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Everything posted by Nebraska

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmvV4Ny2NH0
  2. the don was smart because he kept the whole thing about himself. the first question addressed to him from megyn kelly was "you've called women pigs and said they were worthless and some other harsh words. is that the type of person who should be president". his response "i only said those things about rosie o'donnell" he was reminded he said the same things about other women and that the only time he thought a woman looked attractive was when she was on her knees. his response "look, you clearly can't tell when someone is having a bit of fun. see the problem we have in this country is that we're too politically correct. personally, i don't have time for politically correct. and this country doesn't have time for politically correct" then went on his usual rant about border control and mexico and china winning. this is exactly the type of fiery rhetoric that conservatives want to hear. he also choose a good moment to be transparent by embracing all the other "candidates" by saying he'd donated to their campaigns and expected favors in return. "did you donate to hilary?" of course. "and what favor did you get from her?" when i called her up and asked her to come to my wedding she had no choice. she had to come. a few people claimed the don never gave them money but jeb bush's grin was the best. him and rand paul are there to remind people not to vote for them rubio and maybe huckabee can be said were the most level headed, but you always had trump pulling easter eggs and rand paul getting SUPER pissed off coz everyone was making him look bad (including himself). carson spent 80% of his talk relating politics to surgery since nobody could dispute a neurosurgeon
  3. YES. i totally forgot about that question, although to be fair, it was part of the questions from the (conservative) public and asked by an old lady. there was also a lady that said she didn't feel safe in her country anymore. not because of all the guns and shootings etc. but because of isis. rand paul reminded her that if he became president, nobody would be taking his guns away. i imagined that bringing a big sigh of relief on her part
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFXsMfcExi4
  5. +1 would also really love to know what gives you optimism (besides maybe just hoping the best for humanity) because i can't see how things can possibly get better (despite divine intervention of some kind) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNSyCqqEPAI
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbVDQKcxg00
  7. all of these & Prospero's Books are mint. Drowning By Numbers got on my tits 1st watch, re-watched couple of weeks later & got completely lost in the madness in the best way. zed & two naughts is probably my least favorite of all these, mostly because it's more about how it's made rather than what it's about. draughtsman's contract is magnificent though it's probably the most pompous and erudite of the lot. basically people walking around like peacocks speaking like "oh i do declare" while weird shit happens and nobody notices. it's a beautiful film to watch. drowning by numbers has the most wit and sagacity while prospero's books has the most guile (to the point of showing off). i'd also suggest 'goltzius and the pelican company' which (out of the dutch masters) has been the best one imo
  8. Nebraska


    yes, this has been going around for a few days now. tidal's response: https://twitter.com/TIDALHiFi/status/627215411424174080/photo/1
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3qHepWxn-k
  10. looks like he's got a track on this compilation: https://bleep.com/release/62440-various-artists-best-of-touched
  11. http://i.imgur.com/ShwMYQz.gifv
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7IP5SV6GqQ
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO2qCfWk-z4
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xudU3tfrw0I i used to have this demo
  15. kids movie. basically, a bunch of clumsy (but resourceful) sheep get their owner into an accident and must get him back. if you've got little kids they'll probably like it, although it's not even that good
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcGuK-qOpoU
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyJXxnJKWkE
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4-e4nlfdRI
  19. https://soundcloud.com/nasa/sets/golden-record-greetings-to-the
  20. i tried to watch it. it's not good. but you knew that (if you didn't, just imagine what a show called ballers would be like.... yup. that's it. it's crap)
  21. ^^^ i used to love dennis pennis (the pennis is mightier than the sword). he also had a character called ken tooken that was a football hooligan or something. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPz51IQ_LeU
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIy5aiRdtrc
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