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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Briiliant work, now why didn't I think of that? hehehe
  2. bought the Steinvord but don't have a record player... so I'm stuck with these horrid rips off myspace. can't wait for a proper vinyl rip or I'll just invest in a good record player. Any recommendations for a good one under 1000$? srry please note I did purchase the 12" before downloading the tracks. I believe these people deserve payment.
  3. Actually he credits Aaron in the insert on the album. Also I'm pretty sure Midwinter Log on lunatic harness predates most of funks releases making Mike the first person to use that style.. I don't know.. Actually he credits Aaron in the insert on the album. Also I'm pretty sure Midwinter Log on lunatic harness predates most of funks releases making Mike the first person to use that style.. I don't know.. At least, predates Funks work that actually made it to release.
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