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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Y’know, I think I have to agree with you there
  2. You’re a good man zeph. I knew I liked u. ?
  3. Fav jelly belly flavour? black liquorice yay or nay? pineapple on pizza, good or blasphemy? Im hungry
  4. Weird. I thought maybe it was my old iPhone 8 but I got these xrs a couple weeks back and it persists. Software version is 14.4.2
  5. @Joyrex this isn’t a big deal or anything but figured I’d report it anyways. On iOs when you first log in and it gives the option to use tapatalk or continue with the browser (pic below), I can’t actually click either of the buttons or otherwise navigate the site unless I hit the refresh button. Only after hitting refresh can I choose an option. Really weird. This is on iPhone 8 & Xr. Again not really a big deal but figured I’d report it in case it’s linked to any other issues ?
  6. @o00o- off topic but 3-4 years ago you messaged me about an album you were putting the final touches on. I was hoping to hear it ?
  7. How long do you have to discuss this? It’s a long long list for me. Maybe easier for me to tell you what’s not wrong with me. Lol
  8. Your rational speaking and accurate recital of history has no value here filthy capitalist apologist Chen
  9. Interesting, yeah I don’t have to pay tax on bandcamp digis. Must be diff tax laws. I want some of the recent AF vinyl so bad but shipping price is sooo brutal lately! Pretty close to doubles the price. Ugh lol f’it. I just grabbed this on vinyl too ? doublelolol. Looks like I just ordered it again by mistake - I placed an order for the vinyl April 2nd. I need to lay off the hooch.
  10. Got some Scurlage posters in the mail today from AF! sweet!! Ty Analogical Force. ?
  11. @auxienfair man I’m just not used to seeing you grompy is all, used to you being v zen. ? cheers ?
  12. For any of the undergrad programs at my uni “digitally mediated communication” is a required 1st or 2nd year course. (Covers email obvs). Which is nice! Not sure if it’s required at other public universities up here. definitely agree with you it should be required, even taught in high school tbh. Whether or not you pursue post secondary, you’ll likely have to email for work at many points in your life lol. It’s basically a life skill at this point.
  13. ^^^ @Stickfiggerthe 4rd stuff is good but I don’t go back to it too often is all I meant
  14. I’m not too keen on his other aliases but the bewwip stuff is muy caliente v goooddd
  15. P disappointed to see you slinging shade aux. No offense. Just not used to it I suppose. I don’t see how Chen’s posts are so offensive to the point you’d respond as you have.
  16. Bummed the bbc show didn't pan out today, but it's obvs understandable lol. Was hoping to hear a track or two from the new alboooommm... Less than a month away though? Hopefully preorders go up soon.
  17. Quite. Like 85% diff - there are some tracks in the final release that are obviously reworks, some in the final like “Kyoto” that seem to be completely unrelated to the original album, and vice-versa (some in the original album that are nowhere to be found in any sense on the official release).
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