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syd syside

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  1. that = iran. Is Iran a threat?
  2. "in light of this history".... yes, it certainly is "far more understandable" http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/269799.stm
  3. Easy... if Hitler would have won WW2.... Which is why intervening is potentially the only real solution. But Hitler didn't win WW2, so that's a moot point. Fine I change my answer : Islam.
  4. Kyodo News English NEWS ADVISORY: Transport ministry issues advisory for flights near U.S. base in Okinawa Their target list: DC Colorado Springs Camp Pendleton in Cali Hawaii
  5. North Korea Says Tokyo Is Target No. 1 http://www.theatlanticwire.com/global/2013/04/north-korea-targets-tokyo/64163/ Damn wtf can't Japan catch a break? FFS
  6. remember protect your constitutional rights from the islamofascists. don't give in!

  7. lol and I missed this little nugget... You said NK leadership isn't crazy. Then you go on a rant about how evil the US is. Then you defend NK government. lol.. Also, I can be Pro-US and still find aspects of US policy crazy... But unlike NK, we have freedoms and don't get thrown into concentration camps for saying words. Therefore in my opinion its a little offensive to North Koreans to say the NK leadership isn't crazy
  8. Islamic Fascism. This is a free/public space. Sorry bra, take it up with the mods if you think I am off topic.
  9. Easy... if Hitler would have won WW2.... Which is why intervening is potentially the only real solution.
  10. So they're plenty crazy, but understand the consequences of a decision to start a war would be a better description? It would be, but someone who lacks empathy on that scale probably eventually will lack empathy for themselves. Self-destructive http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/viewSubCategory.asp?id=291 This speaks volumes about the current state of the new left/progressives
  11. All I know is there is something absurd going on if people start saying I'm crazy for being pro-US or a serial killer is crazy, but a totalitarian regime like NK aren't crazy. You are ass backwards on this imo
  12. I'd say they are pretty fucking crazy. where are the pdfs?
  13. UK MP George Galloway on North Korea: Quote: This is an extraordinarily, absolutely, uniquely cohesive political entity and society… I’ve been there. I’ve seen it up close and personal… They do have a satellite circling the Earth. They do have a cohesive, pristine, innocent culture. A culture that has not been penetrated by globalisation and by Western mores… I’m much more afraid of the United States of America and so are most people in the world. What the Christ? How does this clown even get elected?
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