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syd syside

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Everything posted by syd syside

  1. I think my entire life is a tv show like the Truman show film. When I saw that film I had this moment where I decided to look outside my window to see if there was the possibility of someone watching me from the street. Right before I was able to reach the window the fire alarm went off and my parents came into the room immediately, picked me up and took me outside to the back yard (not front where my window faced). There wasn't a fire and even since then when the alarm had gone off, their reaction was never as urgent. I suspect they noticed my increased suspension of this recorded reality and as I grew older and more wise they have advanced their techniques for recording my reality. But I am onto their games and one day when they mess up, I'll get all the evidence I need to forever end this crime against humanity.
  2. lol thanks Overlook... though I'm not shocked you have a warning point. Not that I think you deserve any. But you're a bit more controversial than some here. Which isn't a bad thing. Ok ceasing all warning point discussion starting now...
  3. No. You've posted the same thing three times now. No one wants that in their cache at work. You should read the rules again. I should have put a NSFW tag on it, my mistake. Won't happen again. But its relevant to the thread and I feel that the image isn't overly explicit... I don't think anyone would see that as anything but something pointing out tribute to an artist... Not something perverted or weird. Please revoke the warning point? After you removed it once I realized my mistake and posted it with NSFW and then it was removed again, so then I posted it again with context cause I was thinking you didn't understand the relevance if it makes you feel any better, i have a warning point for posting :sup: haha, seriously? I've just never gotten a warning point. It's like never getting a speeding ticket or something, I take pride in my good record. Losing that record over this is so anti-climatic. If I wanted to get a warning point I would go all out, Costanza style. btw, sorry about this being off-topic. Please don't give me another warning point... Ceasing all warning point discussion from this point on.
  4. No. You've posted the same thing three times now. No one wants that in their cache at work. You should read the rules again. I should have put a NSFW tag on it, my mistake. Won't happen again. But its relevant to the thread and I feel that the image isn't overly explicit... I don't think anyone would see that as anything but something pointing out tribute to an artist... Not something perverted or weird. Please revoke the warning point? After you removed it once I realized my mistake and posted it with NSFW and then it was removed again, so then I posted it again with context cause I was thinking you didn't understand the relevance
  5. Jean Henri Gaston Giraud (8 May 1938 – 10 March 2012) was a French comics artist, working in the French tradition of bandes dessinées. Giraud earned worldwide fame, predominantly under the pseudonymMœbius... Moebius contributed storyboards and concept designs to numerous science fiction and fantasyfilms, including Alien, Willow and Tron (1982)." Ridley was a big fan of his and it seems this NSFW image below indicates a tribute to Moebius and his work. edit: can I get my warning revoked plz? I didn't post porn or something?
  6. did you decide to sneak away and smoke some pot? holy shit man "Lack of understanding" Give me a fucking break - I'm just sick to death of pretentious assholes (I'll let you decided for yourself if you're in that camp or not) who complain about movies mostly, from my perspective, for the sake of doing so instead of doing what movies were meant for - enjoyment. I enjoyed this movie - is it some great literary work? Fuck no. Is it enjoyable on a visual level? Quite so. Does it have decent pacing, and plot progression? I'd say so. Is the acting decent? Sure - no Academy Award-winning performances for sure, but were the characters believable and play their roles well? Sure. Please, Oh Great Movie Expert™ - please educate a mongoloid like me on why I couldn't possibly have enjoyed this movie since it's so mediocre. Please explain to me why I felt satisfied and enthusiastically talked about this movie with my family. And, for your final act, please tell me how you can say I'm wrong if I think it's the best Sci Fi movie I've seen since Blade Runner, which happens to be my favourite movie of all time - I'd love for you to tell me how my own individual likes and dislikes couldn't possibly be right in stating something like that. And if the day ever comes that I would be retarded enough to smoke pot, rest assured I'll pretend to hate movies for the sake of it along with all the other half-baked morons on the internet. God bless you Joyrex
  7. Numbers added up = 9 If you take a look at the artist name... Steinvord... the first word "Stein" could be a reference to Henry E. Steinway who made pianos in Germany. His photo below. The second word, "vord" I am unsure about. Don't know what a "vord" is. However the Stein aspect is interesting because in German the word for "no" is "nein". Your numbers added up to "nine." Am I missing something?
  8. It doesn't bode well for this movies quality? Haven't you seen the film? There's no definitive answer to this films quality... or at least theres no point to it. My interest in this thread are akin to having a discussion about a film in the theater lobby with your friends. Some people will say, they didn't like this or they liked that... or what not... and unless you think that films never grow on someone or the opposite, ones outlook on something can change through discussion and re-watches. Its an exercise for the brain to analyze a film.
  9. The reason why I think I enjoyed Prometheus is I thought its method for story telling to be interesting. Instead of these ideas being wrapped in a nice bow and presented more traditionally we get something way more sub-conscious and therefore powerful. Anything that outright denies someones beliefs will be forgotten as someones "agenda," in todays fast moving times. But the subconscious rarely forgets.
  10. Also David not being a divine being is also significant. Christians believe that if a baby is formed in a lab, it is not divine (I believe). The abortion scene is also interesting. Maybe making the argument if the xenos are the perfect species... than aborting it without hesitation shows a lack of commitment to faith.
  11. Prometheus is punk science fiction. The film is agnostic with its approach towards religion. It doesn't bring into question of if there is a God necessarily, but it does question the relative means to knowing through historical artifacts what God is like if you do think he exists.
  12. i don't want answers neatly wrapped in a box. i just want supposedly human characters to act like real humans would in a similar situation. but wait! maybe that's actually a CLUE to the real meaning of the film! maybe the "humans" are all androids and that's why they're gloriously retarded. maybe the entire setting of the movie is a lie crafted by david. maybe everything in the film takes place in a computer projection run by david as they're traveling to the planet, but he didn't have enough processing power to make AI that could pass for human (it was a trade-off for the pretty graphics), so all the "characters" are one-dimensional twats. david is the hero of the story (naturally). even dream-weyland says david is like a son to him. maybe it's an allegory for pinocchio. or maybe the movie was a combined failure of writers, directors and actors. idk, i think the computer simulation theory is the most plausible imo. In regards to the humans not acting like humans and auxien point about the Alien crew being more relatable or good... I don't think the crew for Prometheus and Alien are comparable. Alien deals with a crew that could be considered lower class, blue collar... while Prometheus is hired by a trillion dollar CEO, who wants to put on a show for Shaw so that she can have her rightful attempt at meeting the Engineers. So I understand the impression that many on the crew were a bit soulless, I'm not sure thats a writing flaw. We are supposed to feel empathy towards the Alien crew because its meant to be scary and what happens to them is forced onto them. The Prometheus crew goes on the mission because they want $$$ aside from Shaw and David. Everyone else is in it for fame and money. This continues to tie well into the motif of our culture currently and how wealth doesn't give you any kind of profound end.
  13. Alien isn't even that scary nowadays. And David is a more interesting character than anyone in Alien. I mean Ripley risks everything to save a cat... can anyone explain why you would risk being killed by a more intelligent/advanced penis face eating alien to save a cat? Auxien you make some valid points and unfortunately they will just be brushed aside as minor, while the same kind of criticisms will be exaggerated against Prometheus because very few people here want to engage in a deeper conversation about it. Yet they continue to repeat the same things over and over about why the film was bad. As if anyone even cares. And that is why this film trolled some of you in my opinion. You approach the film like the humans approach the Engineers. Wanting answers neatly wrapped in a box.... or something like Alien that isn't even about the same thing. Scott dangles the possibility of finding out the reason and origins of human life right in front of your eyes for the whole film... and then as a motif towards death he shows you how meaningless it all was and how a human is just another animal or alien when put up against a corner. The humans in Prometheus shift from seeing the Engineers as our Gods to our Enemies once we understand their plan. If we go back to the first Alien, the Alien isn't evil. He is trying to survive after awaking on a foreign craft with people screaming and then searching around trying to kill it. Its the exact same sequence and relationship the Engineers have with us. But because this film doesnt wrap everything up in a nice bow for our consumption or doesn't play it safer and attempt to replicate the first Alien, we don't like it. Why? Because we can't put our finger on it! We can't touch it... its foreign and alien to our cultural needs.
  14. Thats fair enough compson, and an interesting take on it but the scene wasn't convincing enough in the actual film. In theory this sounds a brilliant idea, in practice and acted out on film this scene looked stupid. And there lies the problem. It looked stupid because it was stupid. There is no way to do a touchdown symbol while crashing your ship into another ship, killing you and your crew without it feeling cliche... but I think the captain's american/southern attitude and interest in having sex over figuring out what was moving on the radar shows us that he represents someone who is lacking critical thinking skills. The scene did come across as the most cheesy part of the entire film, when it had been building up to its climax. I am thinking this was purposefully anti-climatic and overdone... the audience of course doesn't want Earth to be destroyed, but everyone essentially dying including the last Engineer leaves us conflicted because we also know the big questions of why they wanted to kill us and why they created us died as well. Then when the ship kills Charliez and then seemingly kills Shaw, this adds to the anti-climax... the reverse in tension is so masterfully disappointing... all this build up to meeting our maker and Weyland just dies on the spot... only about 5-6 minutes later for a second we think everyone in the entire movie is dead. Some may see this as just crappy filmmaking, and that is understandable. But the more I think about Prometheus and specifically the character David... the more I think this film is mocking current culture's predictability and humanities stupidity over the big questions of creation.
  15. Really the hologram tech in both the Prometheus and Engineer ship were the worse aesthetics of the film. Something about the graphics for it seemed too much like a virtual DJ software and not complex flight controls... however despite this it does make logical sense for hud displays to get more and more automated and clean. So in the end its a minor nit pick for me. Solaris soundtrack is indeed amazing.
  16. I'd recommend Soderbergh's Solaris. I've seen it, but its been awhile. Don't recall it being as forward thinking on a technological scale, but then again it didnt seem to take place as far in the future? All I can remember were some cool shots of space and the spaceship inside had some nice sets.
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