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Lane Visitor

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Lane Visitor

  1. lol! Yes, this Zoology stuff is tight, and agreed!
  2. Thanks for the love guys, seriously! I'm already planning/brainstorming the next release.. it's really fun and somehow therapeutic for me to make this stuff. It's kind of addictive haha.. Next Donovan concepts floating around: "Pie of Opportunity (Business Professionals Only Pizza Party)".. maybe a late holiday/new years track ft. Brian Park, and possibly some others in the meantime. I'll definitely keep everyone posted!
  3. thanks man! much appreciated, hope ya dig (: cheers!
  4. Donovan Hikaru's first release!!! 6 trk EP: "Corporate Parasailing: A Guided Journey For Your Company's Flight To Success by Donovan Hikaru" Just uploaded to bandcamp.... free downloads... He made a new track tonight that's included on there that he hasn't posted yet for all you watmmers (track 4). ALL ORIGINAL MUSIC_ ALL DONOVAN. Bandcamp link: http://donovanhikaru.bandcamp.com/album/corporate-parasailing <3 Thanks ya'll! Hope you enjoy!
  5. i hear you, Mister... esp as of recently, ive wanted her to just let her voice be with the music (like it it sorta used to be) instead of over it.. havent followed much of her new stuff cuz i feel like she turned that direction a bit, like musicality became a background, and her concepts and voice for the sake of voice become the forefront. still, i idolize her and respect all of her output. and yes, !
  6. lololol! yes, i love that cover too! You are spot on. When the internet felt pretty good and it was all Clark and Bjork and Thom Yorke and Aphex and before all of preceding began acknowledging each other. right??? ahh the glory days of RECENT lol
  7. this track from 2007 pretty much encapsulates the true essence of Recentwave:
  8. Recentwave will be bringing back the sounds of 2012/ first half of 2013.. as well as the sounds and sights of 2009 (in certain genres). Stylistically, we're going with a mashup of everything from 2007-2011, but concept-wise will be much more recent (like everything from June 2013- December 2013). It's gonna be groundbreaking.
  9. oh btw, im proposing a new genre.. not huewave, not post-vaporwave, not new wave, not nowwave or futurewave... ... not quite in the moment, not in the past and not in the future, but rather, just "not too long ago"...
  10. ^^^^^ o m f g ::a m a z e b a l l s::
  11. doitdoitdoitand i'll get around to listening to it sometime in the current epoch, when i start parsing the ten zillion albums in this thread @prdctvsm that logo is so good it makes me want to actually make a spambient track otaaay! ill let you guyz know when it's up and ready (:
  12. Hey... so I'm thinking about releasing the first Donovan Hikaru EP, "Corporate Parasailing" (comprised of all the tracks I posted in this thread) as a free digital download via Bandcamp. Would anyone be interested in this? Thanks! <3 P.S.-- I've already started working on a track for his next release "Pie of Opportunity (Business Professionals ONLY- Pizza Party!)"
  13. "If you're listening to this message right now, it probably means you're one in 5 people that are going to have major health problems down the road. In fact, 33% of people in the U.S. aren't health-concious, and so their chances of getting a life-threatening or dibilitating sickness are escalated. By following the advice that comes with our Eco-friendly Internet Food diagram concept, you'll find out how to get back your body and mind immediately. Let me start bry telling you about a SUPERfruit that lowers your bad chloesterol, gives you more energy, and increades you lifespan. Click here to sign up and, and start living now!
  14. And so perfect... Its kind of where i think corporate stock muzak left off... I actually had some visual ideas for spam/virus/scam themes as well. If someone wants to make some multimedia/images relating to the theme, id be glad to have Donovan do some kind of stock music for getting rid of spam-- he'll do a business server spam theme, or a pyramid scheme/top 10 webhosting/afilliate marketing thing.. Or one of those spyware removers thats actually spyware itself!
  15. Nice! Love that label.. Dystopian Chic is great... thanks for the post, you just inspired me to buy/reserve a cassette copy of Digital Office 2 (:
  16. ^ Oooh fun! Spritzer clinks http://youtu.be/dmwt3ci06ig ^ yummy jazzy, trip hoppy, loungey vapors... I love this Lindsheaven album.. it's like DJ Shadow came into Luxury Elite's apartment, and said.. cut it out with that funk and disco, and let's make some tasty weather channel downtempo beats! ... still waiting for my Nordwrong cassette from 2060 records arrgghh
  17. Donovan is killing it! Those smooth executive lounge sax vibes... razor sharp corporate slide presentation visuals... top vapors in the scene right now! *Spritzer glasses clink* "Thank you my friend, and cheers Jason!" -Donovan
  18. Donovan Hikaru's new, all-original... "Employee Trust Fall" Enjoy! <3
  19. Whose thirsty for some fresh Donovan trackage? ;D ... uploading a new one to YouTube right now....
  20. I feel like I'm lucid dreaming, watching them.. speaking of which, someone should make a vaporwave/chillwave/ambient mix suitable for lucid dreaming... actually we, in this thread, should compile some kind "best of" of what we like from the genre: "Selected Vapors 11-13" lol
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