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Everything posted by Audioblysk

  1. I am having a very easy time fapping to this page thanks y'all!
  2. On a somewhat related note. My GF is a citizen of Germany and Uzbekistan, so just as a contingency plan we were looking into the price of living in Germany. Ya know, in case the TUMPZ makes it into office and/or it just gets too stupid here.... So we started looking, and HOLY FUCK living in Germany is cheaper than the USA by far. Even in Berlin or Munich or a large city. (my german is fairly decent and getting better too) What in the fuck is wrong with the cost of living in this country? I can barely get a 1/bd 1/bth apartment w/ less than 800sqft in Seattle for less than 1,200. That is pushing it too, paying 1400+ a month is pretty common in the city. The minimum wage in Germany is actually livable... I'm flabbergasted. I know there are other pitfalls of living in the EU, but going back to baking, coffee roasting and managing bake-shops would actually make me a living out there, unlike here. BTW : Delet and Usagi really hate Mexicans... must be an Aussie thing.
  3. lol salsa is Australian for 'the flu' god damn racists.
  4. Doesn't really matter to me why he was jaywalking. Living in a large city - I do it all the time, often times in front of police. It's hardly ever enforced and even if it was, I doubt I'd get my ass beat for it up here. Yelling at someone to 'stop resisting' when you have a baton and gun, while they are cowering, is ridiculous. The kid is in the bushes and crying FFS. Then when the 5 other cops show up all the sudden the original one tries to throw him to the ground, which for a non-violent offender, is complete overkill. Lol @ Stockton Police Department Joe Silva said: "If everyone would just learn to comply with the lawful orders from police officers and not try to hold or grab any of our weapons force would never have to be used." I saw force being used, while a child is on his back in a defensive stance. Anyone who's gotten beat up knows that your reactions as a surviving animal is to stop the thing that's hurting you from hurting you, thus him trying to get a hold of the baton to get it to stop being used against him, also to allow himself the ability to get out of a very dangerous position to be in when involved in any physical altercation... This was a densely crowded area, the teen was not resisting in a manner consistent with the responding force used and it's fairly sickening to watch all this happen because he decided to cross a street where there was no crosswalk. I see no point in which that officer is not in control of the situation or in any danger...
  5. ^^^ the hell? 3:47 to the end is probably one of the crowning moments of the entire album. 4:56 - that fucking airy pad while the staccato lines are making love... how can one not love? How does one not hear the glory? The gated noise for the snare... lush voltage-spewing lines and squeaky bits... I didn't like the track when I first heard it, but it has quickly become one of my favorites. Pure AFX magic. Also, when listening to that part of the track on LSD, I thought he might have been really influenced by birds and the sound of wind for this track. A lot of the crazy high-end parts really remind me of bird calls for some reason - all talking to each other. I'm still in disbelief that Rich is actually actively releasing music. It's great to hear what he's been up to and I'm happy that even though he owes us absolutely nothing - he still broke off a chunk of that AFX acid for us to chew on. Also, I feel like it shows, once again, just how lazy and unimaginative most popular music and musicians have become when it comes to developing their own sound and magic to spin spells into your brain. Thanks, you ginger loon.
  6. I just want to be in a country where: -There isn't tons of spending on needless wars, or any really -Billionaires and Millionaires are taxed appropriately, meaning - if you make more money than anyone, you pay more than anyone, and be proud to fucking do it because you still make more than everyone. -Minimum wage is kept at a living level, meaning $18+ an hour -Elected positions ALL have term limits and any politician caught accepting money for influence is jailed -Education is easier paid by lowering costs/eliminating costs in part by making it an incentive besides spending billions to trillions on military and by giving more federal aid for adult students who wish to better themselves and thus - their country and economy. -Abortion is legal and a Woman has the right to do with her body what she sees fit. If I could have a baby, I'd hope I could choose to terminate if I saw fit. -Religious extremism is abolished or at least kept into the confines of ones home or place of worship. -Drugs are legalized, taxed, (or at best decriminalized in terms of use and possession) and what consenting adults choose to do with their bodies and minds is their responsibility alone, but treatment is offered for those struggling with addiction and seeking help. I could go on, but none of this matters. I'm tired of the way things currently are. Humans could be so much better to the world, ourselves, and the universe as a whole. I feel like the entire earth needs to have the 'pale blue dot' experience of seeing the Earth from the cosmos, if that doesn't provide a somewhat moving experience and realization that we are all indeed one living mass, then the individual in question should be jettisoned into the deep cold of space to serve as carbon to drift amongst the cosmos until its mass as a whole is remade celestial. It's about time we grew up as a whole and started from square one. (takes off tie-die and steps off soapbox to consume more food and weed) (that last thing about shooting ignorant dummies into space was a joke too, just FYI, slightly necessary, but brutal)
  7. For IDM purposes and tax writeoffs I say we get you a kickstarter to give you one of these. You'd have to go to every bangface after then so you can blow up watermelons on cue tho... In all seriousness tho - glad to hear you're making progress and doing better, mech-suit or not.
  8. I've always wondered - how does it feel to stay at home and work? I used to sell drugs as a late teen and would always at my place with people coming in and out, but there's no tax record and a lot of paranoia there. I wouldn't recommend it. Yours is a true first world success, not privileged white-kid failure...
  9. I have to have dinner with my GF's family tomorrow night. Her Dad is German and Belarusian, Her Mom is Uzbeki and Russian and they are THE WORST. They're both spoiled artists. Her father is an actor in Cirque Du Soleil in Vegas and makes a ton of money, lives in his own cloistered world and treats people like idiots when he's not very smart himself. Her mother is an obsessive, controlling loon who also, has never had a real job or lived in the real world and overcharges rich asian and Russian parents to teach them piano. They judge what I do so much, constantly belittle my accomplishments or my GF's accomplishments (she's worked for world famous research labs and been published/sent to international conferences) and just view everyone as rubes essentially. Her sister is a total skank who still lives at home and sleeps with anything that is able to get it up. She kills like 4 pets a year (gerbil, mice, rats, lizards, hamsters, you name it, not dogs tho... to big to kill maybe) she is the bringer of death to housepets and she should never be allowed to have them. It's a nightmare. Then there's the grandparents... All the while I'm forced to speak the very small amount of Russian I know and they also like to ask me things in German snidely. I'm not bad at either, but fuck them, seriously.
  10. DSC_0632 by polygon window, on Flickr DSC_0648 by polygon window, on Flickr DSC_0594 by polygon window, on Flickr DSC_0592 by polygon window, on Flickr DSC_0579 by polygon window, on Flickr DSC_0559 by polygon window, on Flickr DSC_0548 by polygon window, on Flickr
  11. Fell asleep on my back last night. I feel amazing, it's probably much better quality of sleep. But I sprawl with my neck to the side on my stomach. It's really horrific the shapes I can get into when sleeping. I passed out coffin-style for no reason. Just got super tired. What did you do all day? There are things to do besides work?
  12. One of the warehouses I work at only has and office and a bathroom in the office for 'non-grow' areas.The owner of the warehouse will not let us remodel the office and bathroom... even if we're doing it on our own dime.
  13. The difference between parts of the United States is really insane. It's not all the same mentality all over the nation. Even in my state - the west side is prodominantly far-left and then once you get over them mountains it's a whole different bowl of gumbo. Those land-whales of Kentucky need to fuck off, go back to horking down mountain dew and jimmy deans breakfast croissant sandwiches, and stop telling people what legal union they can be in when it comes to 'marriage'. Fucking disgusting humans. I'm still on for merging Oregon, Washington and BC.
  14. Worst case scenario, use hydroprene. But that's nuclear shit. I wouldn't use it in my house, I've seen it used in orchards and it's commonly used in warehouses, farms, airplanes, ect. Check the living hell out of your kitchen and surround areas for a breeding spot, it could even be in the bottom of a trash can or anything rotting and soft for them to breed in.
  15. 1) I just got a side gig as a photographer for a local cannabis magazine that is expanding to a national magazine with 13 states already. I just got my 1st copy of the new Washington issue with my photos in it. I got one assignment my 1st month, two for my 2nd, and should be in two - 2 page write-ups and a 4 - page article in my third month with them. This also gave me an excuse to buy a new camera. 2) I managed to successfully graft a branch of jonagold apple to our rainier cherry tree in the back yard. I failed the past 3 attempts.
  16. Fuck yeah 'Classy + Street Trash' must sound more attractive when said by a Scottish person, because that name looks like a place you'd see this bloated hedgehog hanging out in. That aside, looks tasty as fuck and it's free.
  17. Doctors are either good or really, really bad at their job IME. I had a friend almost die of MRSA because the doctor didn't believe him or take note of his symptoms and wouldn't prescribe him anything. And re;work - - - I have been with this group for 3 or so years, but with everything that is going on, I'm not really going to be able to step away for a month with the current plans and schedule without losing some serious coin and possibly my role(s) in certain projects. That time of year is huge for one of the gigantic light-dep greenhouse projects I'm involved with so I'm planning this way in advance so we can schedule my involvement around it. Like i said, 1st world to the max. Try CBD for seizure stuff. It works really well in most of the patients I've seen try it!
  18. Headed to Europe next August and I can't get more than 16 days off work. The trip is from Iceland to stay in a sweet lil house with a hot tub and view in Skorradalshreppur, to Ireland, bus/public transport from Dublin to Lough South to stay in a cottage there by the Cliffs of Moher. Then fly to Munich, train to Landshut to see my GF's Grandmother, From there, headed to Castle Lichtenstein for a long ass day trip, then back to Munich, castle trip is to get photos and for metal/castlevania purposes. From Munich to Venice where we will have a gorgeous little apartment to stay in with a deck overlooking the canal. Then we fly back. 16 days is not enough. I'd almost double that so we could hit up Portugal before heading to Munich. (P.s. sorry to hear the StephenG... That's much more of a problem, this is a first-world problem/boast)
  19. http://www.factmag.com/2014/11/11/why-syro-sucks-slow-to-speaks-month-in-house-and-techno/9/ Man, this is a bad review of Syro... I mean it does change quite a bit, but I think it's anything but free-jazz to sit around with a sequencer and machines older than you recording to mixing console and tape. I'm also slightly confused as to what they determine a 'song' to be if these aren't songs. It's edge as fuck tho.
  20. Hawaiian pizza is the best. Highly underrated. Add some bacon on top and light garlic to the sauce and you have a good time
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