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Everything posted by Audioblysk

  1. Like I said -Richard D. JAlienms-
  2. They don't have that...? step it up, Yamaha. Sell some bikes FFS...
  3. I'm not linking anything. It was shown to me by a coworker. No worries Mr. God.
  4. There's a pretty horrifying first person video of the event. Not cool man
  5. Man that looks amazing, whereabouts is this? Went to Portland a few years ago and really wanted to go hiking but unfortunately never got round to it. Must go again Sunrise in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington. It's the gigantic ass mountain in the back. Takes about 2 hours to get there from Seattle. We did the whole day hiking there and went up to the Mt. Fremont lookout and then doubled back up these two mountain heads called the Burroughs Mountains. Long day of hiking, but the trails aren't intimidating in the least and the reward speaks for itself. Got up to around 7500' Go to Seattle area/ Washington for hiking the Pacific Northwest USA. Portland should be skipped by people of non-homeless status.
  6. Holy shit. Did you have renters insurance? (not sure if that's a thing outside the USA) That's so fucked man, I'm really sorry to hear that
  7. I could see individual parts being tracked live in chunks with a bunch of gear, cirklon and mixer (+all the other shiz) But fuck, if entire tracks off syro are in one take, sequenced live I'm convinced he's actually an alien, like Vangelis and his creepy big alien hands. In general, how he manages to do this without massive aid from a DAW to lay it all out in is well beyond my pay grade. As is pretty much everything to do with his tunes. The album gets better and better and I notice more little things every time. It's weird, in most artist's albums everything is very cut and dry, no background noise, no hiss from gear. I think that throughout his music making that he's released in a commercial format, he has managed to put out very high quality work with easter eggs hidden about and things like the percussive effect of the noise-gating going on in XMAS. It gives it character that I don't think many musicians or producers are capable of achieving. I'm rambling. My bad.
  8. Insidious 3 --- 2/10 The first one had a great intro and development to a total flop of an ending. Second one kept on those lines, but had some decent creepy moments like the first. This one just plain sucked. Not to say I'm surprised or anything - just felt like posting this. Horror movies really blow now.
  9. We're well past that point, my Spaniard friend. I should probably go get a bike...
  10. Is it weird that I want to have sex with that Nicki Minaj? I wouldn't want to talk... just sex. The kind of sex I get a bunch of stimulants for.. and there we have another 1st world predicament... This thread perpetuates itself.
  11. my dad just said he doesn't want to hear from me anymore, but other than that this has probably been the best summer of my life so far (close race with that summer when i was three where i basically just played by the ocean every day) The fuck is wrong with your Dad? I mean, I don't want to pry into personal matters, but I don't think I've ever seen anything but positivity from you when it comes to the treatment of others on here. My parents kicked me out before I was 16, it was a mixed bag of me being a shitty kid and my parents being alcoholics who couldn't deal with it or their own issues... it killed me inside for a long time until I was like 21 and we met back up again. Good to hear it's been a good experience this summer, though. I've been digging your pics in the 'pics you took' thread or whatever it's called btw!
  12. Ladyfriend snapped an epic panorama. I just happen to be in it. We made it all the way up that trail going up to the mountain for another 12 miles. T'was a gorgeous day! IMG_9274 by polygon window, on Flickr
  13. Cram it, lady.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Audioblysk


      ^^Just makes for more thirstlier desires.^^


      Crammit, daily.

    3. ambermonk


      Dammit, clam lady

    4. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Crams it*..... prolapse imminent


  14. If my GF ever asked me to move my music gear she would be greeted by this face. P.S. Always good to see someone has a pro-1. Such a lovely bit of gear. I loved every second I got to use one a few months ago, everything I messed about with after plugging in my sequencer was so funky and phat. Shame they're so damned expensive right now. Maybe someday!
  15. We've been opening the new retail cannabis store while simultaneously still running the medical co-op until the state makes that convert too. I've been less in the gardens and more in the stores lately as my underlings have really stepped up and helped me to be more free to move about the other stuff... Days of setting up menu systems, display stands, contacting advertising avenues, interviewing people (although they're all cute girls mostly...)... It just makes me realize how little I like interacting with the general public. Been at the medical co-op a few days a week for the last few weeks and I cannot stand over half the people that come in. We have close to 25-30% REAL cannabis 'patients' and the rest are just a bunch of bums living off state/federal money, crazy people, dudes with no jobs coming in every day buying weed even though they have kids... it's straight pathetic most of the times and I have to smile and pretend I want to see them. Fucking sick of being a bartender/therapist to these people. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR DAY is all I wish I could say when I'm being ear-raped by someone when I'm trying to get them to leave. Only a few more months before they are ran by our hires and I can never interact with another customer for a while. I want to go back to the gigantic rooms and greenhouses filled with dirt and plants and collect my percentage off the stores. Nobody talks to me aside from my bosses and friends when I'm out in the garden(s), I can play my own music choices over the speakers and do what I love doing. (end rant) Always make a few copies of your house key and keep them in places like your desk at work, backpack, inside the house, friend that you trust. I'm sorry to hear that man, but don't get too down on yourself, it only makes it more difficult to start doing the 'right' things.
  16. Child porn and subway... Yup, sounds like the life of a creep.
  17. Brew yer own beer. Problem solved. Not to pricey compared to a month or two at a pub. I started a few years ago and am hooked. I still love other beer from breweries, but you can get roughly the same quality and total control over the flavor in your place of living!
  18. What does that have to do with Florida... other than seeming like it should be a story from Florida...
  19. 'Bu bu bu but where were their guns, Texas? Surely had they all been armed or we had drones that shoot brown people from the sky, all of this could have been avoided with a welcomed hail of gunfire from trained citizens.' (posts things about gun statistics in bizarre justification) (Drinks beer and realizes that without spewing idiocy silence is deafening and all is black - lulling into the abyss, he sees a corndog being eaten by a bodybuilder shooting down planes and convinces ego once again - 'You're not a fag') (passes out in pile of $6.99 copies of Timecop, American flags and empty KFC bags and buckets while humming) Oh and BTW, I banned Chunky. The fuck are you going to do about it?
  20. Every time you describe having a 'summer car' I immediately picture you in an pink polo with beige shorts with an ascot or cardigan. "Daddy, I'm taking a drive to the summer home. I think I'll take the summer car, much too hot for the BMW in the Hamptons."
  21. Dude, I'm 25 and that would have me pretty damn buzz-B-Berkley'd. You're not old, you just had a fucking rockstar liver, kidney and gallbladder that allowed you to be a god among drunks apparently
  22. Anyone get the thought that maybe Trump is a shill for the GOP? Think about it. Pay the dude a good sum of money to say what every racist, reactionary idiot would think and garner attention towards the debates. Turn that dude down, and you have a (by comparison) sane group of people that are normally viewed as on the slight side of insane. Get the base of voters you want riled up and saddle them with the best figure head - worked for Obama and keeping Bush in office. And those are just in my lifetime. I dunno. Something really, really fake about all of it. Aside from the fact that the USA is a walking joke when it comes to 'democracy'. I cannot believe people still care like it actually matters whether or not you care or don't. Steaming about political and social strife (or lack thereof) and just itching to let people know their independent thought that is nothing more than just a regurgitated monologue of the same useless diatribe. It's a trigger finger reaction to perceived superiority or idealism that they, as an individual, hold to be correct, moral, ethical, ect. I, as an American, couldn't care less about any of this besides wanting it to stop entirely. Nothing will change, the rhetoric and 'us and them' mentality only serves to divide until you realize that like anything, it's a construct that only gains as much ground as you let it. I know this opinion faces scrutiny with the fact that it is apathetic and that to some it hurts more to not care than to care and do what you can... but fuck that. None of it will change until that horrid view and this idea of militant manufactured individuality ends. I have prosperity and happiness at this current moment and in the foreseeable future, if that all comes down due to some horrible global event or terrorist attack that we're convinced is supposed to happen - so be it. Nothing I can do or think will ever change the current of the tides in the ocean or human arrogance. Just gotta be happy and remember that any person around me, however they choose to believe and feel is just what they have come to believe in their short snippet and individualistic take on the human experience. So long as those actions don't physically harm me or anyone while I'm around, think whatever you want. Sorry for the rant. Feeling odd tonight. Watched this shit (GOP debate) and just couldn't believe it was real. Depressing really.
  23. Somewhat dangerous way to solve boredom... but it'll work. (don't get angry)
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