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Everything posted by YO303

  1. The Sound Of My Voice - LOL this movie was fucking weird man, it was interesting for a while but then realized it was just a waste of time. And that ending what the am i soppose to take from it, lol. kind of a wate of time/10
  2. I don't like where your bed is located, it should't be in a corner like that (the side of the bed against a wall), an adult bed should be in the center of a wall, no sides should be touching wall. I guess my bed is not adult then Its not too late to change it unless you want to bring girls to a child's room.
  3. I don't like where your bed is located, it should't be in a corner like that (the side of the bed against a wall), an adult bed should be in the center of a wall, no sides should be touching wall.
  4. Had a similar situation with my mom, the doctors thought she had breast cancer but it turns out she has problems in her spine that gives her lumps in the breast (i don't know the doctors terms thats kind of how it was explained to me). For a long time i thought my mom had cancer once i found out she didnt it felt like a huge heavy dark cloud was lifted off my body.
  5. hahaha nice http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=E9FqOLEGqAQ
  6. I love this picture Merry Christmas
  7. This is gonna sound kind of lame but after watching Homeland i want to get into jazz (hahaha i know how lame that sounds trust me) I guess i want to ask jazz fans here if they know of jazz artists similar to Tomasz Stańko (the guy who made the Homeland theme song) sorry if this request is lame, thanks.
  8. Django Unchained - Yeah it was allright, a little long and bit dull in parts. Samuel Jackson was the best thing about the movie. 9/10
  9. Merry Xmas watmm from shaved santa - Merry Christmas, have you been a good boy this year?
  10. Frailty - Talk about a good movie being ruined by the ending. It was all excellent 'till that motherfucking ending, i usually don't complain about plot holes or nonsense twists but oh boy that was stupid. 9/10 - before the ending 2/10 for the ending
  11. sturridge to liverpool for 12 million ... ermm , shit scouting system they have at liverpool, im sure there are better players for 12m outside of the premier league.
  12. Animal abuse i know but for fuck sake lol
  13. Is that a beard or are you trying to break the record of most toothpicks in a face? Just kidding, great beard keep it that way.
  14. Revisiting Peep Show .. this show is amazing .. from season 1
  15. Watching the new season of peep show at the moment, amazing stuff. In the latest episode one of the characters said Venetian Snares was like a sony smart phone and Aphex Twin was the Iphone (something like that). Another character was giving away a box with ballet shoes, a squarepusher cd and speed. IDM heavy episode.
  16. I need to go to the bathroom but i share it with 3 fat people who are constantly having diarrhea and its always occupied, i had to pee in a bottle multiple times, its crazy.
  17. Chelsea lost the easiest cup to win, now they won't be able to wear that stupid "World Champions" badge.
  18. Lopper - God damn this movie was conflicting, didnt know who to root for, i guess that was the point, it didnt have the conventional good vs evil theme from 99 percent of movies. The action was good and Bruce Willis was kind of a badass in this (apart from the "you know what" killing). 9.5/10 (I was going to give this movie a 9 but Jeff Daniels bumped it to a 9.5)
  19. lol good bye fellani It probably didnt hurt, like getting hit with a pillow.
  20. Hobbit - I loved it, loved the characters loved the story, love the visuals (specially the flashback of the orcs vs dwarfs battle at moria, that looked just wowowowow). The high frame rate looked very weird at first but my mind adjusted to it, the film looked beautiful after the initial weirdness of the high frame rate. The 3D was unnecessary. I can see people being cynical about this movie because it does feel unfinished and a bit long but the ride was fun. That whole gholum vs Bilbo riddle challenge was tense and funny. 9/10, can't wait for the next one!.
  21. So aaafraid of this mirror only an aphex logo to confort me, i've seen spirits in this mirror
  22. YO303


    Just in case someone hasn't recommended this already
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