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Everything posted by Audioblysk

  1. REPORTED TO A MOD... Oh wait... Dammit.
  2. Salad consisting of - Baby greens/micro greens Green and red onion Garbanzo Beans Cherry Tomatoes Shaved carrot and cucumber Tofu Hard boiled egg Sunflower seed Slaw consisting of bok choi, cabbage, broccoli and celery Balsamic vinaigrette to dress it up. This has been my staple lunch and dinner. With dinner I add some kind of soup and maybe a bit of home-baked bread that I've been futzing with lately. No-knead, dutch oven bread that is fermented slow comes out tasting like asiago cheese and sourdough with my latest starter. It's fucking lush and you all should get on that.
  3. I've been doing more drugs than usual... Not like a reckless amount or anything dangerous, but this insatiable urge to stay fucking with some receptor set in my brain is getting a little old. I think I'm bored with my work at the moment and nervous/anxious for things to come in terms of money and career stuff. Probably part of the reason for the above problem... I remember feeling like this as a teen and early 20's lad when I was bored and worried about things. Not very healthy... Sorry to hear that... I hope things are at lease somewhat civil. I had a blow out a year or two back with a very long term live-in GF and it was pure hell for me, but that was due to some shady things on her part. Never easy, these things are...
  4. Lol @ the company actually being called 'Goblin'
  5. Just find the leader, walk up, kick his ass - doesn't have to be fair, doesn't have to be clean. But you really have to put him down in front of the crowd and disgrace him. This will establish you as the Alpha in a physical sense, which holds the most ground; we'll get to the mental part soon. They are all Beta's, it's just that one of them has kept his secrets of constantly ejaculating into a Japanese love-doll a secret and reads GQ and Esquire to appear as if he's ever felt the touch of a woman (or man's) sweet, sweet love-hole without first giving them the 16 digits to charge it. He is fake Alpha. Find his metaphorical 'love doll' and use it to make him look like an idiot, bring up the mental anguish he felt before getting a job or money for sex-robots. When the crony-Beta's come around to you then - seeing as you've made a fire out of the desks in the office and a decorative alter using the spine of the former, and faker, Alpha -From there you teach them the ways of Autechre, being a decent human and starting anew. Gotta start from ground zero on these sons of bitches.
  6. That actually looks like a poop in the middle I crossed the line. I'm sorry.
  7. Super relaxed and happy cats sleep in the weirdest positions. I went with a friend to an animal shelter and this little guy wouldn't leave me alone. I can't have pets on my lease, so my parents took him in. He wasn't far from being put down because he is 7+ years old and not very 'adoptable'. It was a 'kill shelter' kinda place, and I couldn't let that happen to the dude. He's the most docile little dude and he greets me every time I see him with much talk and purrs. He loves the nightlife. His name is Roscoe AKA 'Lunchbox' AKA 'Big Boss' IMGP0612 by polygon window, on Flickr IMG_0717 by polygon window, on Flickr IMG_0633 by polygon window, on Flickr IMG_0612 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP0616 by polygon window, on Flickr
  8. IMGP2031 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP1146 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP1117 by polygon window, on Flickr
  9. So in the end races and ethnic groups matter? Complexion. It don't mean a thing. That's just not true but okay. Is the only difference between pitbulls and teacup poodles size and hair styles? No. Why should we assume the same of humans? Nothing wrong with accepting the reality that the human species has culturally and biologically evolved in isolated pockets that have tended to not interbreed for thousands of years. Even though it's politically incorrect to say. Stop pretending there is no diversity, accept and appreciate it. Those are lyrics from a Kendrick Lamar song. Just sayin', he probably didn't mean that much by it And I'm not sure there is much to the different races metabolism of THC, I've seen people of all creed and color get just as stoned as the next. THC is metabolized in the liver the same way for lots of different species as well if I'm not mistaken.
  10. Nah, just the gumbo. I just was lazy and this thread is about food. Gumbo was ace. If there was a way to mail this stuff, I would have you try it so you can feel the glory.
  11. Gumbo (not pictured - burger) IMG_2364 by polygon window, on Flickr
  12. That's horrible, Fenton... I couldn't even imagine that happening. My only piece of advice would be that once you've taken time to grieve and the situation has some closure that you keep yourself somewhat busy, surround yourself in loved ones and friends, let yourself be open with those people - never feel like you're annoying someone when grieving, it helps to let it all out... If you shared love and gave love, that is everything one can really give, and she can feel that on this realm of consciousness or the next. I'm sorry for your loss man
  13. I don't like vaporizers. They don't really pass the terpenes, sequesterpenes and other fun things on (thc could be considered one, but that's another subject) as well as smoking IMO. Something about lowering that blood oxygen and burning one down that you just cannot replace. My work garden has been lovely lately, my soil is on its sixth cycle and getting better each run. Our company is entering cannabis cups this year - wish us luck!
  14. ^^^ I like that one, angles and textures be so crisp. - Went out to shoot some pics in the tiny amount of time I had off this week with a friend. IMGP1889 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP1895 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP1901 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP1905 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP1910 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP1945 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP1977 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP1984 by polygon window, on Flickr IMGP1988 by polygon window, on Flickr
  15. Awwww! So fluffy!! Great pics too BTW. Regal as fuck. Possibly thinking of stealing the last one for a new avatar. My friends cat 'Meatball' is my avatar currently. Took that photo tripping balls, looked almost as cool sober.
  16. When I was in college I synthesized the amine oil intermediate to TMA-2 from calamus oil for a final. It showed every step one would be required to take to fulfil the techniques/reactions requirement of the final, was fairly hard compared to other students proposals, and most of the things I needed were already in stock. My professor was a demure and smart old guy who I figured was a little less than 100% professional. I showed him the proposed synthesis and he chuckled and told me I picked something way too hard for what he wanted us to demonstrate. After setting me up with extra hours to work on the long ass synthesis he deems that as long as I stopped short of the final step at the amine oil he didn't see a problem with what I was doing --and-- I'm fairly sure knew full well what I did when he left lab that day. He didn't discard of the sample, left it for me, and told me to clean up. It took 30 minutes to finish the last step TL:DR - dude turned a total blind eye to me making over 17 grams of a very nice psychedelic in an academic setting.
  17. where can you order it from? =/ I know of a Peruvian source that does kilos at a time - probably best to not put that info on here though. Fuck the teas as well, no offense, they're great in a pinch, but that flavor with haunt you and my stomach hates the cacti IME. A simple acid/base extraction with a clean-up and re-crystallization to acetate or HCl can be done in less than 12 hours. Last time I did it, I was hitting 1g per 100g starting material hitting a pKa of 9.56- making for optimum extraction from the base. Sounds scary? Like the other dopey alkaloids present in the cactus? Run an extraction using d-limonene, vinegar and calcium hydroxide - it's all food-safe materials and you'll precipitate the acetate salt of not only mescaline but some of the other sleepy, dopey, feel-good phenethylamines that also hang out in the cacti. Mescaline is a different beast. The visuals are very akin to DOM and the halogenated amphetamines but with a really organic feel. Body feels is pretty much on there with a solid dose of MDA when you hit 350+mg. Sex on mescaline is really lovely too, the tactile sensations are mind-blowing.
  18. Yikes, Salvia never sat well with me. I remember drooling from laughter, visual distortion and flashing, and feeling the 'gravity' or the 'foot on your face' feeling from the push, then just an odd haze like I'd done too many whippits and a horrid taste in my mouth. That says something to me as I've been to the moon and back when it comes to serotonergic receptor tickling fun-powders. I don't think there is much I haven't tried elsewhere, but that one was a definite NO when I tried it. Set me straight on that particular chemical lol. Either way, hope you have a good time, Zeff.
  19. That's pretty much it. It's not that I have debt, I have the opposite, I've just never needed a credit card. My job was paying me in cash for years and I have investments and a bank account. 1st world success in itself But yeah, it's cool, I need to build credit because I need it for business ventures and future renting or leasing. Tired of having a boss, I could do my own thing in the industry and be very successful.
  20. Airbnb? A couple friends did it out there and got a lush house that was cheap and by the beach. Cook your food and go out to get some local chow? goat curry is the bizzzzz! If not, ask reddit or something lol ;) hope you and the lady have a relaxing trip when you go. Send me a pic of a local dog on a beach, make it blurry. I'll know you were thinking of me
  21. I love this place sometimes :) Ablysk problem. - had to get a credit card - I'm tired of billing departments being pissy because I have no credit history. I can provide statements and info showing I have more than enough liquid assets to cover whatever is happening and pay for everything I need up front but NOOO I gotta get a lil debt card. I take solace in the fact that it gives me cash rewards and rewards when I gas up my multi-season car. Stephen is gonna sell me his spring car - I always wanted a fiat P.s. What's your problem Stephen? Uncle blyskerdoodle can help
  22. o00o - your desk setup is ace. I likes it.
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