yourself. Effects are very present by 15-20 minutes after ingesting and continue until you shoot towards the peak. It's pretty lush to see the world dissolve in a subtractive geometrical sense so fast, it's akin to DMT, but less paralyzing and not in fast-forward. The white-out - temporal casualty loop feelings or rebirth, vision becomes completely enveloped in white light and closing one eyes doesn't make a difference. Your body just becomes one feeling of an intense vibration that starts in the scare period in muscle twitches starting from the feet and shooting up the back exiting the third eye, this feeling is IME triggered by stimuli, I was in a heavy wind outdoors my favorite time on this dose and it was breath-taking. The wind went through me, invoked a feeling that encompassed all senses. The vibration sometimes unsteadied like tuning an oscillator pair, but when it hit that perfect vibration, it was really something. Sounds weird, but it's incredibly pleasurable IME. It's very hard to describe this point and some don't experience it. It was rumored by Nick Sand to be something that is only obtained from high doses of very pure LSD because even the slightest amount of iso-LSD or the other corresponding optical isomers, solvent, impurities or what have you left over from lack of correct purification can manifest in some way when it comes to receptor activity and therefore is much more noticeable as the dose goes up. From the white light into 'ineffable mysteries of the cosmos right between your eyes' as you stay pretty much still and make little to no sense if you can manage to speak to those around that you cannot perceive at that point - pure awe as the world echo's back bursts of texture and color and sound from the outside world, I usually laugh like a fucking maniac as every object that echoed into my vision came at different times based on field of depth, making my body shudder with that same weird electric pleasure thing. by focusing on my heartbeat and breathing the world slowly blossomed back to the vibrational plane we exist on - sounds morph something wicked along with it and your brain pretty much babbles glossolalia at you. Intense synesthesia and going even as deep on that tip as to having memories or fragments of a nostalgic feeling from a smell or sound or taste. Lots of my friends in those times referred to this state as the 'awe' state, because you frequently look to sober people like you just saw god or Yoda fighting Dracula. The child state - around this time you come back to a world so fractalized and full of life that you've never perceived before when sober with feelings of intense wonder and absolutely no ego or remembrance of self, that part lasts a good while until sleep after a long time (generally by +24 hr after dosage) or some chemical intervention (whenever needed). Your friends faces look like melting oil-pastel clockwork, consisting of melting paisley and mandala-style motif's. Closing your eyes for a few seconds is a whole different world and upon opening them again the world fits right back into place with burst of light. Anything moving creates a smoke-like wisp of fractalized trails, mine always remind me of the little f-holes in violins, very much the golden ratio-esque cliche, but going on for the foreseeable distance. The brain-babbling continues and you'll probably say a few really weird things, it's best to not try to communicate as it can freak people out who want to be sober again. 'Acid epiphanies' happen at this point too. The question you have in your little noggin will all make sense and then be lost in an almost the same amount of time. I've had a few really weird 3D zoom-vision effects occur at dosages from 0.5mg and up, but they get very entrancing and last much longer (or so it seems, probably more due to time dilation). I felt connected in such a raw way with the people around me, it requires complete trust as they are basically taking care of you. After sleep there is a steady afterglow for the next day or two and you feel a little fried, but IMO super 'zen' is the best way to describe it. My first recovery from that dosage I sat wrapped in a snuggie, eating fruit, occasionally speaking to friends to let them know I wasn't insane and meditating on and off for the better of the next two days at a friends house on a lake. It was pure bliss to sit on my little spot under the tree by the lake, their cat would come lay next to me and it was just so quiet besides the natural sounds of the world around me. Part of me kind of wishes I could just leave most things behind and keep focus and build on that feeling without having to return to the real world. IMO it is impossible to keep the message from that over time with the lifestyles we have to live. That experience gave me a really deep appreciation for monks of the Eastern persuasion and it really is a strange sense of re-birth to start on that clean slate... or something akin to that. Ayya is pretty much right with the suggestions if you ever wish to try psychedelics again. Smaller dosages of entheogens are much more positive and easy to assimilate IMO. They provide all the therapeutic effects without the ego death. It's not something that is easily done if you're not able to let go. I'm glad you were able to learn something from it, Zeff, even if it was difficult. Some of my more memorable and changing experiences have been the difficult ones. Being half-naked and bursting into happy-tears after letting go of years of weight on my inner self is something that would probably make most turned off by drugs, but these things have helped me push past a pretty rough childhood and teen-years - Kinda like a pudgy, fucked up onion peeling its layers Sorry for the book, I'm bored at work. All this talk of psychedelics is making me nostalgic. It's cool to see such a big community in this board who are psychedelic enthusiasts Also, for the above experiences I was with groups of people who were very experienced and as many precautions were taken as possible. There were always sitters and I would absolutely not recommend dosing anywhere near heroic without a very safe and supportive group, set and setting. It can go very, very badly and leave long lasting effects to ones psyche and well-being. Thank you for your attention, bye.
  4. Meditation while in the midst of a 'WHEN IS THIS GONNA END?!' scenario is probably the most effective thing I can suggest to anyone that doesn't involve cramming more drugs into your system. Focus on centering all thought or energy into one point of the body (easiest to do with your 'third eye') and focus on creating a steady tempo of breathing in and out slowly and steadily with deep breaths. After about 5 to 10 minutes of doing that, your anxiety will go down, then immediately focus on something simple and positive. Citrus, berries, bubble gum, water, fruit juice and surprisingly the show Futurama have all helped me for focusing on something positive and simple. Sometimes just talking about something everyone in the room likes is enough to get your thoughts out of the dark. Another thing to keep in mind is that what you are experiencing, positive or negative, is all just the effects of a chemical you and many others throughout history have taken. Psychedelics (excluding some of the weirder phenethylamines that were never meant to be used outside of research purposes) are incredibly safe for your body and can be very effective tools for the mind and I think people get caught up in feeling like they'll never come down or that they're permanently fucked instead of knowing that the state of mind they feel is purely temporary. Zeff - did you take it alone? Were you outdoors or indoors? What activities did you have for yourself? Did you test the starting materials? Hope you're alright. P.s. if all else fails, benzodiazepines, opiates ( <----DO NOT COMBINE THE TWO ) and lots of meditation and stretching can really knock a trip back to normal or completely take it away.
  5. It's always funny to see what people hold as 'what is worst' when it comes to people around them doing things and how they react. To me, losing a friend and family friend(s) and disowning them for smoking weed is way more heartless than you deciding to get high. That's like disowning your friend because they drank a beer. Just as stupid and in all honesty, shows the maturity and ego of the person doing the disowning I hope that your friend, being a responsible adult decides to bury the hatchet and you get a good interview. Nobody, ever, should be made to feel like a criminal for using cannabis. To do so is pretty despicable and ridiculous to me. Best of luck!
  6. I do 50 pushups, some planks, and this weird pilates ab thing every morning along with full body stretching, I started it about 4 years ago and it always helps me wake up. I haven't had any cardio in a month or two aside from walking around the big-ass facilities I work in and heavy lifting over those lengths for extended periods of time. Not much outdoors lately since it's been cold and raining every second, hiking trails are closed or I'd die on them, and my bike got jacked... That may be it. Although I don't remember when I was more sedentary years back that I ever had these problems with sleep, mostly insomnia on the part of not being able to slip off to sleep. Funny FWP - I locked the damn bike to a tree that was really quite large on the side of a friends property. It was stolen during the day and someone actually chopped the tree down to get it off. I was fucking stunned, but honestly, I was also pretty impressed. It was some 1980's cheap-o road bike. Other side note - I will say - for the amount of effort that local methamphetamine users expend on being shiftless and fencing for their habit, they really are under utilized IMO. A government program to keep giving them good dope, giving them a nice tweak warehouse somewhere, and having them do social programs that benefit the community would be pretty snazzy. If you're going to be a vapid prisoner to your horrible vice, may as well contribute instead of killing a tree and stealing my bike like an asshole when you wanna get high. I can see it now...
  7. I can't sleep in past 6am the last two weeks or so, no matter if I'm going to sleep at 10pm or 4am, it's like clockwork. Really starting to drive me nuts because I wake up and I'm alert and awake, but feel little to no pleasure of having rested. None of that feeling like 'oh yeah, ima roll over and just sleep more, I'm so comfortable' It's more like an anxious and sweaty series of slight body-cramps (mostly in me legs) and being wide awake in an instant from a dead sleep. I've tried melatonin, valerian root, edible cannabis stuffs, 5-hydroxytryptophan and GABA to try and sleep and they'll knock me out and give me weird dreams, but then I wake up in the same state I described above. The kicker is, by about 3 or 4 PM, I'm yawning so much that my eyes water, I can't have conversations without it being in half wookiee-yawn and half just saying 'yeah' or 'no' appropriately, and I have no energy. My sex drive has gone down, stress has gone up, music making has gone down, I'm irritable as hell and I want it to stop Kill me.
  8. Pure gold, I'll take mine in Moo-moo size to fit my American body mass. I think that should be written on the top of voting ballots to inspire people.
  9. I like how about a minute through, the police dog is like 'fuck this, I'm out' and continues being a dog. That is pretty much the only positive thing I saw in this video. So many guns and crimes, so little time spent appreciating the dog.
  10. The last 4 posts are pure quality. I can't have pets on my lease and having my buddy at my parents house makes me sad. I miss my lump of orange fur who keeps my side warm and protects my front deck from... well... nothing. Hug your cats for me tonight, gentlemen.
  11. I'm exhausted. Most of the communications I've had with people at work have been through yawns and varied monosyllabic expressions of agreement. I want a god damn vacation. Something with beaches, tropical drinks would be nice. Kill me. How do you feel about weasels? Of the one eyed variety? Is that some sort of fucked up Canadian euphemism for penis? Not appropriate, you Calgarian bastard.
  12. Burger and Beans

    1. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      I emailed ya, if you have a sec to check it :)

  13. American portions are HUGE compared to you blokes and lasses. But I will say, it looks proper and delicious. If I make my way over the pond, I'm calling upon y'all to show me the good life and food.
  14. FWP mixed with FWS - FWS is that I'm getting my final medical co-op garden pay-out, which is about enough to buy a new mid-line sedan up front if - ya catch my drift... FWP begins when the person doing the pay-out wants to do it in cash because of possible legal issues. Stupid federal government being all weird about cannabis businesses, on one hand I'd rather not get taxed, but on the other hand, paying in cash and having to deposit money all the time for bills and the like looks weird and I'm not earning it by doing anything that is illegal in my state... My small brain doesn't understand this...
  15. That fucking liquor is the devil man. Hahaha when I tried per your suggestion and made the mistake of not making your citron style vodka - it was straight up like drinking Russian gasoline! That ham looks amazing tho
  16. ^^ The fuck? Side note- Most awkward 7th grade Social Studies class EVER for the one black kid in my class. For some reason we watched Roots in its entirety for that class at some point in the year.
  17. I got my tax return. Wooooooo I also discovered this when going through my parents and grandparents old audio gear. Real old analog and digital hi-fi gear is really lush. I still use the amp and speakers from this insane German system my dad got in the late 70's for listening to music whenever I'm up there. I prefer it to my monitors for finished mixes. Wish I had room for it in my place. Don't know why I like the sound so much though... maybe it's the room too? Side-note :: I always loved the 'bass boost' on boom boxes back in the day. A lovely +15db to 150hz and below that spat out some mud that made your non-subbed speaker system sound like it had some bass lol. I mastered a few tracks I made on an old 8 track through my old Sony boom-box/tape decks. Hit the bassboost and started recording haha it just turned out so garbage and warm - if I ever had the autistic urge to sample through it, it'd do some cool BOC style signal-warming.
  18. It nods in silent approval. IMGP2214 by polygon window, on Flickr Ultimate Buffy - God Among Burgers. IMGP2209 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP2207 by polygon window, on Flickr Chicken Burger my buddy got IMGP2208 by polygon window, on Flickr The best beans EVER IMGP2212 by polygon window, on Flickr Decor IMGP2204 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP2200 by polygon window, on Flickr
  19. My GF's father is quitting his $250k a year job - which he is incredibly fortunate and spoiled to have due to how much he actually does - to do freelance art crap. It's the worst, he is not talented in the least when it comes to his own art and everyone he's shown it to has pretty much said the same thing 'this has been done before, and better, tons of other times'. So he's decided to externalize all that frustration and is being pretty brutal to her about finance stuff. Her parents have been helping her as she finishes her last two years of med school and her father just basically said he didn't care anymore and that she should be able to figure it out. They have always been super shitty about money. They will be late on things they promise and tell her 'not to worry about' and then when she needs what they promise and reaches out to them they berate her about how all she cares about is money... but on the other hand, when she talked about not finishing her studies and getting a decent lab job if they can't help, as she is scared to take out more loans, they scold her and essentially say 'well, what will our friends think of our failure daughter' and 'so we wasted all that money' in lighter, more Russian tones. And she's done so much to strive in her field - she's worked in prestigious labs around the country and has helped with some very important research for diabetes and alzheimer's and they don't give a shit in the slightest or even understand what she does. It's really heartbreaking to watch TBH. It's incredibly frustrating for me, besides her being upset, because they think I'm a drug dealer who makes a lot of money and should be able to support her. They are right in some senses, I do work in a legalized 'drug' industry and make a good living doing so - but I'm not Pablo fucking Escobar and I cannot support myself and their daughters existence/school if they choose to pull the rug out from her financially by backing down on pretty much all their promises half-way through. Bah
  20. EDIT : I love the above pic ^^^ Good lord that is an old stove, Braintree. @ Jev -- I prefer not to post-process and shoot raw for the most part. I don't even own photoshop or the like. I'm sure most of my photos could look all crazy with more processing, but I can't be arsed to do it for too long if any as long as the pic is quality and was what I was going for when taking the pic.
  21. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww My icy heart just melted. Fluffy nurr nurr is cute. SO CUTE.
  22. Let it be a blessing upon thy house. I knight you Salad Lord of the Far North. Have it with some lentil or vegetarian minestrone for full spectrum of yumz
  23. Gentlemen (and scattered, patient, nerd ladies) - I am planning a venture out to a joint called Warthog Barbecue Pit about 45 minutes south of Seattle on Monday when I have a day off. I've been all over the states in famous BBQ regions and made it a point to try as much as possible - this place is up there with the top 2% of places I've been to. As an avid charcoal/wood-smoke char-king and broil master who has been taught by multiple generations of BBQ gods, I hold the highest standards for my feasts in said category of foodage. FFS these people catered my sisters wedding and she's vegan lol! The 'ultimate buffy' is a 1/2lb buffalo patty, slice of home-smoked ham, local cheddar, smoked pepper bacon, tomato, lettuce, red onion and this sweet and oh-so-devilish honey pepper blackjack BBQ sauce. I will bring my hardcore camera so I can show you guys this in the most hi-def way. Also, they have fresh cut and fried fries of the sweet or drunkard-mick persuasion, and the most amazing beans ever. Most BBQ places have shitty beans that don't have any umph, it's just BBQ sauce and beans with a few scattered onions. This place uses brisket, pork ends and pull pork in the beans with fire-roasted onions and green peppers to make theirs. It has a ever so slight hint of coffee (a secret the pit-dude told me about when I asked him) and the char from the meats and veggies make me have a mouthgasm. Prepare...
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