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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. They should.... get off their own lawns!!! I hear. But that sounds like a really specific mericuh’ fwp ?
  2. This is 98% me! My big thing is takeout - promise myself I won't have takeout all week, things get busy at work, or I have a shitty day and convince myself it's alright to order something just for that one night (turns into 2-3 nights a week etc) lol. Next thing you know my weight is up 10lb and then I'm on health kick for a couple months, get back on track... then fall back into unhealthy habits. nasty little cycle it is.
  3. feel your pain not much to offer you other than I hope you can find some motivation! It’s tough. But once you get in a groove with exercise and healthy habits it seems easier. Once you fall off it’s hard again.
  4. yeh that's a long ass time away lol cautiously optimistic myself ;o
  5. Fans of Dave Monolith, James Shinra, etc etc may enjoy this. Album is free/pay what you want: The Old Man of The Sea | Nēreús (bandcamp.com)
  6. New Tobin album announced, releasing in September! New single sounds p good - I wasn't a huge fan of the recent ambient-ish albums of his although I appreciate the sound design on them (may need to revisit them tbh). Album announcement: Amon Tobin - Rise to Ashes and How Do You Live (nomark.net) Single:
  7. One person's Playground in a Lake is another's Vinyl Record in a Pond
  8. Ty, I have gathered great intelligence tonight. Godspeed
  9. Do you sit or stand to pee? Cats or dogs? Do you enjoy sushi? If so, do you go for classic rolls, specialty rolls, cones, or sashimi (what’s your favourite?). Banjo or kazoo? Whats your favourite shittyflute track? Favourite alcoholic beverage? Ever listen to manowar and jack off into fire?
  10. Aye, fme sideways that remix is my favourite thing he’s done in like... a long time.
  11. Did a few comparisons tonight RE be up & everything, common denominator being hello lol. Found the mixing/mastering to actually be very similar. Lends credence to my ears at least that the story behind be-up is legit. In my humble opinion this is a good space for TJ, very much looking forward to any new material and it's reassuring to see the arm/wrist breakage didn't fuck up his bass playing.
  12. Same here ? “woke up” at 415Am so I could exercise etc before heading in to work and it’s already 637, I’m just now actually awake and coherent/not groggy AF. It can be very helpful to me as it seems to be the only thing that keeps me asleep? maybe I just need to lower the dose
  13. It is as the title suggests, where someone is in a drunken state, and makes an AMA thread.
  14. It is as the title suggests, where someone is in a drunken state, and makes an AMA thread.
  15. Heat or night? Chicken wings - boneless or boneful? Ice water - avec or sans ice? If you were on death row, what would your last meal be?
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