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Lane Visitor

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Lane Visitor

  1. Just tried this amazing cheeseburger from Killer Burgers in Modesto, CA. UNREAL. 10/10.
  2. well sprayed played this looks like a screenshot from Parks And Recreation not real life I guess it really is time to just laugh at the absurdity of it all lol seriously.... wonder if he'll be drinking up that golden bubbly straight from the source ;)
  3. On the topic, has anyone here tried watersports? If so, liked it? Disliked it? Indifferent? "Inquiring minds want to know." -Corey Haim
  4. Wow. Wow. Well, we know anon is gonna release that video if trump isnt impeached before then, and when that happens, it'll be like a real-life episode of Black Mirror. Of course Trump will be Trump and will respond claiming the video is doctored , and that it's not him. *Grabs extra extra buttered popcorn* He will go down as the "Pee Pee President" or something embarrassing. 5 years later he will write a memoir boasting about his real estate wins, presidential victory and golden shower sexcapades in Russia and everywhere else. It will contain a forward from none other than R. Kelly. 100 years later, the concept of presidency has shifted from politically able, to meme-worthy.
  5. For sure mate! Yes big ups on that comp, Mael is a cool guy, glad to be featured on there.
  6. Donovan just did a few tunes for a 7inch vinyl holiday special split with great guy outta Tokyo TOYOHIRAKUMIN, for Adhesive Sounds... The pressings are sold out, but digital avail at: https://adhesivesounds.bandcamp.com/album/christmas-release-edition-split I'm super stoked cuz this is my first time having my music on vinyl, totally humbling. Was feeling a slow 90s house / city pop vibe for this one, no traditional vapor on my end. It was cool cuz I thought my side and Toyo's side compliment ea other nicely, mine being somewhere in between an early pet shop boys outtake instrumental demo vibe on trk 1 and then some kinda filter house thing id imagine from paris circa late 90s for trk 2, going into Toyo's colorful new wave vapor like something off a Kitsune comp or 100% Silk mix and ending on a playful romantic note
  7. Nice work Mesh! That preview was awesome... Something about it makes me think of the soundtrack to the movie The Beach. Keep up the great releases! Love the cover art too.
  8. I'm gonna trust what he says about it, but remember what he said about With-Teeth (Bleedthrough)? 13 hard punches to the face or something. lol Haha very true. I liked With Teeth quite a bit, but agree that they werent Mr. Self Destruct or Wish style audio assaults like he implied. I think Right Where It Belongs and maybe Beside You In Time are some of the best NIN songs of all time though.
  9. i feel you, like, totally. personally been living under a rock musically for quite some years now and can't say i feel like missing out at all. we're at a point of total cultural oversaturation fo sho. (that pretty hate machine reissue does look sexy, tho...) Seconded Shit! So yeah... Stoked abt hearing new Fragile outtakes, that's been my fav NIN release as well for quite a while. I was reeeaally feeling Still when I discovered that one a while back. That version of the track The Fragile... Hy shit. So sincere and real. New NIN ep... Excited and i like the minimal artwork. What do you guys think, will it really be "inaccessible" and non-commercial sounding as Trent says this time or will it be more of the same? Though it's almost too late for me to care that much (a lil jaded from Nails' last few lps) but God, I'd love to hear something that goes deep like some of the deeper more abstract cuts on The Fragile or TDS. Even With Teeth had some beautiful pieces.
  10. Yeah the term's definitely been watered down. People calling everything from ambient and field recordings to future funk/discohouse "vaporwave". I guess it's argued that it's more about the atmosphere, concept and assthetix and approach that makes something vaporwave, which I don't disagree with, but still feel that there should be some kind of continuity and thread between those elements and the music for it to fall within the genre. I think what we have here is a lot of young bedroom producers into the vaporwave scene and just slapping the tag on associated genres or really anything that they're into or anything modern and dreamy sounding, just so they can have the tag / cred associated with their music. I guess there's nothing wrong with that, but it makes it difficult to sift through the muck and find those golden vaporwave releases. I for one, would rather discover new underground music without their obvious tags or genre labels. Some of my future Donovan releases will not contain the vaporwave tag on my bandcamp, as im not only moving away from the sound/label a bit, but it doesn't inspire me as much to slap the tag on there as it used to. Ironically, it feels too safe now. All that said, I still love the genre and community and always will. I also wont stop making original vaporwave--just that im doing more offshoot stuff and moving in a slightly different direction with the current Donovan Hikaru evolution.
  11. great vapor/future funk mix i just stumbled upon! [sc5]263947634[/sc5]
  12. God this is gorgeous, both track and video.. video footage of kowloon is like a surreal dream, both terrifying and memorizing.
  13. Thats what Im sayin! Gonna celebrate by ordering pizza and watching as many of those films as i can all week
  14. One positive thing... Now we'll actually be living in a dystopian apocalyptic world ruled by the corporation like out of a cyberpunk novel/movie. I mean that's pretty exciting. *Evokes scenes from Strange Days, 1984, V for Vendetta, etc, and gets kind of excited* we can all now have underground resistance bunkers and stash our hidden art.
  15. I literally can't comprehend what a State of The Union address or speech would sound like coming from a President Trump, he's just not presidential at all. It would be so bizarre, like an obnoxious child drooling all over himself
  16. It's Yolandi from Die Antwoord at 70 yrs old! (Except shed be hotter of course)
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