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Knob Twiddlers
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Blog Comments posted by gmanyo

  1. I think there are plenty of people who listen to Skrillex and get legitimate emotion out of it, who take it seriously and love it. People probably get the same emotional response from Skrillex that you get from Autechre. Some people just like it for parties and social purposes, but those people often either just aren't musical, or they have other music which they take more seriously. I have a friend who loves VHS Head and Flying Lotus and all sorts of other "deep" music, but when Skrillex is on at a party he'll dance. It's fun. But it's still music, it can still be taken seriously, and it's not objectively bad.

  2. I fucking love the sun coming up when you're outside and awake and have stayed up the next night. Also, do you get those jetlag moments where you're so tired you almost can't stay awake, but not just in an "I'm really tired" way but in an "I'm confused and feel like I'm drugged" way? Or those times when you act funny and you feel awake but you're super off? I make a 12 hour time change 2 times a year minimum, so I experience these frequently.

  3. I feel like I can somewhat relate to the thought patterns. When your head goes really fast and thinks of a bunch of ideas in a really quick sequence. My mind usually goes to linguistics and postmodern philosophy, like I'll think of a sex term and I notice how it makes me feel slightly squeamish due to the cultural connotation of the word, then I'll wonder how much of the squeamishness is just from culture and how much is from a natural human reaction to sex, and then I'll think about how much sex runs everything in culture and even the smallest interactions with the opposite gender relate back to that like the casual joking, and then I'll think about how the casual jokes tend to be male-dominant and I'll wonder if the ideas behind "cute" are really just condescension and that "cute" is "cute" because "cute" is actually just "subservient and controllable", and then I'll feel bad because I hate that male domination ideas affect me so much. God I'm being pretentious right now.


    I don't know if this is completely a bi-polar thing, though; I think many people do this. I guess I wouldn't know though since I technically have an atypical bi-polar diagnosis. I would get manic highs right after the lows where I would think about how lovely and pointless the world was, and then think about killing myself. I don't really get that much any more thankfully, at least not at the same dramatic level.

  4. The whole world would be distant and surreal. It would seem like a giant clock, people waking up and going to work and driving and walking and going places and going to bed, then everything would be silent for hours. It would be chaotically ordered, empty. At least, those're the ideas that come to mind when I think of this disorder. Sorry to hear that man, sucks. Morning is a nice time to wake up for (although admittedly morning is cooler when you've been up all night). Does it bring on cool creative stuff?

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