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Everything posted by YO303

  1. Ted - Yeah it was allright, scattered lols and a fat kid got punched in the face. Actors trying to act all dramatic in front of that teddy bear was cringeworthy. Mila Kunis pretty hot. 6.5/10
  2. I love how you sneaked that Neanderthal in.
  3. lol wut Didn't you get the memo? we hate the davinci code series.
  4. I once had a dream i was in a desert and only had a bag of salty pretzels to eat, i ate about two and my lips were so dry they disintegrated and the wind took them away .. i haven't eaten a pretel ever since.
  5. This is the worst, its 2 pm now i woke up about 3 hours ago i have been bored since 1 pm i have like 11 hours before i go to bed and have nothing to do, i will be bored out of my mind for 11 hours.
  6. I know this is old new but look at Wenger's jacket .. This is not photoshop, what is he hiding there, looks like the old two midgets in a jacket gag.
  7. I'm enjoying this season. I thought Rick didn't have it in him to kill that cunt of a prisoner, i like him more for doing what it needed to be done.
  8. Abraham Lincoln The Vampire Hunter - One of the most ridiculous over-the-top movies i've seen in my life, some of the characters were so fucking outrageous that leads me to believe the writers and filmakers of this movie were high on a combination of cough syrup and asthma inhalers. I enjoyed the fuck out of this movie, so much stupid ridiculous fun, you gonna have to leave your fucking pretentiousness behind and see this movie as if you were a lobotomized lunatic. 8.5/10 P/S - The horse stampede scene is worth your time, trust me.
  9. Not really funny, kind of sad actually .. End of the Serbia - England game U21s http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xudnzy_ser-0-1-eng-u21_sport#from=embediframe
  10. Seeking A Friend For the End of the world - The normal part of me thinks this movie had no point to it and they could have used the end of the world better, the coming off adderall part of me thinks this movie was really emotional and made me think about things. 7/10 i guess.
  11. Neymar, when i thought his face couldn't get any more pounchable.
  12. English Football is a circus. that's why we love it ?
  13. I'm on the first episode of Veep, pretty good so far.
  14. What an inaccurate mushroom trip. It would have been a better thread if you just wrote what you imagine in your head when you listen to the songs instead of pretending you took mushrooms and making a fool of yourself.
  15. Full-kit wanders twitter feed - https://twitter.com/WankersFullKit amazing stuff in there ..
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