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Lane Visitor

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Lane Visitor

  1. it's been too long.. i think ill be burgering up today. will share a photo if i do.
  2. there really needs to be a subreddit of just photos of trump eating... he looks like he's making tremendous trump love to that steak... yuge mouthful
  3. tortilla chips and tap water. always an interesting mix. aka cornmeal and chlorine.
  4. Trump's an actual word as well though yeah but the word "defeat" which is a similar but much more widely used verb only ranks in at 188 mil results. so even if the word "trump" was used as much as defeat as a verb, which we all know its not, it would only account for 188 mil of trump's over 1 billion hits... even just 800 mil alone is pretty insane.
  5. just for context of google results, bieber at 245 mil, madonna clocks in around 170 mil, elvis at 139 mil, satan is at 107 mil, and god is at 1.66 billion. also, how is hitler at only 104 mil? walmart - 245 mil mcdonalds - 153 mil coke - 115 mil conclusion: trump is about to reach god-like status in terms of popularity
  6. incredible.. a simple google search under "trump" reveals over a billion results... which is more than two times the amount of results for "obama" and "clinton" combined. of course, he's had a history of being a billionaire/ reality star / business tycoon, but it still seems excessive to me.
  7. Of course, this doesn't compare outrage-wise to the current immigration ban or anything, but just another example/day in our now white-supremacist run administration, yay! what a douche bag even this press secretary is.
  8. This is all unbelievable. It's happening so quickly. I only see one of two things happening 1. He gets impeached like asap 2. It gets waaaaaay worse
  9. I just had a ham and cheese w jalapeno croissant from this mom and pop drive thru donut shop down the street. It was fucking unreal. It was big and I had to eat it in minutes while driving back to work from my 15 minute break. I literally almost died as a car almost slammed into me while turning left across oncoming traffic. The croissant's awesomeness apparently blinded me from being able to see this particular car, though I swear I looked multiple times. Fucking carbs. Very glad to be alive though.
  10. yeah those are my thoughts exactly... it really just can't sustain. he'll either be impeached or he'll resign out of pure humiliation.
  11. Aaaaaaaand we're living in North Korea https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/politics/trump-pressured-park-service-to-back-up-his-claims-about-inauguration-crowd/2017/01/26/12a38cb8-e3fc-11e6-ba11-63c4b4fb5a63_story.html
  12. This is like a depressing version of the 'IN SOVIET RUSSIA...' setup Now That Trump's President...Pussy grabs you! lol!
  13. thats creepy.. do you think he and his ppl really read all the trending stuff that mentions him? seems like it would be a massive waste of manpower lol
  14. urban camp for the next 4 years :) lol touche.. but read my 2nd post bulky... I know, I'm just joking. No mal-intent =p :D
  15. urban camp for the next 4 years :) lol touche.. but read my 2nd post bulky... edit: please change the word "fun" in my initial post to "interesting" as you read it, as some of the issues people may experience with this administration could be very serious and emotional depending on how his rule begins to affect communities, (while others could be sillier or more trite issues) so my apologies for the poor choice of words.
  16. edit: please change the word "fun" in my initial post to "interesting" as you read it, as some of the issues people may experience with this administration could be very serious and emotional depending on how his rule begins to affect communities, (while others could be sillier or more trite issues) so my apologies for the poor choice of words.
  17. I thought it'd be fun and also quite awakening to have a thread about how we anticipate (or currently notice) things being different in our lives, be it small first world issues, or larger complex problems, whatever, under the current Trump presidency. Okay I'll go first... Now That Trump's President... I've been pretty much hibernating from my Trump supporting family anticipating they will rub his win in my face every chance they have, ready at any moment to say "Don't disrespect the commander-in-chief, now" if I make a slight comment.
  18. i just had panda express... black pepper chicken and fried rice, with a side of those cream cheese crab puff things. it hit the spot.
  19. Perfect urban camping burger! (I jest, I jest) hahaha
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