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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I got an AK SR25, just came in today ($1000ish though not this $2500 beast!). Sounds amazing, night and day from my previous DAP. Especially noticeable is the higher quality at higher volumes. I’m not using the balanced 2.5mm output yet but looking into it. The UI is intuitive and very responsive (thing has a quad core cpu ffs), the build quality is really nice and feels sturdy too. Also handy to have bandcamp/soundcloud and almost any other streaming service avail on the device. Big factor for me ultimately will be cost of ownership long term, i.e. if I have to get it repaired (output jacks tend to go...) and if it gets buggy at all. If it holds up I can definitely see myself investing in one of their more expensive players.
  2. Fun be good! Purchased and it’s queued up for a proper listen this weekend. I did subtract $87 for each time aux has fanrsworthed me though. Sorry m8s you could have been rich ? kidding of course - nice to see this coming out on schematic too. Cant wait to hear it
  3. I imagine so yes! I have all the albums but none on vinyl so I don’t mind ?
  4. I ordered the clear one before seeing the bleep edition ?
  5. Wait, should I go for the clear one or the orange one? spusher bandcamp one is clear, bleep is orange... both say Ltd
  6. Sorry for double post - watmm mobile won’t let me delete it for some reason ?
  7. ? ? is this where the “open your mind” sample originated btw?
  8. Not that I can think of? I’ve got all those tunes though ?
  9. Ty. I’ll have to think and educate myself a bit about this before I respond. Have a good night!!
  10. I’m going through a nasty bout of insomnia myself. It’s debilitating.
  11. @ignatiusstop farnsworthing me or I’ll fly down to Portland and give you a piece of my... well I’ll take you out for beers and dinner. Lol ?
  12. Yes. I guess what I’m trying to ask is that social ordering is really functional ordering and this is evident across a variety of species. Why is this ordering natural and fair for other species and not humans? Understanding that other species also enjoy different benefits under their ordering.
  13. Yes historical context is critical. I wonder what Marx would have written in this century? ?
  14. of course not. if the capitalists currently running things disappeared, the greater society would fall into chaos and potentially even revert to previous modes of production such as gang based feudalism or similar. the task of socialism is not to just eliminate the ruling class control all in one fell swoop and then all is well. the workers must be educated about their position and society, and their minds must be wiped free of bourgeois propaganda preventing them from achieving class consciousness, i.e. this awareness of their place, what their place indicates for their wellbeing, and how to transcend to the next level of social and property relations, the next mode of production, which is communism. in this requires the achievement of socialism This is an interesting paragraph to me. Do you see any parallels to hive mentality here? PEEP; place for everything and everything in its place In acknowledging people have different places, one is validating classism imo... it’s not much different than soldier bees getting a little extra nip of Royal jelly that the rest of the hive don’t enjoy. ?
  15. Protectionism is a dirty word though isn’t it? It implies that someone will get a short stick. Not really a socialist sentiment.
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