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Everything posted by Audioblysk

  1. Salad Master.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Herr Jan

      Herr Jan

      Bread Senpai here

    3. hello spiral

      hello spiral

      Vegetable Sex Offender

    4. Verdant Hickies

      Verdant Hickies

      heuheuh that got a bad turn pretty quickly

  2. Oh? Good luck man, I wouldn't be able to do it, props if you make it. =) We make a delicious chick pea curry with a bit of other veg in it (though we usually add beef or chicken too), then it goes in a tortilla and bakes in the oven until the tortilla are crispy, top with sour cream or greek yoghurt and extra curry or cayenne if you like it spicy. You should try it sometime! Like an Indian burrito lol. I read that nodding then got to tortilla envisioned a taco salad and immediately thought 'Canadian Indian Taco Salad'. Why not just make naan dough and cook it thin with some ghee? YOU JUST HAD TO 'POUTINE' IT UP, HUH?! Somewhere General Santa Ana is rolling in his grave. (sounds good tho)
  3. Amber, if she played with her hair, fiddled with her zipper on her jacket or kept laughing at what you say - she diggin' it. Maybe not in a jump thy bones way, but I've found in my days of poon-hounding that it's a pretty sure sign. Take her home... show her Exai Everything will fall into place. If you play it, she will come.. (theme music from 'field of dreams') Job interviews are the worst. I'm fairly good at them, I just hate promoting myself "What would I consider my weaknesses? Nothing. I could crush you right now and then take your car home and fuck your wife. Three times. She'd love it. She'd say you never went three times, Bill. The fuck kind of a question is that? Gimme dat salary nao." - Will land you 99% of jobs out of pure respect. Trust me. (p.s. props to anyone who picks up the reference above, great movie)
  4. This was my opinion so far. The Coven was just a lil' too tumblr fem-droll for me. The writing and acting really took a dip for that season IMO. Haven't started the 4th yet, heard it's good. Season 1 is really good IMO. Also, the chick who plays the young sexy version of the maid in season 1 is pretty much the hottest chick ever. Total 3-way material for me and the lady
  5. American Horror Story - my GF likes it, it's pretty alright. Sometimes pretty cringe-worthy. F is for Family - the show has potential and needed a longer opening season than 6 episodes. Stopped just when it was getting good IMO.
  6. Lol it kinda reads like it was written by Hank Hill. I get what you're saying. Community is community IMO - most people do right by others all the time and don't think about the bullshit projected upon them when interacting with someone in the moment. Good for that Ukrainian Texan for finding his chunk of paradise.
  7. I actually had to watch it in pieces because of how cringe-worthy that was... I don't want to live on this planet anymore
  8. Lol at using the idea that people should spend their money to help the people around them as apposed to sending them dildos. Fucking bunch of crying pussies really. Just go back to your families and let the tyranny wash over you lol.
  9. I need a bigger mixer and as always, more fucking cables
  10. IMO salvia is pretty much junk and not to be trifled with by humans. Also, never got the hype about 2c-b. It was alright, but it always made me puke 20 minutes after eating it.
  11. ^^preperation H and/or the natural way wif some freshly squeezed aloe gel direct from the plant.^^ I wish I had gone to school for programming or something of the sort that pays well out here. Not saying my job isn't great, I just am starting to see the glass ceiling so to speak. Chemistry degrees won't get you shit without a masters or phd. I wish I didn't have to work. Life is pretty much wasted when you work 50 hours a week. It's not how life is supposed to be IMO. *end bitching*
  12. Creepy stuff yo ^^^ Your sound work is always very immersive, gives me the willies in some examples you've shown us.
  13. R.D. Laing - The Divided Self. Published in 1960, a brilliant psychologist delves into the why's and how's of schizophrenic patients offering existential analysis. Very good read if you're into that.
  14. The vocal harmonies are a pleasant surprise.
  15. I can't edit my post so - I guess Madlib is the producer on the track
  16. I have made yet another batch of my famous gumbo. Consisting of a thick roux that I made a day ahead of time, duck, chicken, home-made andouille, tomato chunks and preserves I froze from the garden this fall, celery + onion + green pepper = cajun mirepoix, frozen okra from the garden this year, loads of spices, home made chicken stock, homegrown herbs and parsley, and the danky dank brown rice. Serve with garlic bread and there is hope for America still. The hope exists in my gumbo. If trump wants some, I'm spiking it with a bunch of 'hope' LSD. COME GET SOME DIS HOPE.
  17. Not gonna lie, I really like it for what it is. Does remind me of Alberto Balsam with the bullet box bass sample and the thick reverb.
  18. It's sad when you frame it like that. Those kids are going to be really, really dumb. He is going to have a hard time getting a job me-thinks. He will blame Obama. It's easier.
  19. I've spent more time making music in the last two weeks than probably the last 6 months combined. The addition of a few thousands of dollars worth of gear hit the spot and is actually not hindering me anymore. Ideas are coming easier, workflow is way more fun on the current set-up, and I'm taking my time without losing the plot so to speak when it comes to ideas. As lame and Gearsluntz-ey as this sounds - I got new processing gear, a nice and modern new mixer, two new drum machines, one new massive synth and a new PC and it made my music making much better. Music can be made on any set-up, I do agree on that, I used to make music with tape recorders and kareoke mic's and loads of crappy gear... but fuck, it's way more fun to make music after digesting a pile of gear in a well-outfitted command center than using my busted laptop and aforementioned lo-fi sampling fun/track making. All in the fun of learning, I should find that tape recorder and mic again lol.
  20. So much lol above. 'Jackhammering flesh caverns with his monogamy periscope' - WATMM bible, Book of Schlitze 22:3
  21. Yeah, I've had 4 MEO MIPT and DIPT, if that's what you're referring to? (4 sub tryptamines? I'm not down with the chemist lingo brah sorry lol.... I imagine you're referring to the mipt/dipt (and some others I don't know about???)). They're honestly about the exact same as mushrooms from what I recall, bit of a stronger chem feel, extra bruxism + other body load etc. It was similar enough that I never bought them because I have such great access to mushrooms =/ 4-sub would be any substitution on the 4 position (Methoxy = MEO, OH or HO = Hydroxy, ect.) . So yeah, you're right :) I was asking because in that box I found a few I hadn't tried. There is some 4-ACO-DMT, 4-HO-MET, 4-PO-DMT, 4-HO-MiPT and some 4-MEO-DiPT. Haven't tried the last two, but remembered that 4-HO-MET was amazing the few times I tried it. There was also a few rare phenethylamines in there that are really rare. There's some DOET, TMA-2, TMA-6 and Aleph-2 in there - those are ones that were being custom synth'ed years ago... It's crazy how much the internet RC scene has changed. Either way, there's more in this box than I'll be able to do in a lifetime. I'd have to join you with tea. Ironically enough, I don't drink coffee lol. I jabbered ChenGOD and StephenG's ear off up in Canada when I met up with the gang. Everyone looked confused as hell when I was making a kratom brew and stuffing my mouth with mushrooms before the AE show.
  22. Another day, another bunch of uneducated armed whitey's holing themselves up with guns against tyranny. READ ABOUT IT HERE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbGdMKpHDDE
  23. Anyone messed around with the 4-sub tryptamines outside of the phosphorylated fun-guy one and its naturally occurring friends? Some of those are the shit for a more 'recreational' psychedelic. I recently found a box in storage containing some research chemical gems from back around 2007, I don't think I've even tried a few in there. They all seem to be intact and viable and were stored sealed with desiccant at a steady temperature. Yay internet.
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