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Everything posted by Nebraska

  1. nice to see night flight in there. loved that show. smash tv? approved
  2. this (suspiciously?) sounds like demoscene music, complete with the visuals. i can see why they're lumping it together with vaporwave, but i do agree it's not the same thing
  3. part two of the article above here
  4. e-mail them at red.venice.records@gmail.com always best to establish first that they're still accepting submissions for review as many of these blogs/sites usually close shop with no announcement
  5. just watched the one with joe pesci and the twins. lol great one wtf? i watched that one about 3 days ago too. i mentioned to my gf that they looked like thinner-yellow-teethed versions of julia roberts. are you hiding out @ my place?
  6. yes, they started up again (they were down for a while). try these: http://brainwashed.com/ http://noisemuzakreview.blog.com/ http://hellorainbowbridge.blogspot.com/ <-- they also distro http://touchingextremes.wordpress.com/ http://esoterrorist.com/ http://auxiliaryout.blogspot.com/ http://decaycast.wordpress.com/ <-- not sure if they're still taking submission. their main site seems to be down (?) hope that helps
  7. hell yeah! one of the cheesiest shows EVER. it's about angels that come to earth to help by bringing "guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives". everyone is an extreme goody two-shoes and even the bad characters are cardboard cut-outs from a text book by being "respectfully against" the good guys. harkens to a time when things were much simpler on planet earth
  8. heathen harvest has an exclusive stream of the black leather jesus and crowhurst split tape in it's entirety on their site. http://heathenharvest.org/2013/01/22/heathen-harvest-exclusive-new-black-leather-jesus-crowhurst-split-streaming-now/
  9. ^^ ha! i know that guy 'faker'. he used to release music under the name and here is a noise cassette i can recommend if you like "stinky noise"
  10. i keep this film as an endurance test. second only to this piece of garbage as one of those films that goes beyond the shit barrier into "this is not funny anymore and you're now pissing me off" territory. you've been warned just the trailer
  11. shoot the crap out of alien invaders classic beat the hell out of the other guy video game
  12. inspector betti arrives in naples to help the police squad clean the streets of the mafiosi and petty criminals. what ends up happening is a basically a for poliziotteschi films of the 70s with enough meatballs in your spaghetti
  13. damn that was good. thanks for that. btw- just wanted to add: not sure what it is, but russians are obsessed with shit (this guy had to really stress how much he likes to empty the contents of his bowls in that w.c). i know this girl from moskau and she's constantly talking about her feces as well
  14. i had a dream that i robbed a bank. this is the 2nd dream i've had about this. in the first dream (a few days ago) i had to get into position with my team at a specific time, but i got distracted by an old school-mate who happened to be a cop. she wanted me to join her to a cop seminar. in order not the arise suspecion, i went with her- but the whole thing started to take too long and i noticed i had to get back to where i was supposed to be. i made an excuse that i had to leave, but she pointed out that the seminar was almost over- but i insisted and left. outside, i met one of my fellow robbers and he was kinda angry because we were almost running late. when i finally got the rest of the "team" they were already shooting up outside the bank (which was in a strip mall). we immediately started pouring into position: i was in charge of holding the tellers and people who came to the bank to make deposits. the whole time i was hoping nobody would test me because it meant i had to shoot them and a murder charge would be added to my already pending armed robbery charge. btw: i'd like to point out that there is a confusing adrenaline charge to committing such a crime. in the back of your mind, you kinda have this looming idea that you will be caught, but knowing it hasn't happened yet almost fuels you to continue instead of give up. the 2nd part of my dream (last night) had me now evading police. i had a feeling this robbery had been considered to be much more serious than i had made it out to be because there were cops everywhere looking for us. at this point, my team seemed to have changed and was now made up mostly of high school friends. i remember being very angry at them for putting me in this position (why i had gone along i'll never know) but i found myself in a situation that wasn't going to get better. at the end, we were all hiding in a bus and could see cops everywhere combing the area looking for us. one guy tried to get up to see whether the coast was clear (i kept whispering to him "get down, get down") but then one cop discovered us and shouting "i think we've got them all". we were all made to get out of the bus and stand in a line and i literarily began to seriously contemplate the reason for continuing to live. i thought "well, i've heard of people learn new skills in prison, and perhaps i could wait around to see what new technology will be discovered and whether there will be life on other planets etc. but suicide cannot be ruled out now"
  15. i had a hard time enjoying this documentary because this was a case i never "got". basically, a woman in brutally raped and beaten in central park manhattan and a group of kids (who were out there terrorizing cyclists and joggers) are arrested on suspicion that they did it. supposedly, because of "how" the cops interrogated them, even they are convinced they did it. so they're put in prison. but years later, they say they never did it, and the real culprit (who's behind bars) comes clean. so this documentary, is that the cops are racist, because they asked a bunch of kids (who are black) questions that made them confess to a crime they never did. does that make sense?
  16. i think some of you may find this interesting. it's a documentary that focuses on girls that do noise. the only ones i'm really familiar with are valerie martino (aka. unicorn hard-on) and leslie keffer
  17. here's a pretty interesting article about vaporwave from dummymag titled vaporwave & the popart of the virtual plaza plus a free vapormix
  18. thanks, definitely going to look for that listen to this pedophile's dream scenario: a young girl is abandoned by her mother and finds an vacant apartment in a rinky dink building run by an old man who's a photographer. when he's sent to check the place by one of the tenants who hears "voices that could be a maniac out to touch women" he finds the girl and invites her to stay with him (since she has nowhere else to go). and now for the real kicker: the old guy is called henry and he catches "punky" dancing to "maniac"
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