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Everything posted by Audioblysk

  1. Have you been there or anywhere in the USA for that matter? I quite liked the swamps tho, as an organic garden nut, the thought of such rich soils is pretty epic. That and crocs and gators... I've long had a fantasy of having a very large aquatic reptile friend who sees me as one of its own. We'd get so many chicks...
  2. The manatees are slowly being killed off by assholes with boats and pollution. Florida is easily one of the most backwards places I've been in the USA (specifically Fort Lauderdale) Great Cuban food though. And gators!
  3. I am constantly disappointed by the people around this country in my travels. I don't consider myself to be very intelligent, I can get by, but I'm not ace-ing any calculus exams any time soon... but good lord - some of the people in this country are just intensely unintelligent to the point of disbelief. I traveled from Florida to El Paso, Texas in 2009 and I was completely blown away by how people thought I was some scholar with unnatural genius for having been to college or knowing simple every day facts in most areas I went through. I will say, being a white male and all, I have never encountered too many unfriendly people when you get down to it especially in the deep south - the women were plentiful and corn-fed, with great boobs. Everyone treats you like you're their long lost cousin back for a reunion, it's startling at first, being from a part of the USA where eye contact is considered overbearing and creepy - but I kindof like it. Maybe what they lack in outright intelligence in some parts of the country, they make up for in general kindness. Unless of course you're black, then you're fucked. So yeah, America has got some growing up to do, but it's not all that bad. Unless you're black, gay, native american or openly non-christian. For the record - I'm all for California on up to BC just becoming its own nation. It'd be snobby and filled with microbreweries, espresso shacks and seafood... but dammit, it'd be glorious.
  4. Your grandma would close her eyes while driving? That sounds like a bad choice and one that would land you in hell for mowing down pedestrians while doing so.
  5. Got a letter from the state saying I needed to claim an account in my name from a non-retirement mutual fund or the state will. Being a proud American, the thought of my country getting my money makes me sick to my stomach and violent with rage. So- confused as fuck, I contacted the investment company. Turns out my drunken Irish grandfather put 250$ into some investing scheme in international securities in 1992 under my name, most likely to use for college in some hairbrained scotch-soaked moment of clarity in which he felt $250 was worth investing... Apparently he made good choices with where it was placed as I just retrieved access and full ownership of the account and it's now worth $18,956 That combined with my garden bonus ($500xlb @ 12ish lbs) I got this week has made me more money than the entirety of working a years worth of baking in high end kitchens used to two years ago. Happy cat.
  6. god dammit, I always post 1st world problems in the 1st world achievements thread... thus creating a paradox of 1st world strife.
  7. I have a mix of an acute bacterial infection and polyp in my sinus, I am waiting back on cultures for a suspected fungal infection mixed in there too... I'm on antibiotics, and steroids for it so it should go away in the week coming, but before that it was being on and off sick with no fever or symptoms other than sinus pressure, respiratory drainage and tons of productive coughing. Fucking miserable! It's like having all the energy zapped out of you all the while there's a golfball stuck under your face constantly throbbing and you can't even enjoy weed or exercise... I've had zero energy for the last month or so and I finally broke down and had to head to the doctor this last week Fucking sinuses. Can we outgrow them like adenoids or appendixes?
  8. Who's angry? Don't get me wrong --- It's more the act of doing one thing and saying another that just makes me giggle a little at them with the interview, the music is whatever. Life is suffering, and if you do all you can to avoid any possibility of doing so or have only experienced it on a very pitiful relative scale (i.e. high-school is too hard for you emotionally?! Shit, peeling an orange must be terrifying), you just become a sort-of spoiled pansy spiritually IMO who regurgitates new-age nonsense pretty easily. Don't really know how to define my thoughts on the subject, and I probably sound like a douche. - I'm not mad, just laughing. Good for them for at least thinking somewhat outside 'the box', I guess? And never, ever bring up Daddy's coal mining like that HE PUTS FOOD ON THE TABLE, DAMMIT.
  9. Children of incredibly wealthy and famous parents become egocentric airheads spilling new-age noise like manufactured 'enlightenment' is a fashion statement?! I'm shocked. It's easy to get lost in nonsense that you read in pseudo-spirituality books if you've never had to work a goddamn day in your life. But good for them, the next generations will have bright idols who couldn't even take the doldrums of public schooling like the rest of us depressed sods.
  10. I have been working so much with my new job(s) that I have accumulated a fair bit of coin for my age the past year, bought over $4k worth in gear and studio stuffs over the past few months, and have had little to no time to use any of it. I've become so busy I haven't made music in a month or two. I finally plugged in my SH-09 after a week of it sitting in my room, only messed about with it for a bit, and had to leave. It's a total cocktease. I have two days off this week and I plan to shut off my phone and lock the doors, but knowing my luck, that will not happen FACK
  11. This is so horrible, i can't even put it into words. Just stay as far away as possible from this person Definitely going to.... I just don't understand how our justice system is so lenient and undervalues life by so much... =( he probably took a "plea deal", basically "I'll admit I'm guilty for a reduced sentence" which doesn't make sense to me, how can admitting guilt for something like that get you less of a charge? (happens often though...) Now THAT is some bullshit. I'm really sorry to hear that man. I read the article in the Calgary Sun and the fact that there were multiple witnesses, security camera footage (however grainy, although my bosses own nightclubs and the cameras in there can see if someones pulling a bag of coke out of their pocket on the other side of the room) and a man is dead in an establishment... That's not enough to convict a man on murder charges?! THE FUCK? PLUS he was caught with a big hunk o' meth and weapons... That is just a poor court decision, the man deserves 25 to life for the murder alone and shorter tack-on's for the dope and guns. Guns are one thing, meth is a harmful and horrid chemical... but they ain't equivalent together with manslaughter/murder. I have a friend who went down for some fairly large, but not harmful, drug sales. He sold large amounts of LSD, MDMA and a few other psychedelics. He was caught when someone competing with him in business gave his info to the police. He is still awaiting sentencing and is looking at 15-20 years for the sale of harmless (IMO, don't get on a high horse or you defend the problem) drugs and alluding uncle sam's taxes with illegally begotten money. Anyways, the next court case that day after his initial arraignment with the judge and such was a drunk driver who ran over an old man, killing him, and injuring his own 3 children in the car pretty badly at the same time when he crashed. He got 7 years... This world is fucked.
  12. My Father worked supervising the painting of his private jet in the mid 90's and said the guy was not only one of the biggest assholes he's ever met, but that he is incredibly racist against Blacks and Latinos. He sluffed off racial epithets like no other to the crew painting his plane, who were mostly black and latino was a total asshole to my dad and his boss and smoked a cigar in the dudes office like a total prick. From what I've heard of Cosby, he's a total cock.
  13. Someone stole my car two days ago. It was parked out in front of my girlfriends place and when I woke up, it was gone. Checked the tow-yards, called the police, chatted with a decently friendly officer, then begrudgingly went to catch the bus. The dick who stole my car added 1 hour to my daily commute due to busses being shitty in my particular area. Fucking human piece of garbage... The allure of driving a 92' honda accord must have overwhelmed him...
  14. Sweet fucking christ! Oh wait, you have more than one car... Mine is like 120$ a month for liability... for a 92' honda accord (it's seafoam green, like a real mans car should be) But I'm also 24 so that should drop in a while.
  15. Being on a diet and reading this thread... I want fucking a burger
  16. I'm about to buy a RYTM... so this is really quite nice. Great work!
  17. Good for you, my friend Addiction is a tough cookie <---- ((root beer))
  18. This is Buddha in 2014. I had a similar experience last year in Croatia. Very inspiring. The hell was that. It was pretty lush
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