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Lane Visitor

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Lane Visitor

  1. Haha i love seeing limpy and chen in a debate. You guys always take it to the max with logic and slick rebuttals. Anticipating a checkmate here, cuz you are both super knowledgable and great at sparring. And btw, Chen, as little as you and I have in common politically, your skill at arguing points to their last fibers always impresses me. Same with your logically sound cases Limpy.
  2. I dont know, check out this analysis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aFo_BV-UzI&app=desktop You guys are kidding right? The way he formulates his answers/builds up sentences is as if he's suffered some kind of brain injury.I disagree completely. He may not be a math or science or logic genius. But don't buy the whole kool aid that he's just a dumbass who speaks off the top of his head without any ryhme or reason. We're talking about a billionaire persona whose possibly the most successful self-promoter and salesman that ever existed. Just watch The Choice for some perspective, it 's incredible. His use of 4th grade level rhetoric and the way he frames statements in certain perspectives is a tactic that works wonders for his PR. Not just for the race hes been doing it all his life, im sure his dad taught him how to make people believe his bs or buy his illusions or feed his narcisism. It's absolutely expertise propaganda rather than just babbling, and if you don't see that, i think you're missing the picture, he's sold you.He's definitely sold you - he's not a billionaire, he wouldn't have been successful at all without daddy's money, who wouldn't have been successful without his daddy's money, which he made running a whorehouse in Canada during the early part of the 20th century. I guess the constant is, the family is always willing to exploit others for their own gain. His grasp of economics, foreign policy and foreign trade is painful to listen to. At least the foreign trade picture he sells to the public. I'm talking here about an evil genius of a promoter when it comes to the masses... Remember, the masses are not intelligent like you and I. And particularly the undecided voters, of whom are likely to be swayed by charismatic salespeople. Of course he doesn't appeal to people with higher intellect lol Why do you call it "the masses" when it's quite literally less than 50% of the US population that is involved in the voting process? That's not even a majority. Well i mean regardless of definition of "masses", the guy has almost half of the polls right now, so i dont know why you and chen would downplay his abilities, influence and power as if his speeches are just a bunch of garbage. I think what you guys are forgetting is that the best propaganda is deceptively simple and straightforward. Tell a lie a thousand times, speak from certain perspectives, bully people into thinking youre the victim etc You can be a loud obnoxious egotistical douchebag and use it to your advantage to control and brainwash people. That in itself is a form of genius. And that's what I mean. And i think it's even more powerful than logic and intellect, cuz here we have scores of people supporting him strictly on the fact that he "says it how it is", and that it's "refreshing "... You can't tell me that he and his team aren't aware of that advantage and aren't playing that up. Of course they are. I know some people who are considering voting for him just because he's "entertaining" and different. That's fucked. After all, intellect and sophistication is not really a pre-requisite for President... sadly.
  3. I dont know, check out this analysis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aFo_BV-UzI&app=desktop You guys are kidding right? The way he formulates his answers/builds up sentences is as if he's suffered some kind of brain injury.I disagree completely. He may not be a math or science or logic genius. But don't buy the whole kool aid that he's just a dumbass who speaks off the top of his head without any ryhme or reason. We're talking about a billionaire persona whose possibly the most successful self-promoter and salesman that ever existed. Just watch The Choice for some perspective, it 's incredible. His use of 4th grade level rhetoric and the way he frames statements in certain perspectives is a tactic that works wonders for his PR. Not just for the race hes been doing it all his life, im sure his dad taught him how to make people believe his bs or buy his illusions or feed his narcisism. It's absolutely expertise propaganda rather than just babbling, and if you don't see that, i think you're missing the picture, he's sold you. He's definitely sold you - he's not a billionaire, he wouldn't have been successful at all without daddy's money, who wouldn't have been successful without his daddy's money, which he made running a whorehouse in Canada during the early part of the 20th century. I guess the constant is, the family is always willing to exploit others for their own gain. His grasp of economics, foreign policy and foreign trade is painful to listen to. At least the foreign trade picture he sells to the public. I'm talking here about an evil genius of a promoter when it comes to the masses... Remember, the masses are not intelligent like you and I. And particularly the undecided voters, of whom are likely to be swayed by charismatic salespeople. Of course he doesn't appeal to people with higher intellect lol
  4. I dont know, check out this analysis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aFo_BV-UzI&app=desktop You guys are kidding right? The way he formulates his answers/builds up sentences is as if he's suffered some kind of brain injury.I disagree completely. He may not be a math or science or logic genius. But don't buy the whole kool aid that he's just a dumbass who speaks off the top of his head without any ryhme or reason. We're talking about a billionaire persona whose possibly the most successful self-promoter and salesman that ever existed. Just watch The Choice for some perspective, it 's incredible. His use of 4th grade level rhetoric and the way he frames statements in certain perspectives is a tactic that works wonders for his PR. Not just for the race hes been doing it all his life, im sure his dad taught him how to make people believe his bs or buy his illusions or feed his narcisism. It's absolutely expertise propaganda rather than just babbling, and if you don't see that, i think you're missing the picture, he's sold you.
  5. I dont know, check out this analysis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aFo_BV-UzI&app=desktop
  6. it's pretty amazing. sadly no one watches PBS.. well.. not no one.. but certainly not enough compared to fox news etc. i found it pretty balanced really. they lay hillary out there pretty good for judgement but really she comes off as some one who should have killed Bill in his sleep 30 years ago. but trump.. yeah.. wtf.. how the fuck did this happen? he picked up on all the darkness out there waiting to be turned on and "woke" etc. press all the right buttons and bing bang boom. that doc is well worth watching. Yeah it's very surreal. His IQ is supposedly one of the highest of all past presidents. I honestly think he and his team have managed a sort of evil genius marketing tactic with his persona and charisma. It's unlike anything I've seen, really. His cleverness is magnificent.
  7. This may be my first non-combative post in this thread... but if trump actually gets elected, you guys can all have free reign to bash america as much as youd like lol we just watched The Choice documentary the other night, and were both left speechless at how absurd his rise to power has been paired next to hillary's.
  8. Right on man, and thank you-im definitely excited for you to hear it (: These CRS series are some of the most exciting projects for me musically. Many by now know my obsession with the movie The Game, but there's so much vaporwave-ness about that movie and particularly creepy generic fraudulent corporation Consumer Recreation Services. There's something there in that energy that's just relentless for me that I feel I can never stop exploring from various angles. Super stoked to also share the almost-complete slow roasting CRS 4 w everyone as well. Im sure im mentioned it before (It's all o.g. Bristol style trip hop and weird gritty street hip hop-tinged vapor), but I recently had the artwork finished, i collabed w a fantastic pro artist from france whose also a vapor producer, KoSHRIMP, to do the cover art and an exclusive cartoon for the release thats very noir and pulpy and relates to the thene--actually goes very obscure (the imagery and concept comes from my re-imagined interpretations of the early script of The Game, and particular scenes that never made the cut in the movie). I've also collabed with an eccentric voiceover artist who features on the album that im planning to do a mini documentary with thats associated with the release. Good times! Hmm, it actually seems like the ambient stuff which was huge for a while had simmered down a bit, and Ive been noticing more classic style stuff like eccojams and mallsoft. I also notice there are more and more resources available for newcomers to discover and understand what it's all about and new tape labels like every week which is super exciting. All good things imo... What do u think?
  9. Wow, JR, this is phenomenal stuff, thanks for sharing. It's like an ideal fusion of everything i love in electronic music (ambient house, nu-disco, chillwave, baeleric chillout, outrun, and hints of vapor)... I will definitely be checkinh out more of Emil's releases. Cool to see you drop by this thread. P.s. any specific vaporwave releases or artists that youre digging?
  10. alright alright colleagues... Donovan Hikaru presents himself has created 20 limited hand-signed and numbered cd-r's with bonus material of his new all-originally composed mallsoft EP "Kiosk Vibes". The first self-released item with limited pressing (with the exception of CRS 2.1 secret tape) https://donovanhikaru.bandcamp.com/album/kiosk-vibes
  11. Hey Stocko, Wow cool, I didn't know Corporate Clegg was you :) I'm liking this, it makes me think of a drugged out INXS or something, very cool and unique vibe. That's impressive that your sampling your own work, would love to hear more of that in album or ep form. Keep up the great work! Thank you very much for the kind words Lane, they mean a lot to me :) !!! Well yeah I stumbled upon dozens of half-backed tracks I did from 2010 to 2013 - mostly loops and demos made in Buzz or tracks made with Garage Band (which are a very appropriate material to sample for Vaporwave imo). I rediscovered those things during a harsh period where I nearly lost all of my self-confidence so my idea was to make sounds based on this material for nostalgic and motivational purposes. I'm thinking about releasing a whole LP presented as one of those "well being" books or methods - the name I've been thinking of for the album is "Self Motivational Sound Objects". It's quite challenging because I usually never put personal elements in my music but those tracks, in their structure and the samples they use only revolve around it. So yeah, thanks again !!! I'll post more when it'll be a bit more fleshed out :) Anytime, frother! looking forward to hearing it!
  12. Hey Stocko, Wow cool, I didn't know Corporate Clegg was you :) I'm liking this, it makes me think of a drugged out INXS or something, very cool and unique vibe. That's impressive that your sampling your own work, would love to hear more of that in album or ep form. Keep up the great work!
  13. Btw, loving this label i just discovered last night. Some vapor but mostly drone, ambient and experimental. Check out Incubation Chamber by -000- and the creepy clown face album. Very mysterious vibes https://ssntech.bandcamp.com
  14. Thanks Meshy! For sure, so that track is from the upcoming CRS 3 which is a split between CatCorp and I, but that track I posted here is all me. You'll see how the album is structured when its released, but in a sense, its two EPs-one from me and from him, together in one... we've been showing each other sketch ideas and trading thoughts and concepts that relate to the theme and narrowing in on a particular mood and atmosphere for the tracks we created. So the whole LP is centered around The Game and Consumer Recreation Services, as my CRS 2.0 was, but this time its our own specific little tributes. Side A is all Donovan solo tracks, and Side B js all CatCorp solo tracks (though i helped with a vocal tag in the intro and created a last track to fill in time, and close the theme). CatCorp's side is actually quite creepy and mysterious and very filmscore-esque. I love it. Mine side, I think, is somewhere between Corporate Mixtape and CRS 2.0, style wise, but there is a new kind of jazzy downtempo hip hop element with noir vibes that run through it which sort of tells the story of the movie through the lens of these feelings that character Nicholas Van Orton might be repressing--at least until the end of the film. These mood pieces, I feel, are further enhanced by juxtaposition of both sides, and gives context to and strengthens CatCorp's dark brooding Morricone-esque pieces. It's also interesting b/c this album has been simmering for quite a while. Several tracks even go as far back as a few years ago, so we're glad to close the era and get it out. And yes, my tracks on the release are original midi-based composition/production. CatCorp's side is sample-based per his tradition. Sorry for the pretentious essay on my own not even yet released work lolol
  15. For sure, it should be an interesting experiment... Thanks Stocko, i will definitely post the results (:
  16. Gracias senor! Appreciate the words... Mint Chocolate Chip is my fav as well... Little secret- i have a vocal melody for it that i plan to try and have a japanese vocalist feature on (to give like a tripped out j pop vibe), and will do that version of it under my David Ben Jack alias, which will be more nu disco ish. The dream is to pull off a fusion of vapor/mallsoft elements and contemporary deep house / nu-disco / dance pop. I dont usually like to be so intentional and over-think the Donovan stuff, but sometimes its inspiring to try different versions for different things (:
  17. Thanks Prd! *bows quickly* ... * then slightly tilts head and timidly makes the praying hand motion with a smile and expression of appreciation somewhere in the vein of a Michael Stipe/Moby - Cory Feldman fusion* I like that photo, you always have the best photos for this thread. You should start a tumblr if u havent already.
  18. Okay friends, here it is... an all-originally composed mallsoft EP from yours truly. This contains the track I recently shared with you guys, and 4 more hot consumer mood pieces. There's definitely a narrative in my head with this one, I might even do a story text thing with the limited hand numbered CD-R release of it that I'm working on. Hope you guys dig it and would love to hear your thoughts (: https://donovanhikaru.bandcamp.com/album/kiosk-vibes
  19. Hell yeah I'm really enjoying it, I loved what you did with CatCorp already, those stock-sounds and that corporate feeling really hit the spot ! It's like "Powerpoint-Wave", but in a good way ! Also, been recently exploring the Blank Banshee 0 album a bit further (thanks to the Simpsonwave videos) and it's an amazing piece of work. I've also been falling in love with the latest Death Dynamic Shroud.wmv release "Classroom Sexxtape" which is marvelous Yay! Thanks Stocko, really appreciate that... It's going to be a very fun collab album indeed! Oh man, 0 is phenomenol! I actually prefer it over 01, something very charming about it.. Haven't heard that latest wmv release, but will have to take a listen, thanks for the heads up!
  20. Track 1 from my upcoming CRS 3.0 split with CatCorp yall:
  21. this is really good! i love the pitch bending synth (?) in the background. Thanks my friend, i appreciate it!
  22. Thats so cool man, must have been a blast . David is a cool dude for sure. revisiting sunset corp vids TBH actually mallsoft and well done eccojams - the most cathartic vaporwave for me is still the stuff of a hauntology bent - as if the future imagined in the late 80s/early 90s came to be and sustained itself Yesss, Sunset Corp vids are so magical. I love that they exist only on youtube, without a formal release. It's so fitting for the character of the genre. In many ways, I feel that a lot of vaporwave is meant to exist via yt or bandcamp only, no physicals, soundcloud, spotify etc. i like that yt and bandcamp are worlds on their own, which early vaporwave has seed to kind of use as its stomping ground/home base, as if the movement was born right there in the 0's and 1's. +1 for mallsoft and top notch eccojams. I have to say im pretty much with you on that. My personal favs are mallsoft, classic jazzy stuff ( luxury elite/waterfront dining type stuff), and late night lo fi, which f500 excelled at in its day. Highly conceptual releases with themes of airplanes/flights, resorts, spas, and the like are usually what speak to me the most. I can't forget the utopian themes and sounds that also grasp me. Midi / stock / ultra clean / contemporary is another vibe that I always appreciate. The hauntology element of eccojams and dystopian, hypnogogic drift type stuff is a thing in itself that just takes the genre away to another world. I always think of Vek's Initiation Tape as one of the finest peices of vapor hauntology out there. There's too much awesomeness man, I could go on and on lol
  23. So now that we've all been here since the glory days of 2012, what's everyone's fav vapor subgenre?
  24. originally composed mallsoft from your beloved donovan hikaru im planning to create an original mallsoft album that captures a very specific mood https://soundcloud.com/user-793707903/nighttime-promenade-rough
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