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Everything posted by YO303

  1. a plus gif, i love it go diego!
  2. You can't have two black guys in a movie and no white guys, this movie will bomb.
  3. haha, there are 3 posts in this page alone complaining about the movie (i'm sure there is a lot more in this thread and in the TDKR thread). I mean i'm like the least likely person to defend Nolan because i didn't like the previous two dark knight movies but come on we get you hate it the movie please move on its been 5 months i'm sure there are a lot of other movies that deserve your critique like Playing for keeps, go watch that.
  4. You sure do love complaining about a movie that you first saw 5 months ago. I'll never understand why people keep complaining about movies that they hate, yeah its allright to give your critique when you first see it but if you hated it so much you should have forgotten about it the second after you wrote your first whiny post.
  5. Burn After Reading - I skipped this movie when it first came out thinking it was going to be a borefest ... i was sooooo wrong, fantastic movie, that last scene when the two CIA guys were talking about the case was brilliant and funny. 10/10
  6. I think its pretty obvious Red and Green are Aphex's, Yellow and Blue (and purple) are Mike's
  7. Lincoln - dialogue heavy, i spaced out many times during the film. Some great moments of suspense and joy (i cried twice), Danny Day is amazing in this. 8/10
  8. mremrories! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skrPiEY9udM kadsjfsdjgslkdg;lsd kdsjkhsjdhgjhds kndf!
  9. lol I don't get why my avatar freaks people out. He is just a HAPPY SMILING SUNSHINEY GUY it doesnt freak me out, its just an annoying face, im pretty sure its going to give someone a stroke someday.
  10. lol white babies to black parents. what a ho.
  11. RADIO ROCKS! These kids need medication.
  12. Last month of another year and nothing accomplished.
  13. He looks like a guy who sells fake rolex in an alley.
  14. We need to talk about kevin - had to turned it off 30 minutes in, what a dull fucking movie.
  15. I don't know why i like this, it was so awkward but they were so classy and graceful. They also had the potential to do something insane, oh well.
  16. My mom just found my 17-year old brother's weed stash (and pipe), lol, i have been craving weed and struggling to find a dealer and my brother was holding all this time. But yeah he's in big trouble.
  17. I like nostalgia and all but that was one of the cheesiest corniest fucking cringeworthy videos i've ever seen, so bad.
  18. That was so unnecessary, why even say that? . Now that its okay to write negative stuff about TDK trilogy you say stuff like that.. Where were you fucks when the dark knight sucked ??? you guys are so brave now. TDK Rises was fun, re-watched last night and I still think its the best movie of the trilogy.
  19. Can't tell if those pictures are from extras in gummo, extras in the hills have eyes or footballers.
  20. If you remove the bad tracks you got yourself a pretty good album. Nothing will match Plus Ten (the original release)
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