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About kaen

  • Birthday 01/01/1871

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Even the Romans hated to be left on read. 90AD-100AD ish - To Fabius Justus. It is quite a long time since I had a letter from you. "Oh," you say, "there has been nothing to write about." But at least you might write and say just that, or you might send me the line with which our grandfathers used to begin their letters: "All is well if you are well, for I am well." I should be quite satisfied with so much; for, after all, it is the heart of a letter. Do you think I am joking? I am perfectly serious. Pray, let me know of your doings. It makes me feel downright uneasy to be kept in ignorance. Farewell. -Pliny the Younger Source: Atallus
  2. Children of Morta, lovely little roguelike action game, has a cute little story too. Highly rec.
  3. I like this one, reminds me of a tree I had in my garden, its gone now.
  4. kaen


    We have a pair of goldfinches and that come back to our garden every year and nest up in the same place, they are cool little birbs. I put out some nesting basket things so they have less work to do this year, they seem to appreciate it and often come down to chill with me when i'm sitting outside. Birbs are neat. We get Jays too but less often, they are also super pretty. Goldfinch Jay
  5. Obama has all the charm, its his superpower.
  6. I like neil, i just think he should stick to what he is good at, the visual effects side of things. If he teamed up with a really good writer and director and actually let go of that mad control he seems to want with everything we might get something special. While there were some cool ideas in this oats experiment i fear he has burned money for nothing in the end.
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