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Everything posted by Nebraska

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqZevdR4wPA
  2. they also included this canister with tombaugh's remains on new horizons. not sure if the plan is to leave it on his planet, or send it off with new horizons into the kaiper belt, needless to say, tombaugh finally gets a bird's eye view of the planet he discovered
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09KJyeNiOjU
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTfBV48IWyI
  5. this was an assault on the sense. the movie doesn't so much hit the ground running as it injects a hippo amount of testosterone into your gonads and knees you in the bollocks. btw: excellent production design. everything exists in that world.
  6. got this release recently. sounds a little like force publique congo but maybe better (?). basically ambient, drone, industrial workout no idea who is behind this but it's from the belgian label janushoved
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ds4fqgwp4Ig
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djGm66eWinY
  9. Nebraska


    tidal has a family plan: for each new person tied to your account, you pay half of the original subscription cost, which is still more expensive than apple music
  10. naturally, they're using the ol' "innocent til proven guilty" defence tactic. in the words of dave chappelle "you're going to have to prove to me....without a shadow of a doubt, that the man is guilty"
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj7_E5Tpdhs
  12. i've wanted to watch this anime since.... forever and never seem to get to it. another one i've wanted to see is wicked city
  13. http://bigstory.ap.org/article/6d90b1f473f147ed9f0048f9e9ac2287/apnewsbreak-cosby-said-he-got-drugs-give-women-sex
  14. http://i.imgur.com/vCgIK7e.gifv
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6PPk2NOQXs
  16. okay, a couple of cool scenes but the show is starting to loose something mainly because they're felt it necessary to make the main character have some mental disorder coupled with his drug abuse (what's the point when he's already antisocial recluse who wanders around new york looking like a homeless guy?) plus his annoying speech impediment (how long does it take him to utter one sentence?) what i did like was the more realistic hax0ring. no more idm video montages from hackers. now he's using an http exploit with wget to print the /etc/passwd for his "digital slide show" evidence
  17. orthodox jews hire mexicans to protest same-sex marriage during pride parade in new york
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHf089jl9H4
  19. wow, this was bad. i didn't watch terminator salvation's or the tv show so i came into this from t2 (which is a hard act to follow) and this failed miserably. firstly, it tried to explain a lot of the back story from the first and the second film and use it to illustrate how this storyline came into place, but i found it forced and confusing. but what was most annoying was how it spent a lot of time explaining that (almost like it was trying to erase the events of the first 2 films so it could start the terminator series anew from this film forward) guess they took that "reset the future" logline literally
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