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syd syside

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Everything posted by syd syside

  1. Theres a lot of subtleties on the motivation of some of the characters. I personally think its written that way on purpose. But what do I know. It is odd that you are taking a stance on this despite not having seen the film yourself.
  2. Also his masterplan worked aside from the fact the Engineer wasn't happy to see him. He didn't act distraught when seeing Shaw was hurt... or even say he was sorry about her husbands death etc... He is an evil selfish man who loved a robot more than his own daughter.
  3. The simple fact that he secretly stayed on the Prometheus the whole time and told the crew in the hologram thing that he had died (Im assuming most of them knew anyway)... but yeah that simple fact tells me he doesn't care or wants a competent crew. He just wanted to put on a show to distract Shaw while David got the real details/discoveries. edit: Gordo, I'm not trying to play games or anything... but when you say "because" you have to back it up instead of just repeating my argument. I'm not saying I am right, its just how I saw the film and so the complaints about the crew being stupid didn't bother me really. I mean after them getting briefed about potentially meeting their maker, most of them were just talking about their paycheck instead. It was clear they weren't these super intellectuals.
  4. How is it silly? He was already deceiving the crew with the video claiming he is dead. Plus he had to appease the two scientists who discovered everything. He had to give them their rightful prize... or appear to do that. It's clear he didnt care about either of them though... even though he claimed in the beginning that they should really be in charge instead of Vickers (his daughter). It's the same thing really as Ash letting the dude on board in Alien or the manipulation done by the corporate dude in Aliens. It's all means to an end of personal gain for Weyland regardless.
  5. Also if the scientists were some of the brightest bunch, perhaps they would have had the glory of speaking to their maker before Weyland or at least that is what Weyland feared. The thing about this film is that there are plot holes and poor execution of ideas, but there are also things that are left better unanswered. If they would have had a scene with Weyland where he flat out says the crew was picked for the reasons I said than that would have been pretty stupid imo.
  6. I already mentioned this but why isn't it a possibility that the Scientists were just Guinea Pigs to Weyland, he didn't want the best and brightest, all he needed was David to get him what he wanted. But having a crew on board allowed for David to experiment with the new dna and such. Point being the scientists barely even cared about the mission once they were briefed... they were more concerned if they were gonna get paid. They were grunts with little curiosity aside from Shaw mainly.
  7. I've already given my review (was decent film), engaging over plot holes is a pretty pointless exercise I will give you that and I've already conceded that there are many. However I can disagree with extremities that I find odd. Like comparing this film to the Phantom Menace.
  8. the flute/control buttons? the holograms I thought was just a security feed, like security cameras but more advanced. playing back the last activity in the area hard to follow your other complaints as they are vague or confusing to me. sorry you didn't like it. Not sure why Shaw's religious thing is odd, she isn't a creationist, her faith had to deal with forming her character as an optimist.
  9. Watching that video and hearing more about how the crew/scientists were not being very bright, isn't really a valid critique on the film imo. Weyland didn't necessarily want the best and brightest, he wanted the people who wouldn't ask too many questions about the mission. People who were willing to go on a mission they knew little about. I'd say he was successful. I dare say he saw the rest of the crew, other than David and maybe Vickers, as expendable. David is the world's best and brightest for the humans. Without David, the humans would have found the Alien structure but perhaps very little else... at least not the star map room nor the room with the black goo.
  10. I do kinda hope Prometheus does well. The screenplay is a hot mess, but if this shit flops, it's gonna be a long time before we see a "hard" sci-fi big budget, r-rated film of this caliber again, especially from Fox. For all it's many flaws, you can never fault it for lacking ambition or big ideas, and I like to see that kind and scale of filmmaking continue into the near future. Just don't get the guy from Lost to write it. edit: seems it will easily be profitable: Production budget: 125 million Ww box office 145 by now
  11. When the biologist was freaking out and running to catch up with the geologist dude, was genuinely hilarious. I didn't mind that some of the characters behaved unintelligently, as stupid as it seemed in hindsight I think there was something to the idea that humans will do anything to appease their curiosity.
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